Gonna submit again my Student visa request to australia hoping it doesnt get rejected because not considered genuine

Gonna submit again my Student visa request to australia hoping it doesnt get rejected because not considered genuine.
This time gonna attach:
>My payslip
>My bank account with 10.000 euros in it
>A Statement of my parents confirming that our family owns indeed various businneses.

Fucking cunts, let me come and contribuite to your beautifull country. Only pajeets , niggers and chinks is not good.

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>Always respond politely to Australian posters
Nah. Aussies are for bants.

Fuck off, we're full.

Also Italians aren't white

>t. not even an aussie, just a memeflagger of shit
Im from rome as well faggot

ye they are

I believe you are what theAussies refer to as a "wog dog".

t. Antonio pastavicci

Been in aus for a year, tried to integrate as much as i could by learning commons used words and shit.
I tried.
t. tyrone shakisha

>t. Pastanigger

>implying bogans can't be gay
Get a load of this cunt

We're full

>implying youre even aussie
Show your flag you cunt
Nuke melbourne

Fuck off cunt another barista couldn't hurt.

>applying for student Visa
>wants to "come and contribute"

Sounds like someone is planning on breaking the terms of a student visa

Am Sydney and I agree. If you pay me those 10,000 Euros I will let you in

I’m finishing up my Residency (MD) and am a dualUS/Australian citizen. Why should I move back home? Life in the states is ez mode mates.

Kek. We will be less full if we nuke Melbourne.

Fuck off wog.b we do not want your lazy, criminal kind

... education is our largest export and brings in more foreign shekels than any other Industry. He would intact be contributing.

How do I immigrate to US without a trade? Should be able to just save as much as I can here, move there, buy cheap place (since housing is so cheap in many places) and work regular job.
Australia really is fucked. Just dirt and selling citizenship.

Do you really believe i would stay ILLEGALLY in a foreign country?
I would be banned from australia for 3 years, as well as from the US and maybe many other countries as well. Im not retarded you cunt. I have never broken a law in my fucking life.
asians, pajjets and south americans keep doing that and you fags dont say anything.
I want to come and try to LEGALLY contribuite to your country and you say this? fUCK You
M8, life in aus is much better than the us.
Never done anything illegal for a year i have been in ausland you cunt.

Tbh I moved here when my mother got remarried to an American, I was 18 and that was 10 years ago.

As for legal immigration without having to marry someone? It takes a while but it’s possible, all these shitskins and africans manage to do it.

Fuck off traitor. Stay there and join the nazi group

We send most of them back once they graduate.

I was born and raised there, life is about the same as here in the states only with less conveniences and a different variety of nonwhites.

tell them you have a criminal record, they're into that.


dunno what that means lol

>I want to come and try to LEGALLY contribuite to your country and you say this? fUCK You

Hmm can't handle the bants I am reconsidering my position.

>Gonna submit again my Student visa request to australia hoping it doesnt get rejected because not considered genuine.
There are many young Italians here in Melbourne now. Most of them seem to work in hospitality or in cleaning companies. You'll probably get a job somewhere like this:

Keep in mind, though, that there's a good chance you'll be eaten while here. Also, you'll find that Australia is a very multicultural country these days. Maybe go somewhere else if you're not into that.

What about asians? Same quantity?
pic related

Was that bantz?
Seemed weak bantz m8
i dont want to go to melborune.
Not many asians, too many europeans and too many shitalians.

>Life in the states is ez mode mates.
I actually agree. I'll be heading back to the US for work soon too. Being poor in the US sucks, but being well paid is super comfortable. You don't have to pay the Australia tax on everything and all your consumer stuff gets delivered in two days with Amazon Prime. Honestly, Australia is just a bit poor in comparison to the US, especially when you're comparing the middle classes.

Most Sup Forums posters in the US don't have money so they make it sound like life is shit there.

Why don't you just get a working/holiday visa and go get a job there that's worth while then apply for a work visa, then work on that for a few year and apply for a residency. Unless you're over 30?

nice blog post faggit

>Isis flag.
Semites I fucking swear.

>i dont want to go to melborune.
>Not many asians, too many europeans and too many shitalians.
Melbourne is where most of Australia's Italians are. They're more likely to give you a job because you're Italian too. Maybe you could check out Mildura too and work in a good industry. Melbourne has large numbers of Asians now too. You're a bit misinformed about that.

>been a year

mate my greek neighbour has been here longer than I'v been alive an he's still a fucking wog.

try harder next time cunt. Also fuck off, we're full.

>Also fuck off, we're full.
Actually Australia has the resources (land, water, food production, potential GDP) to maintain quadruple the current population and it probably will within the next century. Good luck holding back the sea with your words and curses.

I have worked as a working holiday for a year, worked in farm too.
Going back as student but i still have my second working holiday to use.
You need to find a sponsor, you cant just apply for residency if i reckon.
i want to come to australia to stay away from italians tho. Going away from italy just to go back with italians seems retarded.
>Melbourne has large numbers of Asians now too.
I have been in brisbane and the cbd is basically asia. Is it the same with melbourne. I have seen demographics somewhere and most asians are in sydney and brisbane.
Is it correct?
then fuck him nigger and you too cunt

>comedy central
Fuck mate your not even trying.
We do not have the fucking water. Do you want us to end up like soith africa? Running out of water full of niggers tgat dont now how to fix it?

Another option then if Aus won't let you is to go to New Zealand, working/holiday - work visa - residency - full residency - citizenship - move to Aus.

Long winded but you get to hang out in NZ while you're at it.

>I have been in brisbane and the cbd is basically asia. Is it the same with melbourne. I have seen demographics somewhere and most asians are in sydney and brisbane.
"Melbourne has the second largest Asian population in Australia, which includes the largest Indian and Sri Lankan communities in the country." Also very large numbers of students from China and several major Vietnamese precincts. The Asian numbers are probably similar overall to Sydney and are concentrated in the CBD.

For an overview of recent Australian demographic changes, see:

Most Italians seem to like to stick together too, but whatever suits you!

>Fuck mate your not even trying.
>We do not have the fucking water. Do you want us to end up like soith africa? Running out of water full of niggers tgat dont now how to fix it?
Glad you liked the image. Australia hasn't even tried desal water yet. That's a good option for us and Victoria even has a plant. The population of Australia keeps increasing too.

>Going away from italy just to go back with italians seems retarded.

Good luck mate those republic pushing wog cunts are fucking everywhere.

Oh didnt know that.
Well brisbane is full of asians too and they all in the cbd too.
Dont think there is much difference.
>Most Italians seem to like to stick together too, but whatever suits you!
People from same countries do that, but i despise italians. I dont want to hang around them too much.
I always try to avoid them

>comedy fucking central
get fuuuuuuuuucked cunt.

>can't handle the banter of being called a wog

Best stay out of Queensland cunt, we'll eat you alive

>cant handle counter bant and get defensive



Desal... is unecomical. And we have 9 operating and more to open. The fact is the cost of converting salt water into fresh is fucking huge.

If you did immigrate would you be for or against the monarchy?

Never thouht about it.
Rememeber finding some leaflets about why the queen was shit and australia should reject it.
Not sure desu, what are pros or cons if it?
I mean, its european history so it would only enforce more europeans identities.
I dont know m8

stay in your country and fight the somaliniggers
i fucking swear every country seems to have race traitor cowards in this wretched (((modern age)))

Pro Westminster system, she has no power over australian government. She costs us nothing and is the strongest point holding together anglo identity and culture. The only con is that she isn't "australian".
The issue is people who immigrate come in and then decide that australia shouldn't have the queen as head of state. If you wanted to live in a shit tier republic why the fuck did you immigrate?

Melbourne detected

I cant believe I am about to say this but

Indians are the worst offenders. Though from what I hear your fast on your way to becoming a Hindu theocracy.

Learn how to poo in the loo faggot
t. sankensan poolary

She may not be Australian but she isn't English either.

what about the fact that (((they))) chose a negress?

This guy gets it.

>Another option then if Aus won't let you is to go to New Zealand
fuck off, no wops

>the queen isn't English
Aside from the fact that she can trace her lineage back to the original English kings before the Norman invasion, your right she isn't English.

I fucking hate what has become of history in this country.

Meh, thats why the governor generals position is guaranteed by our constitution and all executive power is invested in that position. Also that nigress will never see the throne.

>The issue is people who immigrate come in and then decide that australia shouldn't have the queen as head of state.

ASIO informed the Dept of Immigration that you regularly visited Sup Forums, you retarted spaghetti nigger

This user speaks the truth, OP should fuck off because we're full.

As if to prove my my fucking point.

Would not be surprised if the "Australian Republican Movement" was thoroughly infiltrated by Red China. It's in their interest to divorce your country from its attachment to the West.

Why do you think people care about your issues with trying to get into Australia? I see this blog post shit posted by you all the time.

Exactly this, not to mention all of our republican pollies have links to Chinese investors (state ).

I wanted Australia to be a republic when I was a kid because I thought it meant that we could become an empire. Alas.

>Deny immigration applicants from rich European countries
>Accept niggers from Africa and sand niggers from the middle east
>Accept Chinese and Vietnamese who bring very little to the country but massive crime and mafia who literally kill people in once peaceful neighborhoods
>Entire cities being turned into one big shitfest of Asian criminal gangs, niggers and Islam.
>Services being degraded, schools turning into shit like American schools. Whites turning into wiggers like Americans and white women being degenerate.


Video related

Congratulations Australia!

>Accept Chinese and Vietnamese

Australia doesn't "accept" Chinese and Vietnamese, it's the CHINKS accept illegal Europeans. Australia is an Asian country ruled by CHINKS. Now they want to not only refuse snow niggers but actively deport white (((people))).
Europeans HAVE TO GO BACK.

Its practically impossible to get in anywhere when you're white.

5 years ago we were looking to move there. We have a lot of family over there and they own several businesses. we had over 50k dollaridoos in savings and was sponsored by our family, friends and from our potential employers. We had already purchased a years working visa each and a home and on the day we arrived they turned us away at the airport because they were not convinced we had the right visa, that we could sustain ourselves on the money and they could not contact our proposed employers so did not believe us.

Had to head home and write to the employers that we couldn't start due to the migration system turning us away.

However, a muslim friend of mine went over on a tourist visa with their family about 6 years ago and haven't seen them since. FB profile says they live out there now. I never understood this because they were mainly on welfare here.

I guess I'll never understand these systems.

Enjoy being killed and eaten by a horrendous spider-thing.

>purchased a years working visa

If your visa is purchased in order to enter Australia, you may end up 10 years imprisonment.

What do you mean?
I went through the correct process as per Australia's migration law.

I didn't just buy a visa from some cunt in the back of a chinese takeaway.

This post is hilariously confusing but also makes sense.

>We had already purchased a years working visa each and a home

I don't know, you tell me. I just quote what you said. I assume you're talking about shitty 457 slavery, that VISA is under the highest alert of fraud investigation, abolished at late 2016 then re-introduced about 1 year later with many modifications.
If you really want to come to Australia, try the independent skilled program - the hardest one. From your saving numbers clearly you won't be qualified in investor stream.
We HATE 457 shits.

For your sand nigger friend, don't worry, CHINKS will find him then sell his organs.

Only if your female.

you're going to see a lot of chinese from guangzhou (a city in china)

It's a lot cheaper than you'd think, but somehow Australia managed to fuck it up with California-style overinflated construction costs and high energy costs.

Israel now gets about 50% of its water from seawater desalination, producing water for around 50c per cubic meter from its latest plants.

Be prepared to work on a farm in the heat for 12 a day making shit money living in a crappy hostel,
If your a femanon,
Be prepared for abbo rape

you're a faggot so fuck off we're full

also google subclass 417 visa you stupid wog cunt

Already did it brother.
It was hell on earth.
see top
I have got a second working holiday visa ready to use but im going as student at the moment