Absolute train wrecks you miss
Absolute train wrecks you miss
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>train wrecks
It was shit from the beginning and boring.
Watching it live it was a hoot
Man, I really wanted to like this but it was just too damn boring. I even forgot to watch the last two episodes.
I've been watching it with Sup Forums, until I dropped it out of boredom.
how could i forget, it had the best couple
I only watched the first episode but I'm really thinking of giving it another chance because of them.
Readhead was the typical edgy deadpan.
Season 2 when?
This is your mother tonight
Animated by 6 yr olds.
You posted it.
uo mabushi
Don't insult 6 year olds, I bet even they could do better than A-1.
I really do miss it. I unironically liked all three pairs, although the badass lesbians and the deadpan snarker siblings were best. The plot wasn't bad, either, it was trashy in a good way and had some neat reveals that we could only speculate about while it was airing. And Aoi Yuuki was brilliant, too.
So it kinda makes me sad the production collapsed so much right from the first episode, it sure made it more memetic, but less memorable in the long run. Light novel writers should get drunk together more often instead of trying to do something generic on their own.
There hasn't been a real trainwreck since Valvrape imo.
Cross Ange.
>Absolute train wrecks
You first OP.
QUALITY Code kind of was to be honest. The three-pairs thing never really worked out and ended up feeling rushed.
Get on the bus.
I would unironically watch a spinoff just about Hime doing Hime things.
It's not a trainwreck. Tachibana's part was unironically good, Watari also tried, even if it's not really his type of story and setting. Sagara's the only real problem of Qualidea.
I wasn't really a trainwreck. It was an average show with a troubled schedule.
A trainwreck would be something exceptionally bad/strange/dumb.
Hime was the best part and a lot of that has to do with Aoi Yuuki.
Yuri city best city.
Is A1 hiring trolls now?
It was a trainwreck. Between the QUALITY and the low-effort plot everyone watching it with Sup Forums knew it at the time.
First, you create the kind of anti-hero that's popular right now but relegate him to a side character and make a generic tryhard be the main. Then you "kill" the main girl and best girl and expect anyone to be surprised when it's revealed they aren't really dead. After that you try to shoehorn some "we're aliens who just want to understand humans" trope that doesn't matter because they get buttblasted anyway. all in the last two episodes.
>First, you create the kind of anti-hero that's popular right now but relegate him to a side character and make a generic tryhard be the main. Then you "kill" the main girl and best girl and expect anyone to be surprised when it's revealed they aren't really dead. After that you try to shoehorn some "we're aliens who just want to understand humans" trope that doesn't matter because they get buttblasted anyway. all in the last two episodes.
Literally what I said,
>Sagara's the only real problem of Qualidea.
Troll =/= someone you disagree with
Similarly, trainwreck =/= a bad show. What really defines a trainwreck is a good number of retarded twists that nobody saw coming.
Qualidea had shitty twists, sure, but they lacked any impact as they were somewhat consistent with the narrative for the most part. The aliens part was the more outlandish twist in there but yeah it didn't matter since there were barely any episodes left and the enemies were still the exact same.
At most a couple carriages were lost but it was not a real trainwreck.
Nah, it was your average forgettable anime but the ridiculous amount of QUALITY made it fun enough to follow.
You're not keeping an eye on Sekiya Asami's public profile.
It's choke full of that particular couple.
I actually liked it.
I think the biggest problem with Qualidea Code (other than the writing) is that it seems they blew the budget on the VAs and OP/ED singers. If it had good animation instead of QUALITY then perhaps it wouldn't have been as much of a trainwreck.
That wasn't really a train wreck. Shit would have to have hit the fan in a horribly put together way for it to qualify as that. Instead it just kinda whimpered out.
Seikaisuru Kado says hello.
Watching Cross Ange with Sup Forums is one of the best memories of my life.
>Sagara's the only real problem of Qualidea.
Yeah, he was treading outside his writing norms, Watari played it safe by just transferred his comfy Chiba siblings antics to almighty Tachibana-sensei's world setting.
Still enjoyed the fuck out of it, even after it went completely batshit.
Damn, that one was fucking awesome. Shit was absolutely ridiciluous and made no sense whatsoever but I still loved every moment of it.
They really should have just adapted the Kanagawa novels. Hime was more well rounded and the plot played out like a kamachi novel featuring a reverse trap remembering she's lesbian for her childhood friend muscle princess.
I'm not sure if I miss QC, but I definitely miss Hime.
Cum in Hime.
The fact that one of the battles early on was shown with only still shots killed me because of how bad it was. And Canary "dying" was hilarious.
here's the official trainwreck of the year, char's counterattack
That's pretty sad desu.
Can you spot the main characters, Sup Forums?
I haven't watched this. Is it true that it was one of the inspirations for Girlish Number?
Looking at the uniforms, I would say the girl on the left. But it also could be the two minihumans in the middle
>you'll never get on top of your red haired imouto and touch her neck making her uncomfortable as fuck
why even live?
Its the two minihumans in the middle.
Valvrave was the shit. I even bought Jewbro's mecha.
I wouldn't be surprised. QC was pretty much just a fun hack job by the authors in which they got to apply their fetishes in a same universe, but then A-1 fucked it up badly.
The timeline doesn't really add up. GN aired right after QC and I don't think QC's production started early enough for Watari to really draw from his experiences for another show. Anime series are in production for ~2 years.
Gundam SEED Destiny
The finale truly was the very definition of a train wreck.
maybe I was the only who hate that cunt
this desu
I'd pay a lot of money to watch this again with Sup Forums for the first time
Did somebody save their webm?
spoonfeed me, file has no name
name or full pic for reverse search?
Left one is :Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara
Middle one is : Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru
The speculation people had was a better show than the show itself.
This shit was totally wild. I had no idea where the plot was going, even though I thought I had an idea at the start of the series.
I doubt it. He probably wrote it from his experience with the Oregairu anime and talking with his other LN buddies about their experiences.
I don't think it's fair to put the Tachibanas and Hachiman + his sister on there with the rest of them
Wasn't Alnoah Zero after Valvrave
I still miss it.