Is this the worst written scene in anime/television history?
Lulu was clearly gonna tell her to kill the Japanese if she wasn't on his side, that's why he had that command in mind as an example.
>Lulu was clearly gonna tell her to kill the Japanese if she wasn't on his side
I hope you're memeing.
Fuck it I'm dropping this
I don't get people who drop series for any reason other than boredom.
Maybe I don't want to lose brain cells from watching poorly written crap like CG?
>it's badly written because it's unconventional
Stick to your boring sterile children's movies made by Ghibli/Miyazaki
I dont know Ive never seen this overrated crap
Might as well say Shakespeare is badly written trash.
It's textbook tragedy.
>a series where Britain conquers Japan
Lol you can keep you shit hole nipps.
why must we always be villains
>nu Sup Forums
No Golden time is a huge worst written scene in anime history
>what if I just happened to say the thing that would hurt me the most to you for no reason and my magic powers just happened to evolve and get a mind of their own the instant I did it?
This is such an asspull it makes o my rubber nen look unconventional.
What's wrong with this? It was shocking, but seems fine to me.
And besides, writing doesn't really matter that much. Code Geass is proud of what it is and does it well, that's what's important and makes it good, even if it were true that the writing is objectively bad.
Euphimator was a classic example of something so fucking stupid it turned around and became brilliant.
Seriously say what you want but NOBODY was expecting this glorious asspull.
You're thinking about the show in retrospect. The only really stupid scene before this is when Mao gets shot to swiss cheese by the police and comes back with no explanation. R2 is where things really got unabashedly retarded. This moment is when Code Geass took a hard left turn into the oncoming lane of traffic that is R2.
seriously, gas these kids
He needed an example of how all-encompassing and controlling his Geass is. Euphie's whole life at that point was dedicated to protecting the japanese, so "I could command you to kill all Japanese" would be the most fitting and relevant example to get the point and power of his Geass across to Euphy.
Even the fact that people are seriously suggesting that this is among the worst written scenes even amongst all of anime is hilarious. It was contrived, sure, but it did have a logical throughline in the character's minds, no matter how stretched it was in order to push the narrative into conflict.
Pic related was a worse asspull
I'm still working on R2, so can't really talk about that. But why is this so stupid? They needed something to happen, otherwise the story would get stuck, and this was a good way to surprise the audience.
I didn't really like it that much when I was seeing it, but it wasn't that bad.
>O MY RUBBER NEN was an asspull
Is this the power of brainlets?
It was the kind of shit you'd joke about, like you're watching this live and saying "Imagine if the geass suddenly fired off while Lelouch is saying something like how funny this would be ?" "Oh come on man that's so stupid just shut up".
And then it happened.
Why ? We never see her eyes get physically hurt, her blindness being due to a trauma wasn't unexpected.
It's about as believable that she killed all those people than it would be for an elderly person to kill 60 and wound 500 concert goers while shooting from the 30th floor of a hotel a block away.
Don't look down on superior BRITANNIA gun technology.
but britannia are the good guys
You need to be a brainlet to believe memes as fact, so yes.
The truth is you and the vast majority of this board are not qualified to even call any writing good or bad, so these threads are just laughable.
Describe good writing
I would say it's among the worst. I watched the first two episodes into the 2nd season just so I could finish up season 1's story then I quit because of that stupid scene. I was quite disappointed because I really did enjoy the show, but damn, that retarded asspull "twist" ruined it.
Who the hell comes to anime for "good writing"? I doubt one even exists. Watch anime for fun. Read a fucking book otherwise.
What if Bunta opened his eyes?
How that affect his tofu business?
How will that affect Takumi? Would he turn into tofu??
maybe you're too old for cartoons
Good thing we have writing experts such as yourself to enlighten us, poor uneducated shepherds, about the art of well written anime.
Writing of or pertaining to being good
Fuck off
You're kidding right
It was contrived and typical Sunrise meme writing to push the plot, but it's not an asspull. You were given an entire arc with Mao to illustrate that the Geass can run out of control
ur birth cerificate is the worst written document in hostory
America, to be fair.
Britannia may be the empire's name and their symbols may resemble those of the UK but its headquarters are located in what it's real life American territory.
You don't know the first thing about writing. Stick to your Ghibli shit.
You cant lose brain cells from watching poorly written shows, are you retarded?
It was pretty contrived, but the novel pay off of watching a nice princess slaughter a bunch of nips while screaming "kill the japanese!" was enough to merit it.
Not even close. The only real problem is the sudden/contrived coincidence. Hell, the Geass franchise itself has worse scenes, like that bullshit in Akito where Ashley switched sides.
>that bullshit in Akito where Ashley switched sides
I forgot that happened. Fuck, why did they Akito decide to let the psychopath shoot him, again?
-It was a good example of something Euphie would never do and it's not like they were having a nice picnic when they were talking (Lelouch was planning to get shot and start the big war)
-Lelouch's geass fucking up at this moment also makes sense because Lelouch gave up his goal (take down britannia) when he agreed to work with Euphie... and we know that the geass is linked with the user resolve/mental strength. (this never happened to Charles because he never stopped working on this goal... )
You might be onto something here.
Time to convince Sup Forums that the Jews have the power of Geass on their side.
So what you're saying is that it's not impossible therefore it's bad writing. Gotcha force
>hating on CG
>So I told Euphy to kill all the japanese and she actually did it
It is impossible. But then again mechs somehow won against tanks, so I don't know what to say. The entire show is based upon impossibility and contrived scenarios
>It is impossible
Show did well for the most part, balancing sol school, romance, mecha, and JIBUN WO.
Actually, it was amazing.
Britannia is the British government that moved to America after Napoleon drove them off the isles.
She's a little girl with no training firing from the hip and nailing everything she hits. While on FA.
>An imitation can get close to the original, but never surpass it.
>But there is no rule that an imitation cannot defeat the original.
This is a true non-contradicting statement.
>If you say you are the original, I shall surpass everyone one of your weapons and destroy your existence.
This is non-sense
>nailing everything she hits
Is she even aiming at things? She's in the center of a crowded stadium - as long as she doesn't fire 90˚ upwards, she's going to hit someone.
Watch CG again. Even if humoring you that still wouldn't mean it's impossible. Grab a dictionary.
> The entire show is based upon impossibility and contrived scenarios
Which makes OP an idiot for not seeing this coming from the first 5 minutes.
>ITT: people misusing the word 'impossible' to mean possible
If it's not impossible then the only explanation is bad writing. lmao
>if it's not impossible it's written badly
Why is "kill all the Japanese" his go-to "bro i'd bet you'd NEVER do that" example?
Why not something like "fuck me" or "go have that speech stark naked while doing a handstand" or "proclaim you hate the Japanese and are only doing this because you think it's funny" or "kill yourself on stage" or "renounce your royalty and declare war on the Emperor"?
Hell, they don't even need her to start shit in order to advance the plot, Emperor whatshisface could just disown her and start killing the Japanese anyway.
If you could make Lelouch say anything else to Euphie at that moment, what would it be?
>"Order Suzaku to swear loyalty to Zero and the Black Knights"
>"Give me all of your power and authority"
>"Proclaim that the Britannian Empire sucks"
> "fuck me"
> "go have that speech stark naked while doing a handstand"
Doesn't further plot in the slightest.
> "proclaim you hate the Japanese and are only doing this because you think it's funny"
> "renounce your royalty and declare war on the Emperor"
They would have locked her up and the rebellion would still have been over.
> "kill yourself on stage"
She was being treated as a puppet. Again nothing would have changed, as the real goal was to put a stop to the rebels.
Your alternatives are shittier.
>Hell, they don't even need her to start shit in order to advance the plot, Emperor whatshisface could just disown her and start killing the Japanese anyway.
You're right about his example being contrived as hell, but Lelouch causing Euphie to do it is important for both his and Suzaku's characters; Charles doing it (how the fuck did you forget Charles' name, anyway?) wouldn't serve the same purpose.
Suck my dick, obviously. Not "fuck me," because the fun would be watching them consensually escalate to that after accidentally taking the first step.
> good example of something Euphie would never do
It was the best and only example considering her backstory and 11 fetish.
>Is this the worst written scene in anime/television history?
No, because it was foreshadowed. It's still silly but not the worst by any means. That claim alone proves you're being stupid.
It's a dude who controls minds using an exaggerated example of what brainwashing can do.
Which still works in favor of him anyway, like he was already planning to do (with a different command)
Even that's inaccurate. The next episodes of S1 are pretty good and R2, while it has a cluster of things I dislike, isn't all bad all the time.
>like he was already planning to do
At that moment, he was giving up on those plans. Before that, though, you're right.
It was in fact said that she was blind only due to the shock, not because her eyes couldn't see.
Accidents happen OP.
Dear god, Sup Forums bitches about such stupid things. There's way worse problems in CG.
Yes. Code Geass fags are shit eaters