The age of riders is upon us with all these bike shows.
What a time to be alive.
The age of riders is upon us with all these bike shows
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Two wheeled vehicles should be fucking banned from the streets, you're a fucking menace that doesn't know or cares to follow road rules and regulations.
Cagers are the real menace.
I don't experience cars trying to squeeze their way on my right without any indication, fucking shiteating clowns, if you don't value your life at least try to kill yourself somewhere where I won't see you.
>I don't experience cars trying to squeeze their way on my right without any indication
No need for lies.
Beside you're probably one of these blind dumbfucks who's a public danger on the road.
T-boning people and going "uh I didn't see you lol" when they had priority.
>I don't experience cars trying to squeeze their way on my right without any indication
must be nice
Tell me about Hinako, why is she the best long rider?
Cars don't try to squeeze on my right because I drive on the right most car drivers don't feel like playing a roulette with physics, cyclists and bikers are much braver.
Autobaiku only.
I wonder if Saki user still loves her, or he was a seasonal waifufag manslut
Are you Euro or US? Right most lane is the fastest lane in my country and the most accidents seem to happen there because people like cutting into the fastest lane without a care of looking. Cyclists here always stuck to the left most lane, slowest lane/bus lane unless there's some oddball who tries their luck against metal containers weighing tons.
Long riders are for pump&dump anyway.
I still have his screencap montage
They are for long riding
>nobody's ripping the fixed animation Long Riders broadcast
Why live.
Can we take a moment to appreciate how great two car's ost is? The ED is god tier too and I usually don't like slower songs.
If you nigs learned to drive properly there wouldn't be half as much congestion and we wouldn't have this problem in hte first lace
I want to get the OST for the first track they used after GOOD MORNING MIYAKEJIMA.
It ain't eurobeat but it still hypes me up.
>Looks 9
>Im really an adult but I wear cat ears anyways
Minami is just really really off putting. Doesn't help when the MC is a special kind of retarded
This is now a Bakuon thread. Post Bakuons.
>Minami is just really really off putting
Where the fuck do you come from?
>Post Bakuons.
>post thumbnails
You could at least try.
That image was 1920x1080 last time I posted it, what the fuck happened?
EU, but not every country there is right-hand driving, and much less the most right lane being the fastest, in my country the right most lane happens to be the slowest and almost required by law (badly enforced) to drive in when there's low traffic, especially for trucks or cars carrying heavier loads.
>Where everyone is some flavor of shitty cunt
>Aoi will never be your boyfriend
Coach a best
this is a college student
She has the best aerodynamics.
Actually for cycling wouldn't her flatness just create an air wall? The larger breasted girls curvature would make an easier flow
After Bakuon shit so hard on cyclists, it's a bit hard to get yourself to watch the two cycling cartoons that came right afterwards.
I didn't bother with LR but watched minami because same VA
Really I find the opposite to be the case. Bakuon shit so hard on cyclists that it only made them look like insufferable shitters
Nobody cycles while sitting upright. Your chest is supposed to be almost parallel to the ground, and the lack of it works the best.
t. fatass
What the hell is that image? Absolutely disgusting, shame on whoever drew that. That's not the Saki I remember
What's with the bike shows and butts?
Lots of butts.
Lewd butts.
Needs some more pumping tracks.
no one uses those jersey skirts here in the States, why do the nips feel they should?
And speaking of lewd. Why was the official promo art on this show so lewd? The show was never like that.
Cycling is a good butt work out
Saki can probably crush coal into diamonds
Ami?! Don't spread your legs like that... Not in public at least
As long as she doesn't burn it.
Now that I think about it I never got around watching the two last episodes