Why is this popular?

Why is this popular?
It's just wish-fulfillment garbage, the only people that would like this are fatasses who spend their lives being autistic about video games and thinking that knowledge will be useful in the real world.

>Why is this popular?
>It's just wish-fulfillment
You answered your own question, OP.

I want to fuck the lolis and Jibril.

it has great lolis

also some of the techniques are actually pretty clever

>some of the techniques are actually pretty clever
Give me some examples.

Its fun i guess?

S2 Never

>flashy chromatic-diarrhea visuals
>I'd Jibril. I'd Jibril so fucking hard.
>I'd also Steph
>Many out there who'd the foot loli hard.

That answer your question OP?

Jibril battle where he limited the playing field at the beginning

Eventually! Technically a next season worth of material is DMCA'd off of the translated LN site so it might be in production. Although, thats been a thing for about a year and a half now

How the fuck is the show a wish-fulfillment? It's basically a Game of Thrones which the characters are engaged in literal games?

Yeah but the MCs have the power to win all the games forever

if Steph was the MC then it would be not wish fulfillment

>basically a Game of Thrones

This is what kneelers actually believe

Stop being such a pretentious whiny cunt and enjoy things. This is why you don't have any friends

Colorful animation, cute loli imouto with a hint of incest, and fanservice. Pretty obvious reasons, it's not like any of these elements are subtle. Like it or dislike it, if you can't identify why it's popular you're dumb as fuck.

Two people who do not fit in the real world and has no real world skills are transported to a world where they can overcome any challenge and become a success as if the world is catered to their abilities.
That sounds pretty wish-fulfillment.

They're both mega geniuses though, if they were regular NEETs who got transported it'd be wish fulfilment.

Isn't being misunderstood mega geniuses also part of the wish-fulfillment factor?

But they're not? The first episode just shows that they're really good at vidya and griefing people.

Unless I'm remembering wrong I'm pretty sure that even in the first episode they're shown to be ridiculously smart, aren't they shown to be grandmaster chess players in the first episode?

I wouldn't say that, if that counted almost all genres would be wish fulfilment.

>wish-fulfillment garbage
That's what all anime is retard.

It's funny, has a unique artstyle, cute memorable characters, nice OST, some interesting parts, refferences that aren't that cringey and play a part in the story, no self insert mcs,

it's entry level garbage. the show sucked

Fuck man I don't really remember NGNL that well 2bh.

I usually put it on as backdrop while I got shitfaced off whatever alcohol I could get lots of for cheap every day after my shitty wagecuck job while it was airing.

The Loli was a legitimate genius.
Sora is the neckbeard-tier NEET who's just misunderstood because he speaks his mind.

He's still a genius too though, just not as smart in terms of math like Shiro.

>The series follows Sora and his younger stepsister Shiro, two hikikomori who make up the identity of Blank, an undefeated group of gamers. One day, they are challenged by the god of games to chess and are victorious. As a result, the god summons them to Disboard, a reality which revolves around games. Intent on maintaining their reputation as the undefeated gamers, Sora and Shiro plan to conquer the sixteen ruling species and to usurp the god of games.

So wait, two useless human beings for no reason at all gets transported to a world that fits the exact useless skills that they have?
If they were so good at chess and stuff why didn't they make a career out of it?

Sora has mental health issues and Shiro is severely autistic so they're fine being NEETs.

Because they're literal NEETs with agoraphobia out the ass.

It was a key point in the show when they first got transported.

Cause trauma or something.
They're just really bad at interacting with people, one because people expected too much of her, and the other cause he'a an insensitive dick.
Could be argued they both have mental issues, and ended up becoming codependent.

Then wouldn't they still be NEETs after being transported to the game world?
They would still have to interact with people there.

>product that strongly appeals directly to certain people is popular among those people
Say it ain't so. It's not for you, not everything is made to cater to your desires and you're not special for rejecting it. Hating something only because of the kind of people you imagine enjoy it is pure faggotry as well.

Autistic fatass detected.

Sora basically has 99 charisma for some reason so he's good at talking to people, helps that the new world is basically a game too.

Why wasn't he good at talking to people in the real world?

Because apparently this particular fantasy world caters exactly to their special brand of turbo-sperg to the point where it makes them revered as gods.

Nice limped dick insult. Cheaper than your mother.

I like it because it has qt girls/designs and the colors are pretty.

I don't remember him having trouble talking to people, him being really good at speaking was a big part of his character.

"the only people that would like this are fatasses who spend their lives being autistic about video games and thinking that knowledge will be useful in the real world."

dude you just answered your own question

Why would he be a neet then?

Because he has severe mental health issues. One is he can't be separated from Shiro or he turns into a nervous wreck.

They're mildly ok when they're together.
And there's the fact that the new world's rules makes things much simpler for them.

There's a line from the Light Novel (Volume 6) that I wish the movie kept, regarding Tet's thoughts about Riku and Schwi
>For they, compared to Sora and Shiro—the ones whose names spelled Blank—
>—were far stronger.
>After all, “ ” had turned their backs on that challenge, whereas those two had played the game with no rules—reality—and pulled off a stalemate.

I get the impression from this line that if Sora and Shiro weren't such cowards, maybe they could have actually changed their world for the better, but decided to just lock themselves away.

This is basically it isn't it?
It's not about the setting, it's not about the games, it's not about the story.
People just like it because pretty girls and pretty colors.

I don't care about wish fulfillment or whatever.
I'm just disgusted at how there's literally no explanation their method. It was like "We're smart so don't question us".
Stuff like surviving hydrogen bomb, calculated shot and other shit are pulled out of the author's ass

Mondaji did a better job at explaining literally everything.

You just don't get it, it's okay to admit you're too stupid to understand it.

Gimme a scientific explanation how sucking each other allows u to live, what's the calculations for that last shot, how a person can stop a coin like that

Sora is a high functioning sociopath who mimics enotions for profit, and becomes useless without his loli.

This is anime in a nutshell. If you wanted character or story, you would read a book nigger.

Is this Shiro porn? If so stop It

>outsmart people in their world
>get shot in the face

>outsmart people in isekai world
>people can only grumble as you become kings

IRL is a lot more comfortable when it's G-rated

Did you even watch the show?

I generally care about the story and questioning how they can beat the races with very good magic. No matter how smart they are beating the elves and especially Flugels should be impossible for Sora and Shiro. Granted if Jibril is allowed to take part It would be a breeze

You literally watched/read something entirely different. Jibril saved them from the hyrdogen bomb with her barrier because she wanted the game to continue since It just started. Also user after everything they do Sora literally takes time to explain how and why. They even did this for the fucking rock paper scissors match against Steph

Like I said, everything is just there. Even if I'm wrong about the other parts, that pre-calculated shot was still bull. They didn't explain how they came into that conclusion; they just miraculously figured it out.

>Wish-fulfillment garbage
You don't fucking say.

It's good because it embraces the genre. All of anime is wish-fulfillment garbage, NGNL accepts that. The real world is garbage, this world is better, please enjoy our cute girls.

>pre-calculated shot
Are you talking about during Jibril's game or when Steph won the werebeast game?

I've said it in the other thread and I'll say it again, it's retarded fun. turn off your brain, shut up and enjoy it

へんりいだ did official doujin one of art for the movie, not porn, probably just ecchi like thr LN art is.

Same way as the movie: have them fight eachother, profit.

>Berserk is wish-fulfillment

>not wishing to have sex with a black man as a young boy

>Thinking that knowledge will be useful in the real world
Well, yeah. . .

Power fantasy. Edgy manly men are and have always been part of that.

You're actually autistic.