I want to talk about figures like these
Buyfag thread
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I care not for figures like that.
what I mean is that it's rare to get prize figures that large which would be almost 1/7 sized(interms of height), even with its flaws it's one of the best OP prize figurines released lately in terms of QC
Those nipples could pop a balloon
I need it.
Can someone clarify this for me?
It already got taken down from KyoAnishop so I couldn't double check it.
This was sold with the ticket. I remember reading something that there was something in the event that you have to personally go to, to get it.
Why aren't you making dioramas/backdrops for your scales and/or figures?
I got sort of custom made 1/12 furniture from taobao for my figmas. They are really comfy now.
Where is the plastic film protecting her skin from paint transfer?
why would you want that to be posted again?
And they say figures are useless.
it makes you wonder when even mfc's userbase is openly trashing their own mods, for their unfair behaviour.
I don't want to post post pics there anymore because they might be deleted by a MOD for no reason and w/o any explanation and then reuploaded again by them from the same source, fucking rude.
>purchase two volumes of a manga
>Volume 2 will be delivered tomorrow
>Volume 1 in November
>mfc drama
so you don't agree that MFC is turning worse and worse?, it used to be useful, now you can't even make a post or blog entry because it might be deleted.
I think a lot of us just don't care, user.
You don't need to make a post or blog entry, use the database and avoid the community like the plagues has always being the way to go with MFC.
If you're talking about the shit layout and gimped search engine, sure. Most people here don't give two fucks about the forum or the blogs.
That is all.
I want T2 to die.
>stepping on chewing gum
Reminder why Tony Rin binned despite being an excellent sculpt.
I only use mfc for the database. I don't give two shits about the blog or other shit on the site. I just think it's funny.
Probably due to being one of the two worst Loids. I expect this to skyrocket for similar reasons.
Probably because it was low quality as fuck
I really want this slut.
Post good figures that binned and are in stock.
t. poorfag
do your own groundwork faggot
Just browse Mandarake or something. How are we supposed to know what you like?
>go to amiami
>pick character
>sort by new/pre-owned
>sort by figures category
Alternately you can sort by a brand you are interested in instead of character. You can probably do similar things on different sites.
>two cutest figures of the year are Saber
>Racing Saber
>Alter Saber Alter
Type moon is the savior of buyfagging.
Saber is cute.
Who /fit/ here?
Super cute face, can't wait to see the nips cum all over it!
Amakuni Cyan is on her way
Just to remind that user who missed her pre-order
Where's her nose?
Nice Get Money.
What is that stuff for? Testosterone deficiency?
How long until we have T2 Sabers and Sonicos to go with the T2 Mikus?
I just came across this figure and it's nowhere to be found, unavailable everywhere. Does anyone know some other places?
I forgot to say, at a normal price
Speaking of cute Seiba what is your opinion of this pretty little lady? I think the fig looks great but I know nothing about the company making her.
>Racing Saber
>Its in stock on Amiami
I dont even like Fate and I promised i'd never be a Saberfag, but her smile is so cute
Do you need the masked version?
Yeah I like the masked one a lot more for some reason
I got her pre-ordered but the company is new so its a little bit of a gamble. I think the company got ties to a big company like gsc or they might share distributor or something like that
She's beautiful, especially her delicious legs.
I'm holding myself to not get her because I already have way too many sabers.
She's so cute though, I might give in if the final product looks good and she's still available after release.
Overpriced but at least it's not plamoya
Looks like she's rare since she was limited.
is justice
Oh nice thanks, I'll try to get it as a Christmas present then, desu
I also found it on a Thai site... but it doesn't really look safe
Thai site? Tell me which site and I could see if it is ok or not. A large number of them sell bootleg at genuine price.
When undervaluing a package, does marking the shipping price as 0¥ raise eyebrows at customs? Is it less suspicious to give the shipping price 700¥ or something like that?
That one is safe. I have bought around 3 figures from them.
Anybody try using Buyee for Yahoo Auctions? I'm not sure if I should use them or just my regular proxy.
less than a year of waiting for Anya!
why does the paint have to be so bad?
I've used them before. I got my stuff fine. It depends on the price I guess.
Shipping was expensive at the end since there was domestic shipping, plus their consolidation fee(there's a promo for free consolidation right now) and the actual international shipping was pretty heavy because it was boxes inside boxes.
The whole transaction was fairly easy though.
Compare and see which is a better option. I used Buyee for the first 6 months of buying then moved on.
my only complaint it's a 1/8, but god is that a small gripe for something so beautiful
It's freaking October yo.
Where mah girls at?!
>implying it won't be delayed to shit like everything else
you fool
Of course it does. Lying is an art, user. And if the figure comes in giant box with a few different torsos or whatever, nobody is going to believe it was only $7 either.
I'm half praying she bins as I refuse to pay full price but my hopes are not high.
It's not like they usually open packages at customs, but in general I'd say undervalue to a few bucks under whatever the limit in your country is.
Great, thanks
year of the saber
Thanks for the responses. I was thinking that valuing shipping at 0¥ might actually be MORE believable than 700¥ since it might look like a "special free shipping" deal when 700¥ is just too small to be real. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.
Which Saber is the most Saber Saber?
her masked version costs like 2x more than unmasked.
Wait we're talking about shipping price? Isn't it just the value of the contents that you can decide when undervaluing?
Got this cool box in the mail.
Same guy again, is the shipping procedure easy to follow?
In regard to the language, google translate helps a bit
Post recycle-chan.
At least I have Alter's one to look at whilst I wait.
Yeah I was only talking about shipping. Well I know that SolarisJapan allow you to put 0¥ shipping on the invoice. I kind of assumed shops like BigInJapan that let you value your order however you like would also put whatever shipping cost you asked, but maybe I'm wrong!
jizzzzzzzzzzzz worthy! heard she's a good alternative to plum's scathach, since plum has a known issue where her head snaps off easily
Cuz im not a autist like ya.
Have sex and get a job.
>he doesn't make cute doll houses with his GF.
>trying to act high and mighty in a buyfag thread
360 Gif imgur.com
That has got to be fake oh god, it's real, Xenovia did not deserve this.
Did this get a release date
why dont you check mfc?
Wow, Mio's painting job really sucks, that's sad.
>He forget where we are
Nanamin scale when
I already told you in the last thread, retard,
That wasn't me nigger
>"Hehehe user what you buy? My daughter buys from amiami also, much dolls, you buy dolls user?"
>"Oh sign here please, thanks doll lover"
>Walks away laughing
What do?
Honk is on her way
Go inside and open my box.
I want to buyfag but my shitty third world country has huge taxes on importing items like figures.
Funny enough the only country which I'm excempt from this taxes is China so I've been thinking of buying figures in AliExpress, are these good or are all chinese knock offs?
Look good but the price are kinda fishy and I´m afraid of getting just chinese rip offs.
"Seeya next week."