Dragon Ball Super

Will Vegeta redeem himself against the new super warrior?

Will he be the limit break X survivor?

Only if he transforms into SSJG with UI.

Yurin was pretty cute for a filler character who will never appear again.

Why would he need to redeem himself? He has LITERALLY been the best U7 fighter and hasn’t embarrassed himself like Gokuck and Jobhan

Not unless he can come up with something more powerful than SSYJGSSYJ

Bully Vegeta!


SSJ is enough because it's Super Saiya Jin.

Don't you know Japanese? Silly weeb.


No, he's finished. Ultra Instinct is a permanent wall between him and Goku

the objective is to knock people off and have the most number of people left at the end

vegeta is the tournament MVP right now, with the highest number of kills

I was actually hoping he might do something this time, but he's practically a z fighter at this point, not even achieving blue on his own, or training alongside a martial art demigod is enough to catch up with the proletariat

SSJ God is just a temporary power up after all.

What shitty writing.

Is it okay to have oyakodon and fuck Videl and Pan simultaneously?

Where my goku Bros at?

Can Vegeta reach SSJ Rose? Then maybe he can take on UI Goku.

It's such a shame what Super turned Videl into. What happened to the feisty tomboy we all loved? At least Bulma, Chi Chi and 18 kept some of their characteristics after becoming moms. Videl literally turned into a different character.

>No, he's finished. Ultra Instinct is a permanent wall between him and Goku

But Ultra Instinct is once thought achievable only by Gods, which means it's not exclusively Goku's.

It's something that anyone can learn with enough training. It's not another SSJ Level.

This. And Freezer will copy Goku's ultra instinct.

Chi Chi was a 10/10 loli that turned into a shrill she-demon, you take that back.

She still had her personality by the end of Z and even GT. Super fucked her up

THANK YOU CAULIFLA for playing such a big part in reviving the Dragon Ball franchise. It couldn’t have been done without you!

She was alright as an adult before marriage.

Reminder Gohan>>>>>>>>>caulifla

Post yfw SSJGSSJKK×20(FP)MOSM is revealed to be the new jobber form and the form that beats GoDs is ASSJGSSJ4KK×100(FP)BeyondHakaishinMOSM.

Will Super fix everyone design for the epilogue? Toriyama always said how he regretted making everyone look so old

>tfw the tomboy wins in Dragon ball
Why can't tomboys win more often?

She was changed by her abusive husband.

Well said

She become an actually good wife instead of being shitty bitch she used to be.

umm no sweetie

I miss those spats.

Note is pure!

mystic blanco ultra instinct KKx20

Reminder for all retarded spics that if you use SSJ you are objectively wrong and retarded.

Caulifla isn't god tier Gohan is deal with it

Why are the heroes saiyans so much better than u6?

I hope you only use the japanese names aswell, you pathetic weeb.

>SS fags need to constantly be reminded of their shota hentai
Keep still you paedophile retards,J Chads always win!

God tier characters don't job to little robots

Chi Chi also turned into a completely different character after having a kid. Though her case Toriyama straight up admitted that he disliked her and only married her off to Goku as punishment for himself so he'd have to draw her in the future.

He was holding back, look for the bang it's a basic cue you retard

>triggered SSJ spic
Cry more, Pedro.


Is it still cool to hate Hit

No, it's cool to hate Jiren

Why is Jiren so mean? He only wanted to make the donuts.

is jiren's ki literally a body flame?

just look at it

SSJChads aren't autistic like the SScucks.

Continuing to use the incorrect abbreviation makes you pretty autistic, friendo.

>SSJ Pedro so assblasted he forgot to post whatever epic le 9gag meme he had in mind

Reminder that Goku isn't as bad as a husband and father as those shitty memes make him out to be.

But what if I'm American and I want to use SSJ?

What are you going to do about it, nerd?

hes not a bad husband or father, hes a bad dad

New characters and abilities are coming to Heroes:

>Super Saiyan 4 Time Patrol Goku
>Time Breaker Paragus
>Full Power Super Saiyan 4 Dark Dragonball Time Breaker Broly
>A Super Mira/Demon Goddess Towa Fusion
>Ultimate Spirit Bomb Goku
>Ultimate Spirit Bomb GT Goku
>Ultimate Spirit Bomb Time Patrol Goku
>Ultimate Spirit Bomb Goku Black
>Ultimate Spirit Bomb Merged Zamasu
>Ultimate Spirit Bomb Cell
>Ultimate Spirit Bomb Mira
>Society Survival Vegeta
>Society Survival Gohan
>Society Survival Piccolo
>Society Survival Krillin
>Society Survival 18
>Society Survival 17
>Society Survival Frieza

And more will yet to be revealed...

Go ahead and use it, but you're wrong and you're going to get called out on it.

forgot the pic sorry burger

I can't wait for Lord Freeza to get the wish instead

>incorrect abbreviation

I don't give a shit about what you think.

>retarded SSJ spic actually deleted his post
You lost and the thread hasn't even hit triple digit replies yet.

How is it wrong if it's a fandom term?

Like calling Hei Chinese Electric Batman?

>what you think
It's not what I think, it is factually incorrect, dipshit. The Japs agree.

Is SSJ1 so nothing now that any Saiyan can do it?

>how is it wrong if it's a fandom term?
How fucking retarded are you? The official Japanese promotional material uses SS. If the fandom said Goku's name was actually Jeff, that doesn't make it right you goddamn idiot.


>The Japs agree.
Why the fuck would I care about what the Japs think?

>It's called SS not SSJ you retarded spic.
>His name is Kuririn not Krillin, Pedro.
>Vegeta? Who the fuck is that? I only know about Bejita.
>I call him Torankusu.
>His real name is Seru.

>The official Japanese promotional material uses SS

Chinese Electric Batman isn't used in any official promotional material for Darker Than Black either.

So? It's a fandom term.

Because the Japs are the ones whose opinions matter, you stupid fuck. The fandom doesn't decide what the names for the series are. Now stop using the incorrect abbreviation or don't post again.

>It's a fandom term
I guess you're too illiterate for words to sink in, so I'll just accept your concession.

Goku learned Ultra Instinct from Whis and Whis also tutors Vegeta

However, i'd put money on Frieza being the one to go ultra instinct within 5 episodes

Saya is one character.

超 = S
サイヤ = S
人 = J

malditos insectos del universo 4

I’m watching here and there, why is Jiren so OP? He’s barely even phased by gokus new form. This shit is stupid

>Because the Japs are the ones whose opinions matter

Japs have shit taste in anime. Their opinions don't matter to me.

>Their opinions don't matter to me
You're a nobody. You don't decide what the correct terms for the series are. The fucking ones who created it do. Die mad about it.

Do you also get this autistic when people call Hei "Chinese Electric Batman"?

Your concession was already accepted, spic. You don't need to offer it again.

>Thinking the japs opinion matters when they keep piggy bank riding on the USA for protection.


I really don't give a fuck. Watch me use SSJ. Keep getting triggered by it.

black frieza new form?

>b-but muh japs
Stay mad burgercuck, people are still gona use that term even if you don't like it.

Enjoy being incorrect, spics.

I'm not even a spic. I'm going to keep calling it SSJ and I'm going to keep calling Hei Chinese Electric Batman.

saiyajin is one word.

>admits he wasn't even in the same room when Gohan was born

Father of the fucking year, that Goku

Yes, I'm sure people will continue incorrectly using the term, and everyone else will laugh at them for being wrong and proud of it.

Incorrect by whom? The Japs?

I just told you I don't value their opinion.

And you'll keep being wrong, Paco.

Jin is a separate word.

I miss videl's pigtails
I was so sad when she had them cut off

Real talk, did any of you expect Universe 4 to last this long in the tournament, let alone be advertised with the likes of Universes 7, 6 and 11?

It doesn't matter if you value it or not, it's still wrong. It's like saying it's not wrong to say the sky is red because you don't value the opinion of the people who know it's blue. It means nothing, it just proves you're a retard who's content with being wrong.

>everyone else will laugh at them for being wrong and proud of it.
Nobody can be this autistic?

That little robot wasn't afraid of Jiren

Wrong by who's account? No shit "Chinese Electric Batman" isn't an official term,Sherlock. So what?

>because of Funimation's shitty weekly schedule of their shitty meme dub all the other daily dubs have to wait for it to catchup before they can continue

This pisses me of so much, our dub randomly stopped at the episode where Future Trunks meets Gohan and now we have to wait before the Murricans get to the Zamasu arc as well
Why is the Funi dub being treated as the main one anyway? It's fucking shit and it has retarded memes like Magetta suddenly having a text-to-speech voice


Friendly reminder that SSJ is fundamentally incorrect on all conceivable levels.

>English: Super Saiyan (no J to be found)
>Japanese: Super Saiyajin (Saiyajin is not Saiya Jin, therefore SS is accurate even in nippon)

The Japanese people don't even use SSJ, and by the way jin is a suffix that basically means "race or group of people." "Romunjin" means that you're referring to someone who is a "Roman," for example. It's not some kind of special or unique phrase. There are also Shinjin (Kai), Namekuseijin (Namekians), and even Majin (Maō being related to the Japanese word for evil, demons, devils, or malevolence; i.e., "Maou the Demon King"). Jin is not a seperate entity worthy of adding an entirely new letter to the name. Only people who don't know any better do this.

Try again, Pablo.

>there is always an argument here
>it is always over retarded shit
>thread quality never improves as new groups of autists jump into battle
Why is this fanbase so shit? You can't find anywhere that'll keep sane enough to discuss this series.

>It doesn't matter if you value it or no
It doesn't matter that you get offended by people using SSJ.

nobody was. at the end of goku getting rekt, it's still what, 20 something against 1 vs jiren. nobody there is retarded