ITT: the most generic anime protagonists possible

ITT: the most generic anime protagonists possible

>starting a protagonist thread
>not starting a "autistically loud and obnoxious" thread

I haven't been watching the new series, is Pink Hair still pathetic and useless?

we got one episode where she was cucked but then they went back on it. She's still a shitty mother who is amazingly useless compared to the other two in team seven

Nigger people can see you replying to yourself

>thread shitting on shonen
>"You must be same fagging!"

How do we know you aren't the OP?

B-but he got angry when his friend "died" that means he's a deconstruction of shonen tropes and only intellectuals understand111!

>b-b-b-but it's okay because it was the first shonen so started all those shitty tropes

This little boy has some nice sinewy legs.

>protagonist is an 11 year old boy
is shonen being ironic when they make the main character underage and childish so their viewers can relate to it?

definitely, now is like an explanation for the pedofile clown

>thread shitting on hxh
>stop same fagging!!!
every time

We can see the amount of unique IPs on bottom right corner newshit.

is being generic measurable? it means all his traits are generic? can you be more or less generic? i don't understand

>Holding conversations with yourself
>Replying to the same post multiple times
>Admitting you made this thread purely to shit on something
>Being so fucking new that you don't understand how Sup Forums works

At least in other harem shows they try to give the guy some kind of personality or visual quirk, but Yuichi is just.... blah

At least his personality makes up for it.

Fuck I hate this faggot so much. One of the reasons I dropped the show at like ep 40 or so.

Of course , leave it for a newfag moron to come here and shit the board up.

Can a mod just fucking ban this idiot?

Someone made this argument in a HxH thread the other day. I never know whether it's a case of babies first shounen, or they're just baiting. Then you have people who clearly aren't new but somehow have this shit in their 3x3s. How do people like Digifag like HH so much? It can't only be due to shit taste.

You'd think he was new based on his 3x3 regardless.

Was gonna post Kintaro from Golden Boy but this one does it as well.

No, you retard he just didn't get angry. He got angry because his friend died and literally ended up destroying his body and losing his nen. Now go ahed and list any other shonen MC doing this, you dumb faggot.

This. Too bad newfags don't know about the IP counter.

>literally just more retarded goku