will the manga give me a better resolution? i feel like I've been tricked into watching another pseudo-philosophical garbage. the suspense was built well but once the hand is shown there's really no impact, no really brilliance to it.
Manga is the same thing. It's an anticlimactic end but it's still pretty solid. It's not a clear cut ending at all and that just doesn't sit well with a lot of people. Personally I think the series is set up to make you ask a lot of questions that have no objective answer, and the finale is just an extension of that.
you see that's the problem. this series is touted as one of the best ones, by a mangaka who's said to know what he's doing and puts a lot of effort into research. yet his work falls into the same routine cliche once it dragged along. it's not just the lack of clear cut ending, so many things are left untied, and johan never proved to be the monster people claimed him to be unlike say kira. it's as if urasawa showed me the character and tells me he's badass and the antichrist himself and I'm supposed to accept it without him showing anything for it
Please give us examples of "so many things left untied".
alright maybe not untied but rather unsatisfied. i was in a rush to type those out. 511 kinderheim's so called inhumane experiments, the twin's mother, franz bonaparta are some examples. everything lacked impact
one thing never did tie up to me though, the whole shebang with schubert.
>I've been tricked into watching another pseudo-philosophical garbage.
Indeed you have. Never, under any circumstance, watch anything recommended on Sup Forums.
I see, well i suppose some things could be more developed or have a bigger impact (like that interview with the serial killer had with me).
But i also think that making changes in that story would make the pacing of the thriller rather poor if things dragged out too much dont you think?
How come every series is not season based that looks like a promotional rather than a real series start to end.
is now*
i agree with you, things were fine up to the interview parts and yeah, I didnt meant just about developing things further to drag the story, another alternative was to not include the czech storyline in the first place. bonaparta was like something his editor made him cram in. unlike other details, there was no foreshadowing early on.
there's also another thing that bothers me to no end. anna's decision to forgive johan made me roll my eyes, jesus what the fuck.
Yes, the ending was subpar with the story and i think even the most hardcore fan would have to agree with that.
The last arcs of the manga seem like an anime original ending.
How can an author prove himself so capable, yet drop the ball so hard? It's mind boggling when your deep in his series and you're sure that he knows what he is doing, and then all of a sudden he doesn't.
The same applies to 20th CB.
Billy Bat was never good.
By the way, Pluto is getting an anime, for those who haven't heard.
You sound like this wasn't the flashy shonen you wanted.
It's not that great, user. But those who like it usually mention comfy Germany, strong archetypes and a good soundtrack.
So yes it's pseudo-philosophical garbage, next time look up what is it about before bitching about being "tricked".
This show was amazing until Nina started having PTSD
Going through Billy Bat, it always felt like it being good or not all rests on the ending, how he'll solve this "mystery".
The guy didn't even try. Like, that final chapter with the 2 soldiers was a neat little anecdote, but it doesn't really answer anything.
You thought that overrated shit image was a joke didn't you
i dont even know what irony even means anymore. given that urasawa won many awards of course I thought it was a joke
i was not tricked. the first 3/5ths or so was solid. this is a case of the creator losing sight of the story, he's not incompetent.
i can think of a lot more
why were both twins disguised as girls? why was johan the monster, there is nothing compelling about his origin compared to anna, why did Bonaparte fell in love with the mother? why was johan so desperate in wanting to erase his existence, only to achieve a perfect suicide? Why does it seems like theyre the only twins in existence?
after the first 40 ep or so, the only part i liked was probably martin and eva
>Monster (1994–2001)
>20th Century Boys (20世紀少年) / 21st Century >Boys (21世紀少年) (1999–2006, 2007)
>Pluto (2003–2009) - written with Takashi Nagasaki, based on a work by Osamu Tezuka
>Billy Bat (2008–2016) - written with Takashi Nagasaki
Okay I've figured it out. Look at how they overlap in this timeline. Monster was a masterpiece until the Rose Mansion arc in 99, which is when he started 20thCB which was a masterpiece until Pluto started in 2003, which I'm guessing was sometime in the arc where Friend has the theme park. Pluto obviously plummeted in quality around the last volumes, when BB started.
I'm guessing a lot of people already figured this out.
Yeah but did Tenma fuck Nina? This is the only thing that matters.
pretty sure nina only slept with the burly shopkeepers she worked with
> the series is set up to make you ask a lot of questions that have no objective answer
Yeah, like why am i watching this shit?
Lucky bastards
i really wanted her to meet roberto
Your questions make me wonder if you've actually watched the series.
I know there's a lot of info to digest, but Johan's "superpower" was really simple. He was the purest psychopath, capable of manipulating people into killing themselves, and felt literally nothing, not even repressed emotions. A normal psycho might feel guilt for not feeling, or disgust, or sadness, but Johan was simply inhuman. On top of that, what he wanted was the ultimate suicide by destroying every thing and person who could possibly have info on him, which is the opposite of all humans. That's what is so anti about him.
Yes that's it, that's the whole mystery. And it does sound monstrous when you think about actual psycho killers having more emotions than him.
As for the twins in disguise, IIRC it was one of the depersonalization tactics the kids underwent. Actually, there's a theory (actual spoiler): Some people say Johan was the girl and Anna was the boy. There are lengthy essays on that online but I never took the time to read them
Can't wait for his new manga at the end of the month