What is the latest anime magazine you bought?
I bought OtakuUSA today.
What is the latest anime magazine you bought?
I bought OtakuUSA today.
I used to buy Lazer back in the days. Last release was in 2009
NewType USA.
I lost all copies I had on a house fire.
I bought the first 8 volumes of GTO, does that count?
I only got one anime and manga related magazine and it was in the mid 2000's with Haruhi on the cover, it introduced me to the concept of Japanese media beyond just being things I happened to find on TV or at a bookstore.
>Vampiros que no la chupan
I bought a v-jump once because it came with a yugioh card I need
I think I bought an Animania in early 2015 in order to grasp the situation of normalfag animefans.
Didn't look like anything had changed compared to 2003. That surprised me somewhat, actually.
Not a wood house, neighbors' kid was fucking around with fireworks and one just happen to shoot through my window and landed on my cabinet were I had my figures, manga, games and dvds.
The family misteriously moved out the same date while police was investigating.
I think this was the last one I actually bought, the top 50 list was actually pretty varied. I've also bought three fanzines since then if that counts though.
I do flip through Otaku USA when I see it and maybe read an article depending on who wrote it, but I've never actually bought an issue.
Of course I forget the image
Anime Insider #50
This magazine scan of a fan's drawing literally created a whole meme that became AF that became Super.
If it wasn't for this beaner dude we wouldn't have DBS today.
forgot image
Man, that looks lame as hell.
I fell for this issue too OP. It caught me off guard at Walmart
>buying magazines
I bought Newtype USA and Anime Insider back in the day. Shounen Jump too. Got rid of most of them now.
I recently found a copy of Anime Insider hidden on my bookshelf. And damn, is it bad.
I have a running sub just to support my boy Daryl Surat.
Never bought magazines but i got the entire english release for one piece,Hxh,Tg,HDN japanese manga and some other ones
A bunch of secondhand Japanese hobby mags from the early 2000s
Nah we still would have had Super. What most likely wouldn't have happened is that Toyotaro wouldn't have become Toriyama's protege.
Toyotaro's entire success and career is because of a shithead drawing a SS5 Goku and trolling a magazine kek
Go back to bed, Oberto
El Oniichan is my only source of anime related information.
Fuck that asshole.
Corocoro back in elementary school
They were obviously paid to do so by your parents.
I bought a few issues of Megami when I was in the UK, that was back in 2013.
I can't seem to find the cover online, but it was the Dec 2008/Jan 2009 issue of Shonen Jump with Ultimo on the cover.
God damn that manga was shit. Pretty art though.
>Vampiros que no la chupan
The only anime magazine I have is a free copy of Fanima Magazine from 2009 that I got a Japanese convinience store. I don't even think its an anime magazine but it had a cover of Minmay, the Macross and Sheryl and Ranka on it holding meatbuns. It had my waifu Minmay on it so I still keep it tucked inside my desk.
I got an Ikea catalog in the mail addressed to the previous resident. Does that count?
I saw some anime magazine on the rack at the grocery store a month or two ago that said it had a chapter of Flying Witch. Guess they can be decent
Some pokemon shit back in 2008-2009
They still make USA anime mags?
I've never bought one.
I took home some "destroyed" ones that didn't sell however.
>You will never feel the joy of getting the latest issue of your favorite videogame or anime magazine in the mail again
>You will never go down the magazine aisle in a store and spot a videogame mag with an awesome cover of a game your interested and immediately open it up to look at the new screenshots
>You will never buy an anime magazine that features your favorite anime on the cover and enjoy all the cool features and learn new tidbits about your favorite shows anymore
Why does it feel so empty?
Just go to your local book store and buy a magazine you loser, anime and video game magazines are still pretty common.
book...stores? I've never heard of such mystic places
>still have some DVDs
>all scratched
>flip through old magazine
>all that cringe
>thought it was the best thing n my teen weeb life
I remember all the stomach aches from Suncoast bought JP chocolates and begging my mother to buy it for me. Everytime there's a new tear in my posters that still cover my walls I cringe. I think pic related was the first issue I discovered.
Pre ADV-films shut down I thought this was the worst copycat of Newtype. Now I regret not buying more because of the posters.
Don't make me dig through my storage to find all mine user. Part of me wants to go back and see all the cosplay pictures that got spotlighted. They're probably trash by modern cosplay standards.
what kind of garbage self-esteem booster is this LOL
Anime maybe, but Videogame magazines are just getting rarer and rarer each passing year. My local book store doesn't even regularly carry videogame magazines.
There's a Barnes & Noble or Books-a-Million in literally every city you twit
I fucking loved getting Shonen Jump back when we still got those
I miss it so much
ah, a classic
>Bart x sakura
I refuse to believe this actually got published and distributed.
What kind of magazine even is that?
It came from Nickelodeon Magazine
I believe it was an valentines day/February edition, at least that's what I think it was.
>tfw no Borders
borders deserved to die