ITT: you and your favorite anime are judged harshly
ITT: you and your favorite anime are judged harshly
The ending is pretty bad but other than that it's fantastic.
For every good episode there's a shit one.
very hit or miss humor, lots of misses
traditionally animated and women will never understand, you're probably a cool thoughtful dude
wierd and kinda eh but worth watching at least once
The last 2 episodes are shit and out of place, great otherwise and better than CB
amv is better then anime
You have a tumblr or have had one at one point. Your music taste encompasses at least one of the following: twee pop, trap rap (you post-ironically like it, and are always ready to argue about its "authenticity" even though you don't believe in the concept of authenticity), and Kate Bush
That's really specific. Anything you want to tell us?
you are a terrible person who should be locked up for the safety of everyone around you
there's an entire subculture of people like that if you prowl around music based websites
A lot of the side characters have bad voice acting, the villains are very one dimensional and cheesy sound effect almost ruin serious moments.
>Not liking the courtroom episode
>Not liking Dandy saving the galaxy for booty
There's not much to say, you just have mediocre tastes.
You are my fucking nigga, Ping Pong is a 10/10
stop posting
Only post I made here, what are you talking about?
You can't judge what you can't comprehend.
Generic and stinks of muh 2deep4you hipstering, not bad though.
I'm just joshin' you man
evangelion gets a bad rap but it's good if a tad bit overambitious
What the fuck? Kyosougiga is a fun, colorful show about learning to love and accept your family. Where does all this tumble shit come into it?
Is this that Penguin Memories film? I haven't seen it.
>Is this that Penguin Memories film? I haven't seen it.
Nope, that's Lolo's Adventures, a joint Soviet-Japanese cartoon/anime.
Oh cool, I haven't heard of it. My Soyuzmultfilm knowledge gets shaky going into the 80s.
It's a nice short OVA with bunch of dead penguins. Just be sure to avoid the Americn localization, it's not good and heavily edited.
This is the only post that should be in this thread.
Then you have shit tastes faggot
recently i rewatch this and its kind of better than 60% of the shows of this year.
I mean that is a carpetbomb reply but jesus user can you elaborate a bit more?
The two eps describing the development of the power stations traumatised me as a kid I swear.
Like suddenly my world was sinister.
You care so much about my opinion?
gayest show ever, but its shoujo after all it suposed to be for women
avarege taste, not good not bad
what is this.? looks neat
delet this
I saw this when it was called "Scamper the Penguin"
>what is this.? looks neat
Patrician taste
10/10 great taste
I hate it
I dare you to crit me without mentioning Revolution
It's all nostalgia. It aged poorly. It was so boring I couldn't finish the 1st episode
The pacing is ridiculously slow sometimes, I actually started laughing in the middle of an episode upon reflecting that I was watching it just to see how things would turn out, instead of actually enjoying the experience.
It also artificially extends the story on in the finale, having Kaiji make a decision that he would never do, only so the story could have more conflict to keep going. I was loving it goddamit, it could have a sweet end, not turn into Shounen bullshit and never end.
You probably have acquired great empathy for others after suffering yourself, and really likes a thrill. You should stop being like that and actually control yourself, and judge others for not doing it themselves. Things are not sustainable otherwise.
die recnorms
1. Mobile Suit Gundam
u mom gay
Tomino more like Tomi-no thank you
I always suck at these threads because everyone has pretty good taste.
Insipid and unoriginal. Doesn't even really seem to understand the medium it's homaging.
More nostril than a Detective Conan episode.
Great moeblob, but moeblob nonetheless.
Generic soap that got way more praise than it ever deserved.
I assume by "medium" you mean super robot? What do you mean Gurren Lagann doesn't understand it?
Not even in an ironic/contrarian M.D. Geist sorta way. legitimately the most fun I've had watching anime
speaking of glorified soaps
It was FUN
Waaaaait... Is this that half-soviet anime?
Try is shit
Why were all the girls in that show so perfect?
the only reason anyone likes this is because they were like 12 when they first saw it.
oh boy, another episode about sakaki trying to pet a car.
Needless had a little bit of everything and was easily one of the most enjoyable manga I've ever read.
Sorry, I guess "genre" would be more appropriate. Not a big fan of Gainax's super robot homages/sequels from the 2000s. They just seem to emulate the works they are inspired by only on a sort of superficial level. Oh, it's not like they lack any depth, since most have this sort of "coming of age" thing going on, but it often feels completely detached and unrelated from the themes of those older shows beyond the explosions.
Same thing with Diebuster and the original Gunbuster.
So by doesn't understand you mean you think it's detached from the themes of older entries in the genre?
talk talk talk talk. baddy shows up. Lina uses a badly animated or not-animated-at-all spell, episode ends, rinse and repeat.
No, I mean it markets itself as this big homage to an existing genre but doesn't do anything significant with that legacy other than ripping off fights. It comes off as if it only has a superficial understanding that it's just the battles and hot-blooded action what makes /m/edia what it is.
Hurt me plenty
Madhouse was never good.
It's been really, really boring for a long time now.
What makes this your favorite show? I'm legitimately curious here. I really wanted to like this and I sort of did, but it jumped so much between dragging its feet and progress through plot convenience that it was hard to stay invested in.
Come at me.
Rip me apart Sup Forums, I know you want to
Just move on grandpa.
Honestly, no anime/character has ever made me laugh as hard as this one
Call me normie/newfag/granddad
Favourite animu and mango, please judge.
pick one, kiddo