Why are presidents always best girls?

Why are presidents always best girls?

She was a bro

I don't watch that garbage but prez are the best.

Exactly. Thank you.

We just don't know.


Because that's why they got elected.

you're all my niggas

Is this proper attire for a president?

Not always, last season was pretty shit and dragged on for way too long but I'm enjoying this season so far

>i'm not a nigga

There is absolutely no point in Ako when you've got master

Master has bigger tits then ako

and trump is the best president we've ever had. You never hear about the good things because the media is still salty as fuck about him winning instead of their gal so they slander him every chance they get.

mate we're on Sup Forums not Sup Forums it was just an anime joke


because they are always unattainable. The good ones at least

100% agree

黒神 めだか

She even has a better smug than Ako.


That would be Andrew Jackson.


I'm sure you can relate to him as an incompetent manchild


seems like mods are just butthurt shillary fags

This is seitokaichou thread. You'd do well to pick a wiser time and place.

Or maybe dumb American politics have nothing to do here.

Seems like a watertight theory.


It is if she wants to make her money.

Would you like to be my n*gga? You could be my n*gga if you want.

kill yourself.

That depends, who's your favorite kaichou

Yuru Yuri's seitokaichou is my favorite because she's super adorable, but I'm also partial to Seitokai no Ichizon's seitokaichou... for similar reasons.

Fuck off nigger.

Hello best prez here



There is absolutely no point in Ako or President when you've got Nekohime. What is the status of everyone so far in the current novel volume?

Ako has better everything.

Because they're presidents for a reason.

Not always, but usually. My waifu Tomoyo is a president, for example. There's just something about them being in authority and having nice personalities.