We can agree that all these characters are gay, right?

We can agree that all these characters are gay, right?

>only surround themselves with men and push out the few women in their lives or only use them for personal gain
>have autistic tendencies and are utterly obsessed with their hobby to a point that it consumes their life, they constantly think about other men when they don't think about their hobby
>had the gayest scenes in Anime without legally being porn

This thread is surprisingly good

He's too smart for that. he'll be whatever is needed at the moment, from straight to gay passing for zoofilic if needed.


We don't really see Kaiji's life outside his debt trouble so it's not fair.

they're also portraited as highly intelligent individuals
must mean something

he rejected this hot piece of ass just so he could play pachinko machines

What a facial trainwreck.

which one of the four has the biggest penis?


Her face is manlier than some of the men.

okay Mr.Gay

I know Light has the smallest. Why else would he have such a God complex?

just because you are capable of jerking off to underage chinese cartoon girl all day doesn't change a fact that you're a kissless virgin

But I'm quite certain lelouch doesn't have a penis.

Light actually has the hugest I heard. The hugest penis, it is true. Very good people told me that.

Sorry losers and haters, but his I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault


Are you a homophobe user?

Takeuchi and Light are asexual
Kaiji and Lelouch are straight

Calling Light and Takeuchi asexual sort of contradicts the idea. Its probably better to just say they don't care about sex in general.

if this is gay then i dont want to be straight

>>only surround themselves with men

and he fucked none, all he wanted was suzaku's D