What did you just make me watch ;_;
What did you just make me watch ;_;
You're welcome
When I say I love Lain I mean it in a "I want to fuck her" kind of way.
>op pic
>I love Lain
nigga are you drugged?
You can go to old home too user, all you need is some rope.
Hope you felt comfy
I want to work in a clock tower with Kana
Yoshii did nothing wrong
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
At the very least, yeah
A stone becoming a step.
Welcome to anime!
I fucking hated this show. I should've dropped it after the second episode but Sup Forums was raving so I watched til the end.
unironically completely true
yoshii did it for the lulz
Same but with Lain, TTGL, Ergo Proxy, Texhnolyze, Bebop, Champloo, Space Dandy, Bakemonogatari, GitS, FMAB, and FLCL.
Shit that I personally dropped at episode 4 since it was so mindnumbingly boring and I hated all the characters.
What's it like being a brainlet and having literal shit taste.
yeah man I'm literally watching Ergo Proxy right now in the background. Fucking garbage. I liked bebop though
What's it like responding to obvious bait?
What's it like falling for even more obvious bait?
Sora no Woto is Haibane Renmei done right.
this, nothing will top Sora no Woto
Sora no Renmei is Haibane Woto done meh.
I can't believe Crunchyroll managed to kill Haibane Renmei threads. This shit only started around when Haibane Renmei was added to their catalogue.
Why did Hikari using the ring cast to bake make Rakka's ring attract her hair?
Nah, I was shitposting in the threads way before crunchyroll even existed because I genuinely hated the show.
Sora no Woto is anime done right.
Get your lies out of my internet.
Sora no Woto is Haibane Renmei done medium rare.
Karl please leave.
There was always some guy hating this show, but I don't remember any particular shitstorm by caused by his presence, for the most it was comfy talk...can't say the same the for Lain threads.
Sora no Woto is Haibane done slightly less well buy still pretty good.
Bad bait user-kun
Just seems like an adult to me, all those series are kindof kiddie. I mean I like GitS but it's silly.
>slightly less well
Both have a mysterious setting but Haibane Renmei does better use of it IMO, although it certainly has more of an enthusiastic and upbeat tone to it. SNW does have better animation but that isn't necessarily something I'm looking for in a SOL of this variety.
I could watch one to have a cup of harmony and melancholy, then have the other for healing and fun.
Woto is physical, Haibane is spiritual.
SSR is potato.
A mediocre ABe show that can't possibly compare to Lain
Adults aren't usually insecure about watching """kiddie""" shows.
Fuck you Bear, you're just biased because Lain wears you.
Forced drama the animation?
>forced drama
Sounds like a forced complaint. I guess a show has to completely signpost when it's going to get dramatic and hold your hand throughout the drama so it doesn't surprise you at all.
The drama with the shota are way too melodramatic and dragged on too long. It's especially annoying when every character already moved one but the MC still whine about it and proceed to do stupid shit one after another.
Retarded opinion.
nice reaction image but you forgot to point >>
Kuu was female. Also you clearly didn't pay much attention because Rakka's feelings and actions in that situation versus those of everyone else makes sense and are well-justified.
>people using haibane renmei threads to shitpost
cant get anymore sinful than this
Why? It's a shitty show, makes sense to shit post in threads about it.
>I don't like it so it's shit and I'm going to bother people who do like it because they like things I don't
You have to be 18+ to post here.
Go to reddit if you want a hugbox.
No wonder every show nowadays feels the need to spoonfeed retards like you that take everything at face value and can't possibly notice that the anime gives you hint that the MC's reaction is way more intricate than just "i'm sad".
I seriously don't understand how anyone can hate something like Haibane Renmei. Disliking, sure, the show isn't perfect; but hating? You guys are hating on one of the most lovable shows in the medium for what it is, what it has to say and how it does it.
Apparently if a show doesn't have yelling or slapstick comedy every 10 seconds it's boring. An anime can't possibly show tonal restraint for atmospheric purposes and to characterize the submissive nature of its setting. No, gotta please the ADHD ridden teenagers at all times.
Reddit is the same vapid echo chamber, the main difference is that Sup Forums is full of condescending retards.
Just because you're a dick doesn't mean you're more knowledgeable.
>Sup Forums is full of condescending retards.
You just described lebbit tho. Go back numnut
Since I have time, just gonna debunk all the complaints people have about the show.
>The show is boring, especially the first half
Can't do much about that, I found it to be weirdly compelling. One thing I can say though is that the tonal restraint makes sense, since it is here to enhance the melancholic atmosphere and characterize the submissive nature of the setting while remaining focused on the two mains. The first half is also used to establish the characters' personalities, reccurent symbolism and the dialogue is full of dual meaning/sad ironies.
>The drama in the middle is forced
It's a bit overdone but not as much as one would think it is. The MC just lost her footing and struggles with her identity through excessive grieving while separating herself from others, there are multiple hints of her conflicted state of mind throughout episode 7 and 8. It is characterized as a selfish reaction and is resolved (or negated) with a pure act of selflessness at the end of episode 8.
>The show looks like shit
Yeah, the anime's visuals are very inconsistent. But overall it does the job and the characters are expressive enough (with both body language and facial expressions) which is appreciable. And the artstyle is effective at conveying both the warmth and the eerieness that will be both played with.
>The show is completely meaningless
False. It's just the viewer focusing on the wrong things. Haibane Renmei isn't just an anime about depression and suicide, and just because it doesn't resolve its mysteries (for obvious reasons) doesn't mean it's about nothing. The show has clear themes and a clear message it will put all its efforts into conveying.
There is basically three major layers to Haibane's themes, one is explored, another is illustrated and the last one is projected and all have synergistic values.
Explored = altruism. What it means and what it takes to be good to yourself but most importantly to others. 1/2
Illustrated = identity, self-worth, self-sacrifice, coming-of-age, sin, salvation, faith, selfishness, selflessness, empathy, redemption, forgiveness and regret.
Projected with the nostalgic haze it put efforts into conveying thanks to its melancholic atmosphere, tonal excellence, "show don't tell" situations, emotive approach, lingering unresolved mystery and woven into the narrative literary devices = self-acknowledgement, self-awareness, self-discovery, self-truth, self-actualization and self-acceptance.
The show's main message can be interpreted as = self-actualization and acceptance through genuine kindness towards others and ultimately achieving salvation by accepting forgiveness from those who made the necessary effort to understand your struggles through empathy, thus putting an end to the circle of self-hatred by substituting it with a circle of mutual help based on complete confidence, or faith, in a neighbour and oneself.
Pretty sure that's about it for the main complaints people have about the anime. I can go into details if asked, I don't really mind.
I shouln't have bothered writing that, especially to respond to retards who can only communicate using buzzwords to "shit" on what others love because they weren't hugged enough as a kid.
I hope it will be useful to somebody at the very least. Haibane Renmei is a great show that deserves all the love it's not necessarily getting.
I appreciate it. I'm still kinda split on the show, it was a lot to swallow
Not really. The anime doesn't have a lot to it and it didn't try to cram as many philosophies and literary references as it possibly could (even though the setting itself is kind of one).
There are some subtleties to make sense of everything, but it's not a complicated show to understand.
Well i get what happened, but I need some time to think about it to know if it was worth it
Do their wings twitch when they orgasm?
Completely agree with this. I'd also suggest adding Madoka to that list
It's not like the show is 100 eps long anyway. It's a swift watch.
I thought Madoka was good but it's definitely overrated. What I posted are things I actually didn't enjoy.
Something truly wonderful.
People that signal their enlightenment through resentful contrarianism are even worse than those that do through the consumption of such shows
It's ok, boku no pico get's better around the 3rd play.
Those shows suck. I'm sorry. There are popular series I enjoy, such as Berserk, NGE, Utena, etc.
Not those ones.
I also hate anime and manga.
Do they suck or is it just not your niche?
I loathe Bakemonogatari but I'm not gonna say its a bad show. It visually interesting and the girls are hot, but I loathe watching it despite recognizing that.
You're an easily impressed kid. Philosophy 101 concepts thrown around vaguely like this would of course appear great.
I don't understand this meme comparison but I like woto better. It's more real and grounded.
I want to see kumiko waking up in Seize.
"Thrown around vaguely". Like what? Only basic existential questions are thrown and only serve as a catalyst for the anime's actual meat.
So shut the fuck up with your shitty buzzwords you manchild. Grow the fuck up retarded faggot.
he mad
How does that even relate to the OP
"more real and grounded" - Conflict caused by a 1-D villain resolved through the power of love and music.
yea this too. recently watched half the series while being drunk, but i remember clearly that flute version, which of course they won't fucking release ever. that ova wrapped the character arcs well, but along with it comes several huge cliffhangers. fuck a-1 and fuck sony.
This whole thread is a pure testament to the anime medium and its community being a big pile of putrid filth.
No wonder only garbage is being made nowadays, either self-aware campy trash that will get popular thanks to ironic internet memes or pieces of shit that cater as hard as possible to its manchild viewers in order to make easy cash.
I seriously hope this joke of a medium not even its community takes seriously dies out as fast as possible.
Any anime that treats its viewer with respect is automatically stigmatized, its kinda like a crab bucket
congratulations, you`re an elitist now.
>underagefags actually believe this
In all fairness, is not your fault your mom didn't put out sooner.
"A person enjoyed a well-crafted show I didn't like, quick let me thrash it with every buzzword I know to make me feel better about my miserable life I'm currently "living"" the thread.
What a pathetic time to be alive, people finding entertainment in making others feel bad about what they love.
Please kys.
I don't even disagree, but
"I do X to to make me feel better about my miserable life"
pls don't do that
>No wonder only garbage is being made nowadays
If it means shit like Haibane Renmei stops appearing, it's an acceptable trade-off.
Well, enjoy your shows with 0 creativity and craft then, good sir.
Oh, I will.
>Let me just name a bunch of random popular shows with no relation to each other so that I can bait the maximum amount of people
This whole thread is just a bait. It started with somebody willing to discuss the show they enjoyed and then the fun police came.
When a show has some signs of depth it's automatically labeled as "pretentious shit philosophy 101" for easily impressionable kids. Not much you can do about that.
Sora no Woto is really plastic. It's visually indistinctive. It doesn't exercise much control over the atmosphere. The characters are one-dimensional. The mysteries of the situation aren't compelling or important to the plot. I liked it but it's not comparable to Haibane Renmei.
I remember when we used to have comfy discussions about Haibane Renmei back in the day with people sharing what they got from the anime along with people posting cute/comfy gifs and pics, it was a pleasure to read. Now it's just a shit flinging contest between autists, it's incredibly saddening to see how low this board has stooped.
fuck off moefag
why was haibane remei so good and lain was so bad even tho both created by the same person
Both are good shows. But they present their imagery differently. Lain went for the intellectual/mindfuck route whereas Haibane went for the poetic/emotive approach.
Haibane is the more digestible of the two because it has less going for it overall and is a bit more straight-forward. I prefered Haibane because there is a palpable internalization of the events taking place and I didn't have to read 10 blogposts in order to get what message it was trying to convey.
I feel the exact opposite. Lain was awesome, but Haibane Renmei was boring, forced, and didn't have a single likable character. Spineless little shits, all of them.
Because Lain is more popular and you're a contrarian idiot.
At least Haibane had characters.