My biggest qualm wit the NRA is they protect the second amendment at expense of the first

My biggest qualm wit the NRA is they protect the second amendment at expense of the first.

There's just no evidence that violent movies and video games increase gun violence. Look to Canada, they have as much of a gun culture as we have and also have the same violent movies and video games yet they don't murder eachother anywhere as ridiculously high as this country does.

But I digress, if you had to choose to keep only the first amendment or the second amendment, which would you chose and why? In other words which do you find to be more important.

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The 2nd amendment is the only one which provides protection for the 1st (and every other amendment).

What about the Supreme Court and our system of checks and balances? I mean Japan has free speech and some of the strictes gun laws in the world. Very few people are armed over there.

Maybe if the manchildren feel that the 1st Amendment (anime, capeshit movies, and the video jew) is threatened, they'll crawl out of mommy's basement and awaken to the importance of the 2nd Amendment.

Japan also has no 4th amedment protections and a court system that basically states if you're accused you're guilty.

Look to Canada, they have as much of a gun culture as we have and also have the same violent movies and video games yet they don't murder each other anywhere as ridiculously high as this country does.

That's because our nigger and spic population is ridiculously lower than yours.

What about about all the white male mass shooters we have? How do you explain them?

My biggest qualm with the media is that they fetishize violence so long as it involves a gun but are mum on everything else. My other qualm is picrelated.

Most of the mass shooters are black. It's a media myth that mass shooters are mostly white.

living in multi culti is like living in a pressure cooker

I didnt know the NRA was lobbying to ban video games?

>How do you explain them?
A mix of CIA niggers and kikes feeding your kids SSRIs like candy

Were talking about schools and public venues what you're talking of is gang shootings in the bronx, projects, and panama, in the streets, tne aleys, the herione dens, and of coure robbies. Ot's usually not colored people who just snap and randomly go postal like white people, they tend to do iyt in association with other crimes, like gangs, drugs, and robberies.

We are a bigger country

>There's just no evidence that violent movies and video games increase gun violence.

>Look to Canada, they have as much of a gun culture as we have
Incorrect as shit

>But I digress, if you had to choose to keep only the first amendment or the second amendment, which would you chose and why? In other words which do you find to be more important.
I'd keep the second amendment so I can shoot the people who took away the first.

They keep talking about getting rid of or censoring violent video games and movies.

SSRI's don't make people crazy, I take them and benzos.

So you're prioritizing the anecdote and ignoring the actual data. The mass shootings you're talking about is like 100 people. Blacks have killed thousands in mass shootings.

I have seen them saying video games causes violence but not seen any proposed censorships

>Look to Canada, they have as much of a gun culture as we have and also have the same violent movies and video games yet they don't murder eachother anywhere as ridiculously high as this country does.
Because they don't have as many niggers. Compare the violence rates of white america to white canada, or white america to white europe. It's the same no matter where you look.

You IMPORT brown people.
Then the CRIME RATE goes up.
Then you point to the CRIME RATE and try to ban guns.
I know your little scheme you sneaky fuck. You can't fool me.

>they don't murder eachother anywhere as ridiculously high as this country does
Exclude black crime data and our rates are nothing special.

>I take them and benzos
Obviously they don't make everyone crazy
Antidepressants Linked to Increased Mania Risk:
Suicide and Antidepressants:

Seeing as the first one Fluoxetine, was only approved in 1987 and there are now dozens more, I don't think everyone can say with any confidence what the next 20 years will bring. Who knows? maybe it's just the Valium is keeping you sane

No one is saying that we need to ban violent media, we are saying that impressionable kids shouldn't be consuming it. We don't let kids watch porn, they shouldn't be watching/playing violent movies/games either. They have age restrictions for a reason.

I have really really bad anxiety, for just about every minutte of every day thus why I take them. Going outside, driving a car, grocery shopping gives me panic attacks.

It should be up to the parents what their kids play and watch.

>we are saying that impressionable kids shouldn't be consuming it
So ban low-capacity parenting. Got it.

They're calling on the industry to flat out stop making them which is essentially a ban.

Sort yourself the fuck out and you won’t have anxiety anymore

Get real nigger, you have to grow comfortable with yourself not take benzos - believe me they’ll only take you one direction in life

Should it also be up to parents if kids can smoke? Drink? Give consent? Being a parent doesn't mean you should have ultimate authority over raising it, we have laws for a reason. Children shouldn't be playing violent games and watching porn because their retarded hick parents don't have a problem with it.
Ideally we would actually do that. We need to honestly force people to pass a test before having kids.

My biggest qualm with leftist is that you are dishonest pieces of shit and have to lie to get anyone to support you.

Virtually nonexistent per capita. When a population is big enough, rare events happen more frequently. If you blew the US up to 300 billion people, you could say there was a shooting every second. Looks bad right? Well only 0.0048% of the population is actually getting shot. It's fucking nothing. Numbers are meaningless when they aren't per capita.

Yes parents let kids drink all the time in Europe.

Tell that to the kids at Sandy Hooker.

>Tell that to the kids at Sandy Hooker.
Sometime you win the bad lotto user, nice 'muh feels' argument

>what do you mean people don't win the lottery? what about that one time xyz faggot won it
Stop pretending to be retarded. Everything is inevitable when with a large enough sample size.

Winning the lottery is a positive thing.

Winning the lottery is an unlikely outcome. Unlikely things happen given enough trials.

>if you had to choose to keep only the first amendment or the second amendment,
Shithead, the Bill of Rights lays out inalienable rights which are God-given and would exist with or without the Constitution.

No, not at all. Legal age in most countries are 16. You don't get to twist a glass of wine at dinner and older teens about to be adults drinking into "parents let kids drink all the time". Kids drinking is not common, and parents that allow kids to drink need to be punished for it.

Your actual qualm should be that they have profited under the false flag of “fighting for your rights.” Well shit I didn’t know rolling over and letting the atf enact any law they please was fighting. Here I was thinking his excellency general George Washington and our founding fathers had fought for our rights.

>What about the Supreme Court and our system of checks and balances?
You're right, a supreme court and systems of checks and balance indeed protect individual rights. However it's only when citizens are armed that the People can be ensured their government will continue to protect individual rights. It's an important safety net for the long term. You're not wrong but the person you're quoting is still right. Citizen need to be armed, and even if Canada has less violence and murder than the USA we also need something like the second amendment. Safety from Tyranny in the long term is more important than anything else and should never be compromised, even if guns caused murder, which ironically it doesn't.

Nobody is saying to ban anyone's right to free speech, dipshit. We're trying to elevate the fact that your right to expression has consequences if used irresponsibly. Maybe try applying that logic. Rating systems need to be enforced for violent content and parents need to be held to be chastised for allowing their children to indulge in violent, degenerate entertainment products.

>I see you use the second amendment responsibly and not the first amendment

Actually, libshits don't use ANY rights responsibly.