I've suffered from psychosis, mania, depression, delusions — hurt people, ruined relationships, lost jobs and ruined my college career. Accused my father and neighbor of being rapists in a psychotic episode. I feel immense guilt for what I've done, but all I hear is that I have no control over it which makes it worse. I feel like a failed human being. I feel like if I ask you what I should do all I'll hear is "kys"
Nonetheless, what should I do
Christian Wilson
Do 2 eights of mushrooms in one session, achieve ego death. Once you have shed your shit self and learned your REAL place in this world, you can be reborn without having had to commit suicide. Alt+ctrl+del for your brain.
Carter Campbell
>I feel like if I ask you what I should do all I'll hear is "kys" >Nonetheless, what should I do But that is what you should do
Gavin Fisher
I did that once and I thought I was Lucifer, the Antichrist :-/
Carson Fisher
It's OK Hillary, we're just glad you're not president.
Jaxon Hall
Alexander Perry
Are they rapists?
Ethan Nelson
stop making shit threads sage
Leo Gray
I don't think so. Both my sister and I had marijuana-induced "memories" of sexual abuse from my father but I don't think it actually happened
Mason Evans
Lmfao. This has to be bait.
Sounds like you got buttfucked.
Zachary Torres
I thought that once but I don't think it makes sense
Gabriel James
No you haven't. If you had achieved ego death you would have understood that there is no Lucifer or Christ, no good or evil. Just randomness. Cut back on your lying a bit, leave deception to kikes.
Jason Diaz
It is true it's more funner to be in disbelief than it is to give yourself those things.
John Walker
Fuck off
Matthew Adams
Whatever, dude. Weed doesn't make anyone remember sexual abuse that didn't happen.
Carson Mitchell
It's hard to believe
Tyler Taylor
Not as hard as 2 separate people believing it.
David Perez
Both of us doubt its likelihood
Sebastian Russell
Unless you both had a person planting the idea in your head, it didn't come from nowhere.
Mason Richardson
Just enjoy life, I call people rapists and pedos on Twitter all day to remind them. I don’t let it control my life tho. It’s not my job to punish the wicked, I believe everyone is judged once they die, so I just let people be degenerate and enjoy it
Ethan White
We kind of did, not literally but our mother and my mother's side of the family really encouraged us to dislike him
Austin Fisher
You're blatantly misdiagnosed. And it's probably ptsd.
Austin Moore
Not sure. I thought I had CPTSD once but I have literally all of the symptoms of Bipolar I
Parker Mitchell
wow lots of amerimutts in this thread. Have european flag
Caleb Kelly
Sounds like you don't know if the memories are memories or delusions. So that symptom isn't clear. And depression and mania is pretty fucking normal for your fucked up life.
Jonathan Jackson
Ryder Peterson
You need love. Not so easy to come by these days, but in the absence of receiving it from the outside, you have to try to love yourself. Don’t focus on negatives. Think of of a time when you where genuinely happy, remember what that was like, and try to recreate that feeling within yourself. God loves you, and for what it’s worth so do I, so you are not alone.