Holy Fuck, this is a pure Kino
No wonder this is Araki's Magnum Opus
Holy Fuck, this is a pure Kino
>literally part 1 but with a retard MC that teens can self-insert as instead of the real man MC
wow and amazing
It's the most consistently enjoyable, for sure.
>>literally part 1 but with a retard MC that teens can self-insert as instead of the real man MC
I swear to god you talk shit about gyro and I'll break your neck
Gyro's a fag lmao
How the hell they gonna Animate this ?
People who haven't read SBR aren't considered human beings and do not have rights
Dumb frogposter.
Are there even any plans to animate SBR?
After Vento Aureo & Stone Ocean.
>9gag watermark
Stay there please
Just be sure to lower your expectations when you start Part 8, it's nowhere near as interesting.
Really hard for me to admit anything is better than part 2, but I think I have to. SBR is just the best
GTFO part 4 is the only competition for first place with SBR edging out for superior art, bro and fights.
But it's not better than Vento Aureo. That's the true masterpiece.
>Vento Aureo
It was 7/10 at best.
Not even in the top 5 kek.
I don't want anyone to animate it
Can the "Part 4 is good" meme just die already? It was mostly just boring filler until the plot started 2/3 of the way through.
Fuck off.
Is Tusk Act IV the coolest and best handled powerup in all of manga?
I'd say so.
>mfw Infinite Spin
>mfw Tusk started prying open Love Train
>mfw multi-dimensional beatdown
>mfw Tusk moving in the stopped time
Yeah tusk is dope. He looks freaky too
Where's that mega with the manga. I might want to read sbr again just to make sure.
Just google Jojo Colored Adventure.
I will gladly place part 4 in my top 5, but maybe not top 3. However, I have to say it was one of the most comfy experiences I ever felt and I really appreciate it.
no, its fucking stupid
>lol, if I just have my spine broken, I'll understand everything
>magically beats already-OP Love train
>beats The World in like 10 minutes
and you fucks complained about GER being overpowered
Best Jojo part by far.
>already-OP Love train
Valentine worked his ass off to get that though. Unlike Johnny who was just gifted an OP stand.
>worked his ass off
he walked over to an unconcious girl and just took out the bones
>lol, if I just have my spine broken, I'll understand everything
>magically beats already-OP Love train
he beats it because the spin is gravity and gravity is a universal constant,it makes complete sense
>beats The World in like 10 minutes
He doesn't even beat The World at all.He's be fucking dead if it weren't for Steven Steel,speedreader.
Tusk by itself is a pretty shitty stand. To use Tusk Act 4 he had to master the spin,and even then he still needs a reference of the Fibonacci Spiral.
There's not a single asspull in the entire final fight of SBR.
I thought it was pretty great the first time through, after trying to go through it again I got bored out of my mind half the time.
>calls me a speedreader
>doesnt even remember how he gets the fucking stand
When is the next JJL? On the 18th?
Except for the weird deus ex machina of Johnny getting to keep Tusk after losing the corpse parts it's pretty solid
By not animating it duh.