You cannot deny it Sup Forums

you cannot deny it Sup Forums


dumb frogposter

I rip the skin.

/dg/ digits/dubs general.
Check my 8.

Why didn't the sticky stop posters like OP?

a littly sticky wont stop me

inb4 404

Quality thread

Posting in terminal thread

>sakurafish and santa yui are kill
>threads like this can stay more than half hour without getting deleted
good to know your priorities, mods

this bread will be kill soon

mods are sleeping
quick claim your waifu

What was even the reason for the deletion of Sakurafish? That one was tradition

all of them


How is it possible making containment boards for cancer instead of killing the cancer lead to them spreading out of containment?
If only Moot were still here....he'd be able to save Sup Forums....



this triggers the mod

Daily shitposting is still shitposting even if you do it for 8 years.

something something incites other people to do daily threads as well something


>50 DB threads at once
>bait threads
>still delete sakura on site

Well, Sakurafish is gone but the daily shitposting threads are still flooding the entirety of Sup Forums. So what's the deal, really?

I honestly haven't even been going to Sup Forums (Resident of Sup Forums for years but I'm sick of them so I'm trying something new) for very long and even I notice the metric fuckton of DB threads up at the same time all the time. What's up with that?


The mods are all probably Dragonball loving normalfags from Sup Forums but at least they're trying to clean this shithole up a little bit.