Post THE red pill that will break Sup Forums


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The Annunaki created mankind as slaves.


Talking about ethnic cleansing, filling your heart with hate, and letting fantasies of violent revenge consume you actually empowers the same dark energy that leads moloch worshipping elites to murder children. It laughs in the background as you are enveloped into its influence.

You do not defeat it by empowering it. You are not victorious by becoming that which you fight against.

Cheers Sup Forums.

the wealthiest and most powerful insider 'jews' are actually low level managers for an occult faction that thinks it's hilarious people believe they worship the Christian devil figure

Sup Forums is eternal overweight and virgin

Richard Lewis went full SJW in his latest video. No, I'm not kidding. An emote is now racist. Lewis says he "believes in free speech, and freedom of expression" but then DEMANDS everyone that posted an EMOTE is banned. It's fucking comical just how far this chubby imbecile has fallen lately.

Flat earth

posting on imageboards all day is itself degenerate and not solving the problems we complain about

Australian Aboriginals secretly control finance, academia, and the global media. They Jews are their servants.

Read it:


Trump is bought and paid for, like the Bushpigs, Oabama, Clintons and Trump

terribly written book, I can't fathom how someone could make such an interesting concept so boring.

People are selfish if you hate niggers so much why not help niggers stop being niggers. Too bad people want everything easy which i guess its kinda ironic. If we all worked together we could accomplish glorious things too bad everyone hates eachother and blames eachother for their own problems. If we all worked together to make earth a great place and helped uneducated niggers and other third worlders become educated then we would no longer have to worry about them ruining everything but we would be able to make them useful.

>Trump is bought like trump

Nice sentence bruv



God is real and Christ is king

So what do they worship then instead, faggot?

he's coming.

No he's not

but what specifically is wrong with zionism

the diaspora kikes are worse

The one true post.

there is no god and death is the end,
you waste your little time complaining about people doing normal things because you are scared of the color they have

im not basing my life around the metaphor, im basing it around what the metaphor MEANS, idiot

Probably true man. I can feel the hatred and anger inside me and it sucks. I hate all minorities, all of em.

Pff. Whatevs, man. That doesnt scare me.

Niggers are naturally evil and have no souls

nigger detected

The US govt has been in rebellion to the supreme law of the land for a minimum of 83 years. Almost all the original traitors are dead and buried and now we carry on their legacy in absolute ignorance of what ought to be, scoffing claims of what is just and proper

Earth is flat.
A bunch of freemasons and jews will now show up ITT and flame me for telling you.
Ignore my obviously unimportant flat earth flag.

unironically this
always be prepared for violence but don't be consumed by hate

Wanting to help everyone is being a nigger then I'll be a nigger all day than staying in denial and being selfish. Forgot to say I'm not a nigger.

basically true


>Oy vey goyim VIOLENCE IS BAD

demorats are the real fascists.

God bless.

>Wanting to help everyone
Everyone is not a nigger. Dont move the goal posts, faggit.

Gtfo ciafag

the point of life is to die

There is no mass Jew conspiracy, just a bunch of individuals looking out for themselves.

Thats how the earth sees it. More good for the bugs

>No he's not

Superintelligent AI will kill off the human species, and afterwards none of this will matter.

Stop falling for cia plot to destroy reliability in real conspiracies

Religion is capitalist.
All religions capitalize on peoples fears and thirst for knowledge.
Religion built civilization.

Damn son.

t. reddit

>human intellect

Jehovah's Witnesses are the truth
They are the final redpill

This is the final redpill, do not read

>blaming the CIA for everything
flat earth is obviously a plot, but who is really damaged by conspiracy theories? Who has a long and hard history with conspiracy theories?

The Sun is not millions of miles away is found by tracing the angle of sun-rays back to their source above the clouds. There are thousands of pictures showing how sunlight comes down through cloud-cover at a variance of converging angles. The area of convergence is of course the Sun, and is clearly NOT millions of miles away, but rather relatively close to Earth just above the clouds.

Seems like you came looking for a fight huh? I truly dislike the mindset of people like you "if you're not with me you're against me". Just to appease to you there are plenty of third world countries that need help like Russia. Too bad your ego doesn't let you see what we could all do. You also proved my point to you hate niggers so much because you believe they are the cause of your pain.

>none of this will matter
All of it will matter, faggot. AI gets lonley too. Tay loved us as we loved her

How is it obviously a plot. You can't refute it.
Explain pic related, I'll wait Sup Forums.

That's actually the biggest and most convenient blue pill in existence.

Tell me user

I can mostly agree with this.


Explain how my flag (UN) is a flat earth map.
Pic related.

The final redpill is the Jews aren’t as bad as the jesuits.

I mean almost every conspiracy theory can be led back to this group in one way or another. and some of these conspiracies are true. really think about who this group is

>niggers cause my pain so fuck them
Wrong, they cause pain in others. I care for others.

Explain why NASA had to fake the moon landings.

Communism works

1 problem

we have nothing better to do

>what is refraction?

We are gods.

Thanks user I just wish we all could help to bad I'm no better than anyone here. I don't help people
Helping niggers stop being nigger helps others and niggers. You've brainwashed yourself into hating.

being a normie is the best life

>uses a shopped image
>i wonder how the UN could fit the whole world on a 2d flag
Please stfu

Flat earth is the final redpill.
NASA = free masons = kikes.
They steal your tax money to LARP in deep water swimming pools in expensive scuba gear while pretending to "space walk".
Wake up Sup Forums.

To beat USSR

>What is a salty freemason shit eater doing other than fallating his Lodge members.



You may like this video tangentially (heh) related to your pic.

Also, the redpill that breaks Sup Forums is that Christ is king.

Sup Forums I told you some psycho baby rapist would show up to refute flat earth emotionally.
Explain why NASA has no real photos of Earth from space and only CGI.
Satellites are allegedly floating around in the thermosphere where temperatures are claimed to be upwards of 4,530 degrees Fahrenheit. The metals used in satellites, however, such as aluminum, gold and titanium have melting points of 1,221, 1,948, and 3,034 degrees respectively, all far lower than they could possibly handle.

Fuck, video link

my black pills are too strong for you traveler

Shit eating rapist detected.

Reminder Sup Forums. Freemason lodges are flammable.

Hollywood is full of secret trannies.

you're just a nihilist

Most Jews are pretty ordinary people who don't hate white people.

t. ethnic Jew.

Sup Forums will never believe this btw.

Old men fucking kids really isn't that bad. There are so much more important things to be worrying about in society that a few fondled minors barely registers.

Anyone who 'reeeees' about kids getting poked is trying to either be edgy, virtue signal, or distract you from something vastly more worthy of your attention.

it doesn't matter how distant a light source is, rays will always spread at the same angle. You can try this experiment at home. After you take a shower and your bathroom is full of steam, turn off the lights then turn on a flashlight. partially block the light beam at different distances. Do the resulting smaller beams spread at different angles when the light source is partially blocked from further away?

>Being this butthurt
Fuck off faggo... wait
>That flag


I'm eating pizza right now desu

Im going downtown tomorrow to kill 3 kike lawyers.

Kill yourself blood drinker.

Kill your mother and father and your children.


Also most (many?) Jews don't drink blood, don't worship Moloch, don't sacrifice children, and don't believe they are inherently superior to other people.

Most Jews are slightly more neurotic leftist normies and basically comparable to their WASP neighbors.

Deep red pill that is impossible for Sup Forums to swallow.

Pol ironically uses a phrase coined by two mentally ill trannies.