There is something off about these two. I don't believe for a second Jiren got his strength via just training. Maybe Belmod gave him powers or he was created
Dragon Ball Super
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god of destruction spells god wow what could it mean?
It's a coincidence, in Japanese it is just "Hakaishin".
I know it's improbable and the show goes completely against it but I like the idea that Jiren is just some puppet used by Belmoud so he could compete and win
where do you think Zamasu got the idea of having another of himself?
nah Toriyama ain't that smart.
Which is the best movie and why?
chinless faggot
Dead Zone
>this shit again
will you go?
Jiren has been a member of that hero team, so he's been around...but clown is like beerus, but more friendly and gave his powers to jiren.
What disappoints me is that we've never gotten a satisfying explanation for why Jiren just stood there while his team got their asses kicked.
The two theories I've seen is that Jiren was either charging up (explaining why Toppo and Dyspo tried so hard to protect him even though he shouldn't need it and "MUH CONSERVING ENERGY"), or that Jiren had a great distaste for the tournament in general and needed something to trigger him into fighting and implicitly destroying other universes. Yet we're supposed to believe he just stood there because... it's his style?
I'm a 27 year old manchild who still watches cartoons. I have nothing to look for at conventions.
Im not that much of a Weeb user
both are shit.
Patrician taste
jiren could basically murder everyone since they're all weak as fuck
>there are actual people who think this arc will be resolved without Freeza being a major force in it
The writers didn't put him in there for no reason. He has something planned.
>Jirens name means stove.
>Hes grey like ash.
What did *raughs* mean by this?
Because he's so confident in his skills and power
He KNOWS nobody can beat him there
Why would he be worried about team mates? Let them have some good fights ya know
>there are actual people who think the buu arc will be resolved without Gohan being a major force in it
The writers didn't put him in there for no reason. He has something planned.
>there are actual people who think the buu arc will be resolved without Gotenks being a major force in it
The writers didn't put him in there for no reason. He has something planned.
>there are actual people who think the freeza arc will be resolved without Piccolo being a major force in it
The writers didn't put him in there for no reason. He has something planned.
Ayayay chihuahua. El Pedro de la grande mucho nachos del tacos. Burritos que muchacho doritos? Tostitos.
>It has been years since Beerus' debut
>years later he will finally be surpassed
He got a good run while it lasted
its a no kill tournament, why rush your strongest card in without seeing the other's hands?
Guess that makes sense. Still, I'd like to see more of his personality. Especially how some stoic guy who rarely speaks became "sworn friends" with The Lorax of all people. Would their personalities clash? Is the friendship one-sided? Or is there legitimate mutual respect between the two of them? I really want to see more of the three "main" pride troopers. Let's hope they somehow survive this arc.
Velmo Best Hakaishin
>bringing back a character who was already brought back from the dead in the beginning to the series
>comparable to living character playing a large role
I'm sure he'll go back to the hell and it'll be like nothing ever happened
I doubt he is getting surpassed anytime soon tho. Maybe next year
Makes sense really, he doesn't need to care if he's gonna win anyhow. He'd be wasting stamina trying to help against weaker opponents.
What a stupid fucking reply. All those characters had major moments in those arcs. Also:
1. The whole Buu arc was a mess. It's well known that Toriyama doesn't plan his stories too well and that he'll change his plans based on what the higher ups tell him. It's why Buu got seven fucking forms, eight if you count ultra Buu.
2. None of those characters were brought out of retirement specifically for those arcs. You mentioned Piccolo in the Freeza arc, but Freeza in the Universal Survival arc is more akin to Tao Pai Pai in the Freeza arc. Or Raditz in the Buu arc. It makes no sense to bring those characters in unless you have something planned for them.
I think there will be some reveal regarding Jiren's goals, and only after that we'll see his personality in depth. Toppo suggested these episodes that Jiren wants the Super Dragonballs for a specific reason.
The English dubs are horribly inaccurate. Not just the translations but also the characterisations. Goku is portrayed like he's Superman at times, it's ridiculous. Chi-Chi is made to look like an absolute bitch, Kaiosama is never serious and has the most ridiculous voice and don't get me started on old granny Freeza. Not only that but the original Funimation dub's acting is horrific. Even the actors think so themselves. They were hired as first time actors and they really didn't go a great job. Most of people on this board grew up with it and so have this horrible nostalgia for it. It's not what Dragon Ball actually is at all...don't get me started on the Faulconer music either.
If you want to experience Dragon Ball as it was intended to be then watch it in Japanese. If you want to watch it in English then watch Dragon Ball Z Kai. It was a recent re-release that cut out all of the awful filler episodes and left in everything that follows the manga correctly. Not only that but they redubbed the show and actually had accurate translations this time. The original music is in there and it's overall the only good English version.
Dragon Ball was dubbed okay, the translations were mostly good and the acting was fine. As for GT, I'd still say Japanese is better. The English acting is really subpar for that.
TL;DR - If you want stupid lines like 'YOU DIDNT SAY PLEASE!' or 'I AM THE HOPE OF THE UNIVERSE' then watch the shitty Z dub. If you want fantastically delivered dialogue by professionals then watch it in Japanese.
>It makes no sense to bring those characters in unless you have something planned for them.
It's well known that Toriyama doesn't plan his stories too well and that he'll change his plans based on what the higher ups tell him
Como el doblaje ingles puede competir?
Do you speak english or are you too much of a Pedro to understand what you read? Him not planning out his story too well doesn't mean he doesn't plan his story at all.
>All those characters had major moments in those arcs
I didn't say they didn't, dumbass. I was referring to the arc being "resolved" without X being a "major force in it."
And Tao pai pai in the 23rd budokai? Freeza and his father in the beginning of the Cell arc?
Damom is the new warrior but that shadow is Catopestra.
I don't like any theory that goes against my theory of the Grand Priest being the true villain of the series
Why Toriyama is a fucking hack:
>Toriyama gives SSGSS shitty blue hair
>even tho white hair would be cooler, Zamas was planned to have white hair.
>Toriyama gives Mystic Gohan a shitty aura
>Even tho aura-less Gohan looks cooler , Goku was planned to have a similar form.
Both examples you named are completely missing the point. Tao Pai Pai did play a major role in the 23rd Budokai, and Freeza and his dad were killed off in the opening of the androids arc, specifically to show how irrelevant that kind of power had become.
And again, none of those characters you named were brought out of retirement for those moments.
>On the next episode of Dragonball Super
Wakey Wakey Hitfags
Is this a joke? The whole reason Buu got so many forms was specifically marketing.
He's totally doomed isn't he
You fell for my trap. The real goal was getting your teammate. Kisama.
The DB Wiki is the #1 source of information for Dragon Ball outside of interviews and statements from the author/writers themselves. I know this isn't a popular opinion, most people will call it bait, and the wiki does indeed have some issues, but there really isn't much of a refutation for this. It's where I've learned most of what I know about DB, and my knowledge is quite extensive, and avoiding it simply because "le spic boogeyman" is fucking retardded.
Is master roshi the harvey weinstein of dragon ball?
Look at the preview again. He lands a killing blow on Jiren. Can't believe they would spoil that.
He'll get disqualified though.
>muh marketing
It was to create a villain who could just out-transform the Saiyans, who had been crutching on transformations and asspull powerups since the Namek Arc. Retard.
Gohan runs away from fights
Gohan was supposed to watch over the U7 fodder jobber team but failed them all
Gohan hates fighting which disappoints his own father
Caulifla isn't afraid of anyone
Caulifla watches over Kale and would die for her protege
Caulifla loves to fight which impresses Goku
Super Buu came along because sales were dropping. Sales were dropping because Fat Buu looked fucking dumb.
more like this pls
Nice headcanon, dipshit. Provide proof. Go ahead, I'll wait because I know you won't, because it doesn't exist.
BALDhan thins again, right guys?
Not yet
Toshio said Hit will evolve
I hope you get banned and then kill yourself, you autistic fat spic taco sucking greasy doorfloater. Fuck your autistic EL GOHAN LE BLANCO xD reddit-tier memes.
holy shit shut the fuck up, Gohan and Caulifla have no reason to hate each other or compare with each other.
Add El Golpe to the next verison please
t. Cuckhanpedo.
My sides
He does evolve, then he paralyzes Jiren. Too bad he ends up jobbing again when Jiren breaks out.
Rulo Barrera is an unfunny faggot.
>He lands a killing blow on Jiren
>killing blow
Yeah, no. Goku wasn't ringed out, so we know he's coming back for a rematch against Jiren. It's inevitable, ergo Jiren must survive. Hit would also have to pull something utterly crazy out of his ass to match Ultimate Instinct Goku. Given that even Dyspo gave Hit some difficulty, Hit eliminating or even crippling Jiren is next to impossible. Most likely Hit will be the first actually powerful character in the tournament to be eliminated, to show that shit got real past the half-way point.
It's just an Alternate version of Saitama.
Don't bother
BALDhan thins again baby!
the two character have ZERO interaction so far.
this shit is retarded.
Let's also not forget Jiren's "serious punch".
Whatever you say Gohanfag. You mad that your shitty irrelevant boy was outshone by GODku yet again?
She's adorable
>omfg similar backgrounds that depict vague crumbling stones
Imagine being this much of a dribbling fucking retard.
BotG had a lot more going for it and I found it to be quite a lot better than the remake even with their inflated PLs. The Super version of RoF actually improved some things imo on the other hand even if it looked like shit.
you mean how Goku always makes everyone irrelevant?
Your attempt to pick a fight is amusing please go on
I think the most fun movie was either Cooler's Revenge or the first Broly movie.
>o-oh yeah? w-well Goku makes e-everyone i-irrelevant!
Pathetic. As expected of a SHIThanfag.
Find a flaw.
>They couldn't get Goku's VA to show up
How can they have a dragon ball convention without the most iconic character there?
She's not Gohan.
>not Fusion Reborn
>Gotenks beating up the Nazis
>Satan beating up zombies
>Saiyaman oneshotting Frieza
>Goku and Vegeta teaming up
>Gogeta demolishing Janemba
>Pikkon screaming insults at the jelly dome
>Gohan and Videl getting embarrassed over Goten seeing them making out
That's a good thing
Nobody wants to be like baldhan
you sure are showing those shithanfags!
take that back
This is deep
Battle of gods no contest. Golden frieza fight was ruined with beerus and whis fighting over strawberries in the background. The light hearted moments at bulma's party were better and the tension between Goku vs Beerus was better too
I could write an epic of all her flaws, but no.
Would be great to know more about him and how he got this strong
Jaja un gay
He will get disqualified because Jiren will ring him out. Your donut lover is done.
I accept your concession.
>implying I like Hit
Like I said, look at the preview. He lands one punch. Just one. And it puts a hole in Jiren's chest.
yeah his part is to screw over cabba
Go jerk your tiny fat penis to your weak and unattractive waifu, Caulishitter.
Didn't a god from another universe say there was no way jiren could reach that level without help from other gods?
>And it puts a hole in Jiren's chest
No it doesn't you fucking idiot.
>Belmod gave him powers
Belmod is probably weaker than Jiren. I think he might have saved Jiren from the universes that died off.
If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say Jiren is the sole survivor of one of the 6 destroyed universes destroyed before the ToP. They established that universal immigration is a thing when Freeza was negotiating about jumping ships.
It might also explain the disgustingly huge gap in power compared to anyone else in the tournament and his seemingly indifference towards fighting in general.
Also he looks like a traditional gray alien, which is something Toriyama would totally do on purpose.