did you find Kubikiri Cycle any good?
I liked it a lot
Did you find Kubikiri Cycle any good?
Oh, this has been fully aired yet? Because I was waiting until then to start it.
yeah, I dloaded a full release from AB two days ago
Havent watched it yet because me and a friend are still watching Yamato 2199 but if its even half as good as the novel was then im excited
The retarded motives the characters had ruined everything.
How is being an impostor retarded?
It was ok, could've been a lot better. Looks very cheap despite being an OVA series. Also since they cut out so much dialogue and monologue (probably necessary to some degree) it feels even more like a generic mystery than the novel. Still hope they'll adapt the second one, it will be less of an issue there I think.
Its perfectly watchable thanks to shaft aesthetics, character design is great, the plot is pretty much nonsense.
Monogatari is much better work by nisio.
>tfw it's actually a character study thinly veiled as a mystery
That's some shit taste right there.
Are there even subs past the first ep?
But that's what make Japanese mysteries good
>plot is pretty much nonsense
jej, although i suppose that was not intentional
Shaft ruined it.
Have you actually read bakemonogatari novel?
I thought it was great, but unfortunately got the short stick of the production quality. If they decide to adapt more, I hope they'll do it when they aren't busy with million other shows.
Of course, it's not particularly great. The Monogatari novels don't really start being good until the second season (aside from Kizumonogatari) and even then the best ones just read like lesser Zaregoto novels.
Shit taste was directed the aesthetics and character design being good though.
Why would anyone watch shaft anything if it wasnt for their aesthethics and character designs?
They cut almost all of it out of the anime adaption though, it comes of as pretentious in the adaption when they tried at the end because they cut all that actual substance to it.
>we will never see /ourguy/ Greengreengreen animated in our lifetime
it hurts
I would like to see how the prologue gets adapted.