Blue board nigga.
She likes us.
What am I looking at
I dropped this anime after that point.
Intense patata sex.
Pick it back up or I'll blow this potato's brains out.
And she has patrician taste
How do you loke your potatoes?
She's old. Half of Sup Forums wasn't born yet when this show aired.
Its slow, and characters are retarded. Zero drama or suspense. Zero plot other than they are alone. Give me one reason to pick it back up? Author probably a loli-retard fetish pedo.
I refuse to believe half of Sup Forums are anywhere under 30 years old, i don't want to feel lonely.
Reigen I love you but stop being a dumbass
No, go play in traffic.
Nah, nothing. You can fuck off peacefully now.
no, you shouldn't watch it, now fuck off
I give her a month tops to deactivate her Twitter because of Sup Forums.
Anons need to leave her alone for a while and channel their appreciation into the card instead.
I highly doubt it
s u c c
OP is a faggot
There is no scope on the rifle so wtf is this?
The other little girl spots her shots through the detached scope.
Fuck I'm retarded.
Why didn't Chii lick her hand after that? it was precious water with a delicious potato flavor.
We are going down this route again aren't we.
i hope not. but we must keep pushing just to make sure!
very fast potate mashing at incredible hihg speed
Fuck off, disgusting ape.
White pig really don't know shit about decency. Monkey see, monkey do.
What's that white cross with a dot though?
Corpse removal?
User was truncheoned for this MRE.
I want to get drunk with tkmiz
Symbol of their home country like Balkenkreuz
Something similar to this? Dunno what should I google for really.
These potatoes are lewd.
o sweet goodness
Someone please share the anthology again
It's not the type of show for you. Now go back to watching Dragon Ball Super.
Please buy your own.
I'm quite aware it is not a show for me. I'm just curious as to why anyone can like this show for any reason other than jacking to retarded loli as pedos. Can you tell me what substance there is other than that?
Is this yuri?
not with an attitude like that, mister
Fuck off already, you're not welcome.
Stupid sexy yuuri.
Only one week and episode has passed and I already miss the less than 200 posts manga threads
Most of Sup Forums is probably around 22.
Maybe not even 10 percent is above 30 in age.
I wouldn't be baffled if there are more people below 16 than there are over 30.
>ned flanders.jpg
>11 seconds apart
Not really since they're replying to post making the same joke that they are
Why would anyone over 30 stay on Sup Forums? Once you have wizard powers it is no more a boon to be among your own kind, instead you just go off and find a tower to research magic until you go mad and become a litch.
I'm 36 dude.
So there's no other characters other than the two? They're going to wander around the snow for a full cour not meeting anyone at all?
theres others
I'm around user
Now stop posting. Why do you want to get spoilered anyway?
They probably killed themselves by now
Press v user to get the full resolution
what the fuck is wrong with you you pedoshit leddit fuckface?
>retarded shit
Don't ever post about me again, virgin.
>not reporting
Why did they change the rifle for the anime anyways?
Planedyke yes.
I'm impressed you've managed to not kill yourself yet.
Hi I am C h i t o. Hi am from Japan.
Your site is cute. Many many cute photo. I am in your site for many
many Time, but I no understando
What you talk? What is the favorit
e discussion you say please?
Sorry for my question. Bye bye Ame
C h i t o
don't leave cheeto
Can't afford a gun.
You don't need a gun if you're creative
He was using a reaction image, user. Be reasonable
What rule did he even break?
Post more about me, you filthy virgin Gaijins! Please, post all over me!
dont lewd tkmiz
>You can't be a reasonable person that doesn't lash out everything different even if it doesn't make sense unless you're defending yourself.
But why?
>white knighting some faggot you don't know on an anonymous imageboard