Soldiers of the goyim! This is a call to arms! The juden gave just exposed themselves with a big obvious paranoid mistake and now we can easily get the masses on our side so quickly take to twitter and spread the "anti globalist" message and watch as it causes the Jews to show themselves because all globalists are jew!

Go go go, take to the internet and spread this message. This is our chance to awaken the spirit of the people against our Neimisis!

Other urls found in this thread:


Pic related: anti goyim group on facebook


It's time to rise and slay the American/European Jew once and for all!

>Anything that points out my jewish corruption is anti-semitism.
And kikes wonder why we want them wiped off the earth.

As the nazis said: they cannot coexist with us, they refuse too!

this has been their strategy for along time, the only way they can be outed or challenged is when whites stop falling for them using victim hood as the exploitation of empathy as a tool for manipulation.

It's a shield, just as "racism" is for blacks or "misogyny" and "sexism" is for women.

Reminder that Jewish Globalization was victorious in WW2, General Patton realized that but it was too late.


...still cant believe they openly called themselves globalists.....

This was the final redpill for me.

ANTIFA confirmed as jew-hating Nazis.

So if Anti-Globalism is Anti-Semitism, then Globalism is Semitism.

On a scale of one and six-gorillion, how big is this fuckup?

>double checked for confirmation
Problem will be solved just as the USA has always done: exhaust every option except for the right one, and then do the right thing.

Theyve lost now, this was such a tremendous fuck up for the Jews and now we can call them out for it openly

Am I retarded or are they? Leftys are currently saying that globalism = Jews and it’s anti-semitic. Now Jews are saying anti-globalism is also anti-semitism. I think they just fucked up bigly unless I’m reading this wrong.

Thanks drunk potato. Things are moving faster than I could have ever hoped to expect. Fuckups like this mean that they're desperate. In desperation, mistakes are made. It doesn't take much for a small mistake to destroy an entire empire.

Maybe I should keep a few screenshots for personal records and snapshot the downfall.

1. One cannot fight the Globalist by positive means. He is a negative, and this negative must be erased from the American system or he will forever corrupt it.
2. One cannot discuss the Globalist question with the Globalists. One can hardly prove to a person that one has the duty to render him harmless.
3. One cannot allow the Globalist the same means one would give an honest opponent, for he is no honorable opponent. He will use generosity and nobility only to trap his enemy.
4. The Globalist has nothing to say about American questions. He is a foreigner, an alien, who only enjoys the rights of a guest, rights that he always abuses.
5. The so-called religious morality of the Globalists is no morality at all, rather an encouragement to betrayal. Therefore, they have no claim to protection from the state.
6. The Globalist is not smarter than we are, rather only cleverer and craftier. His system cannot be defeated economically — he follows entirely different moral principles than we do. It can only be broken through political means.
7. A Globalist cannot insult a American. Globalist slanders are but badges of honor for a American opponent of the Globalists.
8. The more a American person or a American movement opposes the Globalist, the more valuable it is. If someone is attacked by the Globalists, that is a sure sign of his virtue. He who is not persecuted by the Globalists, or who is praised by them, is useless and dangerous.
9. The Globalist evaluates American questions from the Globalist standpoint. As a result, the opposite of what he says must be true.
10. One must either affirm or reject anti-Globalizm. He who defends the Globalists harms his own people. One can only be a Globalist lackey or a Globalist opponent. Opposing the Globalists is a matter of personal hygiene


Its uncanny how much Patton and Trump look alike.

Retaking the world back from the globalists wont be possible without violence.
At least current Jews are weak compared to the ones Nazis fought.


To lie, is to twist the truth into a unrecognizable shape so that the ones who would be naturally aware of said truth, be fooled into believing it is not such.

Alas, lies, like everything else, base themselves upon truth to work (else it would be simply a pure fabrication made apparent by even the simplest of analysis) and thus, they cannot be too overt in their lies else it make the gig obvious for all who bother to look. But sadly, liar lack consistency else they wouldn't require lies to further their plan and thus, eagerly lies when the opportunity show itself. But then comes up another problem: the want and desires of the liar changes with times, while the lies were already told. So inevitably, the liar lie about something which he already lied about and give contradictory testimony, which in turn make his nature extremely apparent for he has no reason not to twist the current lie in an opportunistic manner, adapted to the current situation. They dug themselves into a corner and now have the audacity to scream foul, which only further incriminate them.

Or said differently, they lied about globalism not being about Jews, and they lied about globalism being about Jews. So then we can only come to one logical and truthful conclusion : That they lied at first to hide the Jewish nature of globalism, and afterward lied to paint criticism of globalism as antisemitism in an attempt to silence opposition. Thus they were liar all along, and thus proceeded to show themselves to the entire world what they truly are.

Ironic isn't it, that the lie is fated to be truth, for it was truth in the first place.

How can we infiltrate that?

Get some non Jewish people who might pass as looking Jewish (Muslims, Jewish looking but not actually Jewish people , etc)

globalism = fantastic. because of globalism standard of living has bloomed in the west. cheap products from asia. and vice versa poverty in the world have declined every decade hugely.

nazis = leftists who rose in power because of poverty and hitlers saw a good chance so he found a scapegoat people and things got out of hand and full blown class war since kristallnacht.

a class war is always how civil war starts. we will have a civil class war also in usa where middle class is disappearing and things will get super bad in 3 years

The ADL is officially retarded once again

>you are a nazi
>you are a nazi
>everybody is a nazi

Avg price of house around 1998 before white-genocide and open-borders went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$170k in SF
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$130k in Vancouver
>£50k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in SF
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£1m in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites

>Betray your people cuz monies

Saved and spread


To hit normies with this change "white genocide" to "globalisation" and "open-borders" to "free trade.
>normies are conditioned to see the word "white" and switch off
>normies are conditioned to see open-borders as good, therefore price rises are also good.

Save and spread brother!


This is why he was assassinated



Late 1990s:
>White Canadians were a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ bullshit
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks, etc everywhere
>Multiculturalism expands to hyper levels, every school/university/work place/govt agency starts ramming diversity down our throats
>House prices start accelerating
>Wages start decreasing
Fast Forward 2017
>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes
>Most Universities have non-white majorities
>Whites down to 65-68%
>Whites will be Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, govt always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year
>But nobody has ever heard of a white person immigrating in the last 20 years
>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every govt decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ govt bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in 1996, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>govt passed M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion, setting road to criminalize any criticism of migration policy
You are here.

Oy vey! Look at these anti-semitic leftists from nearly 20 years ago!

>The Dark Side of Globalization: Why Seattle's 1999 Protesters Were Right
>The WTO demonstrators were the "Occupy" movement of the late-20th century—mocked, maligned, and mostly right.
>The organizers were a hodgepodge of groups—unions worried about competition from cheap foreign labor, environmentalists worried about the outsourcing of polluting activities, consumer protection groups worried about unsafe imports, labor rights groups worried about bad working conditions in other countries, and leftists of various stripes simply venting their anger at capitalism.
>The anti-globalization movement, or counter-globalisation movement,[1] is a social movement critical of economic globalization. The movement is also commonly referred to as the global justice movement,[2] alter-globalization movement, anti-globalist movement, anti-corporate globalization movement,[3] or movement against neoliberal globalization.



gas the globalists, world war now

Send them a pic of your circumcised wiener.

Who posted that? All I am getting with jewgle is shitty wiki pages


> how big is this fuckup
He's a more sensible unit scale 'Hitlers'. Using this I'd say it was at least 2 to 3 Hitler fuckup
>pic related

Yeah it would have been great if Hitler won and butchered half of Eastern Europe. Fucking retard

Shouldn't it be adjusted for inflation?

Jews, gypsy's, kebabs and gopniks arent pure aryans

>the Hitler measurement system
I like this unit system. 2~3 Hitlers you say? That's a lot of munnies at stake there.
The introduction of refugee, illegal, and increase in shitskin population into the USA has devalued the average value of an American life, so it completely negates any inflation over the years since this post.

>The prices of property gets higher the more people there are
No shit Nostradamus

>The prices of property gets higher the more people there are on who those people are and how many of them are near you it can alter the price in either direction. More is not always a prise rising factor.

Well, if there's places to develop and apartments to build, then sure. I was assuming that there is high demand and low supply of land in the area which should make the prices rise.

>No actual documents survive
Nice source there, Wikipedia.

Did they just argue in favor of sweatshops?

> Held in South Africa
Yup nothing to see there

wtf i love globalism now

