Name a worse Mary Sue.
Name a worse Mary Sue
What was the deal with blue Geass again?
It can cancel other Geass abilities, like the Geass canceller.
No wonder that character is called a mary sue. What other character can cancel Geass?
That one self insert from the Code Geass VN.
Jeremiah Gottwald
Nunally in her own spin off with the power of asspull manages to undo the geass making her blind. It also manages to undo the terrible injuries making her unable to walk.
Kill yourself
why is her mouth so small?
why was there a nightmare falling from the sky in the last 4 mins from movie 5 ?
I stopped watching after 3. Does the whole cast die? Any of them get Suzaku'd?
They all live
I still think it was great up until the bullshit last episode.
Would've been a better series than the original if they could tie the story up better.
No you mean Orange kun
You first asswipe
>no u
No, he's right. Kill yourself.
Agreed, it was great and could have been amazing but they kind of ran out of steam, wish they would have left that gypsy shit out though. That being said, Leila is definitely the most interesting and overall best CG girl.
>Sasuke is super strong and perfect
>still jobs nearly every fight despite being pretty much invincible
>Would've been a better series than the original
Didn't have characters good enough for that. Leila was just a Mary Sue on every aspect and Akito, who displayed a lot of attitude at first, was just an uninteresting dude with a bland backstory, and his evolution from "edgy soldier who smirks and makes cynical comments" to "nice guy" didn't feel believable.
The side characters were decent, but not enough to save the series. I liked Ryo, Yukiya, Ayano, who was like a Kallen who didn't care about ideologies, and Ashley, but Shin is the one who killed the show in the end. He was nauseatingly edgy, and no aspect of his character made me want to learn more about him. He was both despicable, in the way he killed his foster family, and uninteresting.
Meanwhile, the original actually had amazing characters. Even Shirley, who often gets flak, is much more complex than any character introduced in the spinoff.
Boukoku no Akito has its redeeming points, like the very dynamic fight scenes, with blows landing from every angle in gorgeous CGI, cool mecha designs, and how it fills its role as a complement to the original by developing the geopolitical climate and showcasing the different powers in conflict in the Code Geass world. Purely subjective, but I also thought the part with the grannies was an adorable depiction of life in Eastern Europe and was the only part of the five movies I'd define as touching. I also like how they used my mother tongue, French, sparsely and correctly. But it never, ever had the potential to surpass R1 and R2; it's inferior in almost every possible way from a writing standpoint.
L and Light
Death Note has more asspulls than Jojo's
>inherited charisma and political intelligence from her Britannian father who emigrated to Europia to change the world
>parents were assassinated and she was chosen by the witch, C.C., to wield the Geass
>was adopted by an aristocratic French family, giving her the platform she needed to impact the world
>harbors no feelings of disgust toward the oppressed and wants to save them
>her Geass is a different color and it can negate other Geass powers
we got it all boys
this fucking faggot