Why do brunettes in anime always get the short end of the stick?
Why do brunettes in anime always get the short end of the stick?
Dying counts as winning now?
They don't have pure undyed hair like blondes or black haired girls which means they lack confidence
Beta MCs have shit taste.
I'm glad Chitoge won over this doormat. Moeblob fags BTFO for once.
Chiaki has the more impressive chest though.
Why must tomboys lose?
Blondes tend to stand out more
Brunettes are a dime a dozen
>I'm glad Chitoge won over this doormat.
Chitoge was literally your dime a dozen tsundere. Her winning was also shit because its either the tsundere or moe girl that wins the MCbowl.
I would've been impressed if Komi decided for a Yui or Marika route since those two were clear about their feelings since day one, and those girls never win.
>tsundere but not an ape
>reasonable as a human being
>subtle facial expressions and unique design
Tsugumi is objectively the best character in Nisekoi and she deserves a whole new manga with a new alpha MC that is not a nu-male cuck faggot..
Tsundere almost never wins, though. More people root for the moeblob because most of the audience are betas that likes doormats.
Yui from To Love Ru is shit
>implying most aren't betas who enjoy being physically abused by a bipolar slut
They aren't even tsundere, they're just abusive.
>Tsundere almost never wins
You obviously haven't read that much manga if you genuinely think this.
Brun is shit.
Blond, long straight black hair and red is fine though.
>Not liking tsundere = beta
Liking tsundere is the most fucking Beta thing there is. you're basically submitting yourself to abuse because only a girl with a loud and rash personality can make up for the lack of your own one. Not to mention most tusndere's are literally fucking mentally impaired.
>Like someone
>Beat them and hurl insults at them because of this
That's literal fucking autism right there, and liking people like that is just as autistic.
Fuck off.
Brunette > black > unnatural (pink, red etc.) > redhead >>>>>>> shit >>>>>>> blonde
chitoge was a shit tsundere
>abusive to ridiculous degrees
>angry over the tiniest things
>never had the balls to flirt or tease the MC
>Tsundere almost never wins
Modern abusive tsundere a shit. Classic tsundere are far superior.
fuck off Pablo
>>abusive to ridiculous degrees
>>angry over the tiniest things
>>never had the balls to flirt or tease the MC
That sounds more like a typical tsundere to me
Phoneposter opinion doesn't matter.
>Classic tsundere are far superior.
You got that right.
>That sounds more like a typical tsundere to me
Definitely not. That's the typical modern one if anything. There were days when all the MC got was a smack across the face or on the head at most, not a fucking beatdown.
The whole idea of "winning" and "losing" is incredibly retarded because people take it as there being an element of actual chance to it when these stories are written to have a specific "winner" since day one. Even in garbage harem anime that seems to flirt with the idea of giving every girl a chance, there's a clear main girl and very rarely does an author betray audience expectation. It's not even something that is necessary. It's actually damaging to the genre because you should never sacrifice a coherent concise story for the sake of a surprise switch ending. That sort of harem writing is kind of the cancer of the romance genre because if every scene that builds up a girl toward a romance conclusion but only one ever reaches it, then all of that other time investment was worthless. Same if you invest and build on a clear main girl only to switch her out by a random side character at the end. You should write your supporting cast as supporting cast even if they're all romantically interested in the main character, and by the time the story is over each one of those girls should have reached an end that's something more than just "I wanted to bang this guy but I lost the race xDD".
tl;dr harem is pretty shit and what's worse is seeing every romance through harem goggles.
not always
Does someone like getting beaten?
What about pic related?
I so fucking wish 3rdworlders were rangebanned from this board.
kinda funny how the 90's had one of the weirdest getups in history, you'd think "can't touch this" is from like the 80's but it's from 1990.
>Frustrated betas mad at the truth
How cute. You should go dominate your little crying moeblob waifu in a maid outfit to cool off a bit. Do it like a ""''""true alpha""""" male would do.
Is there anything worse then people who actively root for the shocking side girl win? Especially when it doesn't make any sense to how the story has been written and foreshadowed?
This is from the 80s user.
My Hero Academia is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the quirks, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole hero faggotry and everything about the My Hero Academia world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
My Hero Academia is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Sup Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no My Hero Academia threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
I like tsunderes that are done right. See Madoka Ayukawa.
>can't handle cute, soft girls in a maid uniform
Found the homo.
What is there to handle? They're already on their knees waiting to take orders like a dog and suck your dick. How alpha of you to handle this!
>he doesn't want a bro-tier tomboy
Tsunderes are literally just like moeblobs underneath their hard exterior though. Just like moeblobs, they never actively pursue their object of affection because they get too flustered at the thought of it; see Chitoge. They also get flustered at the thought of being a housewife; see Tsugumi.
This. The only girls worth going for are the ones who wish you dead. The ones who try to hit you at every opportunity and enjoy your suffering
>beta males don't want a cheater
I can't think of anything more alpha than eating another man's semen out of your waifu.
That is super gay. If you were heterosexual, you'd ditch the girl and stick your cock inside the man.
tsunderes these days summed up
>hits the mc even if something isnt his fault
>insults the mc to no end
>never goes after the mc herself or even tries to flirt because shes too scared of rejection like the average moeblob
>turns red and stutters like a moeblob while saying "i-i didnt do this for you stupid" or "d-dont get the wrong idea, you hear me"
its shit
Fuck your 3dpd whore
>Make a series that should by all logic subvert traditional harem tropes
>Nope just play em all straight and as an arrow
That's already less shallow than a girl just sitting here waiting for orders. Damn the tsunderes for having a layer of personality!
>Damn the tsunderes for having a layer of personality!
A shitty layer of personality that's just prone to violence and talking down to the person they supposedly like.
Esto es el fin grande padre
fuck I thought it was from the 90's, I have dishonored my family.
Last one is unfair.
Chitoge was one of the dere-est tsuns there is.
You're an extreme casual for tsunderes if you still thought she was too harsh.
Chitoge is one of the prettiest modern anime characters, up there with Rem.
That's not a layer, that's horribly bipolar.
Someone know who won between mui and kurumi in the series Mahou Sensou?
>posting the wrong version
i love rin
You posted the fake version Hater Faggot
Am I doing it right?
No, you are not. Both are going to win in the last one.
It's the correct version
Could someone spoon me?
You can add Darkness and Megumin from Konosuba now. The former lost to the latter.
Anime is all about escapism, so it's natural that Japs would prefer blonde hair over black or brown hair.
Same hater faggot you are wrong, again
But violin kicked the bucket and baseball won. That chart is flawed.
Fuck off back to where you got this image Pablo.
Blonde hair is just better. It's a fact.
Almost nobody would disagree. However, some fictional hair colors look better than blonde.
Gentlemen prefer blondes