Who is the sexiest loli character from anime/manga?

Who is the sexiest loli character from anime/manga?

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Lolis are cute. Lolis aren't sexy.




Don't generalise user. I'm sure given the exact fashion sense, hair, makeup and maturity level a loli is capable of fitting the idea of sexy.

What's the age range for lolis? 8-12? Do you relly think that something that underdeveloped can be sexy?

More like 5-13.
And of course, lolis are the sexiest for a reason.

This is probably just me. I don't find that picture sexy. She's just "cute."

That's because you're gay.

The reception for cute and sexy is generally thought to share a close relation in our brain to begin with.
That's why some people even subtly start to drool when they're about to pet a very cute little animal for instance.
There's no surprise some people will find cute a bonus for sexiness.

>loli threads are delete on sight
Is there anything we can do or will I have to leave Sup Forums for good?

The latter.

I wouldn't really mind being gay. At least it's more socially acceptable (and more easily explicable) than wanting to jerk off to cartoon children.

Is that a hentai?

It's the last lolicon title where they went all out on lolicon pandering.

Why do you let society dictate what you love?

>That's why some people even subtly start to drool when they're about to pet a very cute little animal for instance.
>for instance
You're not fooling anyone. I guess whacking it to lolis is just a slippery slope down to bestiality

I don't really think there being a huge overlap between lolicons and furries, or that most people who go insane over pets are into bestiality, but I really don't give a fuck if they are.

And the anime is called...

I guess that's why after i fap to lolis i get an overwhelming desire to cuddle with them.

It's called go back to redddit you fucking fag.

It's in the filename, you know.

>"at least it's more socially acceptable..."
>on Sup Forums

what reddit have do with this tread i never use reddit so ehhh

>Lolis aren't sexy

>sexy loli

No thanks. Sexy loli are pretty much just imposters with small tits and a bad personality. Cute loli are magic.

Who's ready for the Ichigo Mashimaro of our generation?

never realized that thanks.

This is a chemicaloid. Be carful.

its Rika, no doubt

You will never be this happy hugging a "sexy" loli.

I want to fuck a loli while kissing her flat chest

Yes you can post lolis

You see her cheeks? You will never get to pinch them. It's pretty much a fact.

>Implying cute lolis like Febri are not also sexy

Mina Tepes

If anybody is wondering they literally found her in a bed of flowers. It's Febri.

Last time i tried that i was banned for a month due to "spamming" even though that was the only loli thread that day and the first thread I'd made in over a week.

If you ever post this in any Raildex thread I will find a Auija board and learn how to summon a demon so that I can curse you with some form of literal cancer user and the sad thing is you probably think I'm joking.

>I guess whacking it to old hags is just a slippery slope down to necrophilia.


The fuck is wrong with you?
Do you not like Febri? Or do you think she doesn't deserve full committed love?
Fuck off.


This picture is so cut. I want to kiss that loli.

I meant Cute.

I like Febri more than you. Go post your propaganda somewhere else.

The fuck is this?

>love her
>being annoyed that someone wouldn't mind making love to her, and finds her attractive
Yeah sure.
Now fuck off moralfag.

Enjoy your ban

Who was loli?

No answers for the rudeposter.

Yes I've been getting that too, I talked to the mods about it on IRC and basically they told me that they'll bend the rules however they want because we're sick pedos.

Kukuri is.

Too bad your newfag shows through.
Also, it's fresh != unripe.

The ones with womb tattoos.

Goddamm corrupt mods. There needs to be a way to get shits like that who blatantly abuse their power

>making love to her

Wew. You actually sound pathetic right now. She's a chemicaloid made for the specific reason of becoming one of the strongest level five espers in AC and you think some basement dwelling gargoyle twig armed bitch like you stands a chance? She's already got a future husband.*

m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaDx0BpxIEU [Open]

Look at all the projection from moralfag-kun.
Please fuck off forever.

There isn't, Hiro doesn't give a fuck about the moderation as long as he's making money off the site.

>Don't generalise user.
Not that user but I usually categorize em' as either
>fruits JS4 to JK1
>wine JK2 to loli babas
Both has their own merits and perks, mostly the latter will be the best keepers.
But there are certain cases where'd I settle for the plump homey/hopeless onee-sans


All I did was pretty much call you pathetic.

Could you stop spamming, moralfag?

Sucks that neutral mods do not exist

Why drink grape juice when you can have wine?

I'm not spamming dork and if you can't stand being called a dork and seeing pictures of actual cute girls I suggest you stop responding to me.

If you ask me, both Kuroko and Febri are pretty sexy.

Why drink wine when you can have grape juice?

Pretty much all the Railguns are elite user.

Too many cowtits.