why are Japanese so britboo?
Why are Japanese so britboo?
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Because it's a great country with a long history?
>great country
Well yes, Great Britain.
Just in the name
We're an island nation full of people that feel smugly superior to the nearby continentals. Plus we brought curry to Japan.
And many other things. The sailor school uniform which features in every anime, for example, is from the UK originally.
Beacause, you are... a puppet.
They are chunni shits thats why
Because of the british-Japanese partnership and such during the meiji era.
Tell me again why they made king arthur a girl?
>He says in English
Because UK along with France are the most relevant European countries through history and represents the western culture the best
Cuz that feels right
so u can fuk it n not feel gai
>Somehow more relevant through history than Spain
>Somehow more relevant than Germany throughout the last century
>Somehow representative of western culture even though only the French and some Africans speak the language
Okay, Pierre.
Pick up some history books and educate yourself.
>being THIS retarded
Can I be literally Saber if I try hard enough. Also almost wizard now.
I have. That's why I know France is a joke compared to Spain and Germany. All it's had is Napoleon and a limping role in imperialism. Nice try, Jacques.
Look around you: The entire world outside of East Asia speaks English and Spanish, not French. And East Asia likes to know English. Something happened at some point in time to cause this but I guess it wasn't history?
It takes at least the power of 5 wizards to become a little girl and 4 of them have to sacrifice themselves in the process so nobody ever does it.
France is way more important than Spain, Carlos.
And I'm American.
50 years from now England won't speak English.
The British will rise again.
I wonder what he meant by this.
>culture only means language
Please think twice before posting shit like this.
That is too bad.
Good job, you conquered a bunch of Indians 400 years ago!
Now, what have you done since?
And you don't even still control them , or even have a half-decent relationship, like Britain and its colonies.
That doesn't mean anything.
Tell me what influence Bangladesh had one the world?
It has triple the native speakers of France.
I don't know why you prefer to samefag repetitively instead of form an argument, but language is representative of culture, yes. Anthropology 100. You could try arguing with facts instead of insults, works better.
What? I'm American. I am only using facts to demonstrate that Spain and Germany have played larger roles than France in the contemporary landscape of the world from an unbiased perspective, out of nothing but interest in accuracy.
That only furthers how irrelevant France is. What's important are the big numbers. Chinese speakers, English speakers, Spanish speakers, huge. Not really helping your case there, nor are you using any facts to reinforce your argument.
>waa people disagree with me and call me names, must be a samefag
You ok there?
Gives a reason for some initial aloofness after becoming King.
But also because drawing cute girls is probably better for an eroge.
Carlos, I...
It's fairly obvious since none of the responses have the characteristic of defending their position with facts, and there aren't four people browsing this thread who are obsessed with France enough and ignorant of history enough to respond to my post in such a way. Really depressing. Aren't there any facts that back up your views?
You lost me.
Napoleon was the single most important event in Europe, and therefore the world, for the hundred years before, as well as the hundred years after.
Not to mention Charlemagne, France's strong position in European politics throughout the middle-ages, Etc.
Yes, both Span and Germany have been important in history. But not as important as France.
Spain peaked way too early. And as far as I can tell Latin America doesn't owe that much to them beyond language.
The French revolution was huge. Like the industrial revolution of politics. And French had already been the language of diplomacy for centuries.
Napoleon was post-Imperialism, too late to affect the world as a whole. He had a profound impact on much of Europe, yes, but Europe is not the world, you have shifted goalposts, and even then, Germany ended up having a larger impact in the end, through two world wars and the founding of the EU, not to mention being the center of western history for centuries during HRE times.
The guy who founded the country that ended up being Germany? Okay. Embarrassing.
>people call out obvious retarded post
>why don't you prove I'm retarded?
Sorry, not going to waste time on some "history pro" revisionist.
>Latin America doesn't owe that much to them beyond language.
Yeah I forgot that religion, music, architecture, and customs have nothing to do with culture. My bad.
>The French revolution was huge.
For France.
Yeah, fuck facts, especially if they can't be used to support your argument.
>The guy who founded the country that ended up being Germany?
Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
But that's true.
That user keeps spewing half truths that fits his point of view.
No, it's literally true. Charlemagne founded the Holy Roman Empire which today we refer to as "Germany".
He was king of Franks, who are French and somewhat German.
What he did was reunite the barbarians in the east over the Rhine that crushed Rome then purged the pagans so only catholic faith remains.
Look at that map.
>Charlemagne founded the Holy Roman Empire
>That refer to as Germany
You do know the Holy Roman Empire belonged to the Austrian Emperor and that modern Germany was born from Prussia absorbing the BTFO kingdoms of HRE.
German Empire is called the Second Reich because HRE was a German nation/empire.
The logic you are using would make England Danish. Nice try, though.
Yeah, I just find it funny that someone is referring to Charlemagne when discussing how France is more influential to world history than Germany. It's oxymoronic.
You didn't even put any attempt into that. Apply yourself OP.
goddamn ilya calm the fuck down that face is to smug and lewd for a child
what a fag
no you cant use magic to convince me that the loli was legal all along
So he could get fucked by whatever that guy's name is
The french are gallic, the franks are germanic, you retard.Karolus Magnus wanted to unite all the German people under the catholic faith. He never cared about purging pagans, he cared about purging German pagans. He was German.
Different user but please.
Important for everyone. The French Revolution and the Revolutionary/Napoleonic Wars that followed were THE defining event of the last 300 years, and definite ranks among the top 5 events that shaped human history. To say it's only relevant to France is amazingly autistic, frankly idiotic, and mostly shows a stunning lack of understanding of the roots of the modern era.
Everything from the spread of nationalism, liberal/democratic ideals, the decline of aristocratic and monarchist systems, German/Italian/other self-determination, militarism, the Revolutions of 1848 and WW1-2, military/economic/financial advances, the birth of ideology and the roots of Communism and fascism...I could go on. The French Revolution is just THAT big of a historical event.
I honestly think there should be more focus on Spain too (gief El Cid as a servant plox), but to say France is less relevant historically than even Germany is just so utterly wrong, especially considering the whole concept of a German nation is only really present from the 19th century and onward, and DIRECTLY OWES ITSELF to the French Revolution and Napoleon, for dismantling the HRE, reorganizing the thousands of squabbling princedoms into much fewer states, exporting nationalism, and forming the Confederation of the Rhine (the prototype for the German Confederation that Prussia would later co-opt to establish the German Empire).
tl;dr: so, so so wrong.
French Revolution was less important than the American Revolution.
>You do know the Holy Roman Empire belonged to the Austrian Emperor
Only later in history, not always. But saying Austria is not German is retarded. Why did Hitler absorb Austria if it's not German?
he was a dick that's why
>He was German
I think you need to look up his family.
The only important part about the french revolution was Napoleon (who is an Italian). Without Napoleon the French Virtues would have never gotten spread in Europe since not a single non-french was pro-revolution at this point.
The most important thing Napoleon did was, like you already said, being an important part of the creation of Germany, which was the main player in History from then on. The biggest thing France did was helping the rise of Germany.
>But saying Austria is not German is retarded.
Nobody is saying that directly. Austria is German, but the Germany we know of was founded by Prussia who went to war against Austria for control of Germany back when the North German Confederation existed.
This was known as the Austro-Prussian War. This war set back Germany's and Austria relationship until the 1900s before WWI started.
The war was literally started by Bismarck who hated the fuck out of Austria and wanted to unite North Germans and not include Southern Germans. He also didn't like Catholicism. If the German Empire had survived WWI the original intent of Wilhelm II was to absorb the remaining part of Austria into the Empire. Austrians also don't like being compared with Germany or being grouped in with those Germans for a heads up.
>Only later in history.
This is the only thing that matters in the end as this is what effects the world now.
>doesn't have basic freedom
Fuck no. It's important, but entirely pales to the utterly paradigm shattering implications of the French Revolution.
There's a reason the Code Napoleon serves as the basis of the legal systems of basically most of Europe save Britain, why we think of politics on a left-right scale, how Europe consolidated from literally thousands of tiny statelets (mostly in the HRE), how Spain and Portugal lost their colonies, and why Marxist endlessly write about the French Revolution.
The American Revolution saw to the transition of power from British elites to colonial elites. The French Revolution saw to the overthrow of the entire pre-existing social structure and FAR more radical advances in democratic experimentation.
It wasn't till Jackson that non-landed white men could vote in the US, remember, and the electoral college and Senate were implemented to keep the rabble/mob from having too much say in government.
YT culture intrigues nips like nip culture intrigues YTs.
It seems you're just a dense autist who can't admit a mistake, gotcha. I have no leg in this nationalist pissing match, so good night.
I hope you realize how stupid you sound going on about how Napoleon was Italian of all things and are seemingly hell-bent on trying to justify a shitty "France r irrelevant" stance in a thread about genderbent historical waifus.
The Holy Roman Empire was called from the 15th century on:Sacrum Imperium Romanum Nationis Germanicæ ( Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation/ Holy Roman Empire of German Nations)
Why wasn't it called Holy Roman Empire of Austrian Nations if it's all about Austria? Because Austria is a part of Germany
> the original intent of Wilhelm II was to absorb the remaining part of Austria into the Empire
Only shows that Austria is a rightful part of Germany. Austria was in the first Reich, in the third Reich and they were supposed to be a part of the second Reich.
> Austrians also don't like being compared with Germany or being grouped in with those Germans for a heads up.
And Germany doesn't like Hitler. We had a lot of propaganda in the last few years.
young tigers?
>The American Revolution pales to the utterly paradigm shattering implications of the French Revolution
>American Revolution created the longest modern constitutional republic in history.
>United States as a country experienced only one civil war and its idea of Republicanism spread throughout the world and heavily influenced the French Revolution.
>Due to the American Revolution and the ground work created by it, the United States was able to establish dominance over an entire continent and another one, maintained it, and was able to establish itself as the world global power THAT DIDNT JUST LAST 10 YEARS.
Napoleons family came from Tuscany. How is he not Italian?
He lived and grew up in France?
>Because Austria is a part of Germany.
Austria is a German nation, BUT IT IS NOT PART OF GERMANY! Wilhelm I, Bismarck, Frederick III all agreed that Austria was not part of Germany (State founded by Prussia) and went to war over it!
>We had a lot of propaganda in the last few years.
Are you retarded. Prussia and Austria absolutely hated each other. Austria does not like the Germans in the north. It also should be noted THAT AUSTRIA DID NOT WANT TO BE PART OF THE GERMAN EMPIRE!
>Italy not mentioned
>The Carolingian dynasty
> Old High German word *karling, kerling, meaning "descendant of Charles"
> a collection of Germanic peoples that originated in the lands between the Lower and Middle Rhine
And that is important, I agree, but the geopolitics that would ultimately allow for Manifest Destiny and the rise of the US, from the Louisiana Purchase, Mexican Independence and Spanish decline, etc. are entirely reliant on the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars to facilitate. And the American Revolution did not have the same impact on the very way we think of politics, national identity, law, military hierarchies, and even social and religious structures. The Latin American independence movements, and particularly Simon Bolivar, looked to France, not the US, for guidance and model, for instance.
>born 1769 in Corsica
>part of France since 1768
He is as French as spaghetti
Tell me, is a Nigger that's born in Sweden Swedish? Is a Nigger born in a French colony in Africa French?
His father sent him to milliary school in France and grew up there
He's from Corsica you dolt (which had come under French rule), and he both grew up and matured under French rule and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, thought of himself as French.
Nationality depends on personal identification, not where you are born or what languages you speak. I can be (and am) Chinese, Canadian, and American, wrap your head around that.
Former yes, latter yes if he identifies himself as such, and btfo racist shit.
The frist Reich agreed that Austria is a part of Germany, so did the third Reich and, like you already said, decided the second Reich that it's a part of Germany as well. Prussia had their moments with Austria, but Prussia isn't the only German state and the only reason they fought was because both wanted to be the main power in Germany
Because they're a fellow island nation with a snowflake culture and a taste for exporting common prosperity with warships.
Is a person a car if they're born in a garage?
>American Revolution did not have the same impact on the very way we think of politics, national identity
Yes it did. Majority of the democratic/republic systems that run the world are inspired by the United States and the American Revolution. Not too mention during the time of the 18th century and 19th century there was already a wave of Nationalism and identity, you idiot
The Manifest Destiny was born from the Americans thinking it was their right to spread westward and spread the ideals of Republicanism. Not too mention there was other nationalists movements within Europe especially in Eastern Europe (Which helped caused the cluster fucks of wars.)
You are correct about the reformation of law (Which heavily impacted Europe) and military tactics/strategies (Napoleon Warfare changed the way war was fought, though it didn't change the heirarches). The Prussian Model changed military hierarchies throughout the world as modern militarizes are based off the Prussian model.
It's clear that only an American mongrel without the understanding of nationality can be this wrong.
You can't be french just because you think you're french. You can't be female just because you think you are. Different people from different nations are different because their genes are. nature is more important than nurture. Many traditions come from characteristics of those people. And a person with different blood can never understand this.
How many people on Sup Forums play FGO and what version?
>The first Reich agreed that Austria is part of Germany
Because the HRE was a confederation of Germany states numb nuts.
>So did the Third Reich
Nazi Germany was the continuation of the Weimar Republic and not a Third reich.
>Decided the Second Reich that its part of Germany.
Wilhelm II was retarded and wanted Austria in the Empire while the military staff didn't. This was also going along with the idea of Pan-Germanism idiot. Austria is NOT PART of Germany.
Holy Roman Empire was ran by the Austrian Royal Family.
German Empire DID NOT ADD Austria to the Empire, but recognized them as Germans.
Weimar Republic (Nazi Germany; There is no Third Reich) annexed (illegally) Austria as a state to it.
>Prussia had their moments with Austria
>Prussia isn't the only German State
If you know anything about Germany. Prussia WAS the German State. Bavaria (The second biggest state in the Empire and later Weimar Republic) got absolutely BTFO by Prussia who dominated the German Empire, Its policies, ALL MILITARIES reported to the Prussian Military who became the Imperial German Army.
>make any positive comment on UK and France
>wehraboo spergs immediately come out of the woodwork
Every fucking time.
>You can't be french just because you think you're french
That's how it was before the French revolution.
By turning their mythical ruler into a moe girl that gets fucked by a Japanese teenager?
oh fuck is that what's happening here? I was wondering why you all were talking about history on a
I'm gradually starting to fear that even this could be found to be my fault somehow
>Make any positive comment on the US
>French, Brit, Soviet, Russ, Jap, Chinese, Commi, Wehraboos comes out the wood works.
The butthurt is real.
Nice Sup Forums thread nigger
Because Great Britain is an island nation similar to Japan, and managed to build the largest empire in the world. Japan believed they could learn from Great Britain and build the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere .
In the post WWII era, yes, but not before. The Latin American revolutionaries looked to France and Napoleon for initial inspiration, and But that in and of itself is rooted in the political and social upheavals in Europe that stems directly from the French Revolution, the rise of the US is dependent on Spanish/British decline and disinterest in the New World, and Florida, Louisiana and even spoils from the Mexican-American wars would be significantly harder to realize. It might still happen, but still.
As for Eastern Europe, the ideals of nationalism and self-determination stem from Napoleonic ideals.
Again, I agree that the American Revolution is important, but you are underselling the total impact of the French Revolution.
Fortunately, not only was I not involved with this in any way, I didn't even read the VN until I was an adult