Grape-kun died friendo's I am working on a memorial project for him as we speak. If you have grape-kun art please post

Grape-kun died friendo's I am working on a memorial project for him as we speak. If you have grape-kun art please post.

Other urls found in this thread:

RIP in Heaven Penguino

Goodnight sweet Grape
May you noot in peace

Later Grape




All penguins go to heaven, r-right?

You insufferable faggots need to fuck off. It's an animal in a zoo with a cardboard cutout. Sure, it's endearing that it liked the cutout enough to stick around it all the time but that's nothing special seeing as if I wanted to watch an autistic animal fawn over the object of it's desires from another dimension I could browse here. It doesn't need constant threads, especially not multiples.

They are just Sup Forums shitposters.

Oh my god, you are such a legend. You make me so wet with your reckless edging.

You're a big boy.

Thank you for contributing. By tomorrow the same time I will have it done and post if interested.

Please add if you have more.


Only 4 threads and 1 is about to die.

i don`t know if you alredy know but someone started a petition to make an statue,seems like a nice idea




Boy Kadokawa fucked up so hard they killed a real live penguin.

here is some more art

literally who

Hes in a better place now



Broken link friendo but that is a deed for a good cause.

We are doing good work Sup Forumsnons

here you go

>fucked up
In what way?

Grape-Kun, hes a penguin who fell in love with his waifu.

Nobody will make a thread mourning your death.

captcha: stop stop

This should not bug me so much, but it does.

That girl is Gen, a Gentoo Penguin. Grape's a Humbodlt Penguin, and is fairly distinct from Gentoos. If you're going to mourn post, at least post the right species of bird, user.

So ironic weeb memes from shitposting crossies? Gotcha.

Which is fine, that's the way it should be. Same for this penguin.

user saw himself in that penguin. Fucking let him mourn.

Worst thing is that mods are ironic weebs nowadays so this cancer is allowed.

>Nobody will make a thread mourning your death.

As long as user's beloved waifu is with him in the moments of his final dream, that's all he really needs.


A lot of artist still don't get that Grape-kun is old and should portrayed as an old geezer instead of young, self-insert like character.

Reporting won't do anything because mods like KF.

Your not wrong, I did not know the type of penguin but I did know Gen. I was just keeping things simple.
Not shit posting this time around.
Thank you friendo

Announcing your reports is a bannable offense y'know.

See you, space penguin.


Not necessarily true. The actual fanbase of the show was having their threads deleted left and right over the past two weeks, and they usually keep it in one thread. Even now there's a thread on page 9 that people are still posting in.

The other threads that cropped up are anomalies, and probably are cross boarders who want to talk about the event. This many threads aren't normal for KF fans.

Except it is true because mods outright posted in the threads asking people to cease making constant threads and to instead discuss aspects of the series instead of just deleting them on sight like they do for other series/


Grape-kun has earned his chance to be the only male who deserved to be animated and put into Japari Park.

>Grape-kun dead
>Hit dead
Is the color purple unlucky now?

>A lot of artist still don't get that Grape-kun is old and should portrayed as an old geezer instead of young, self-insert like character.

Presumably, anthropomorphic Grape-kun will be young and healthy from getting resurrected by Sandstar.

He got to be with his waifu, so he's more lucky than we are.

If you follow sandstar logic, Grape-kun is a girl.

This is a penguin who achieved more in his 20 years than nearly all of us will get on twice that much.

An entire nation and people from the other side of the world are mourning him hours after his dead, how many will care about you, anons?

Everything is okay! He just moved to Japari, guys.

You were one of us. Goodbye, my friend.

> Implying Kemono threads weren't deleted on sight for a time.
Check the archive. Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

It's not fair

They need to honor Grape and his waifu. He was more than just a penguin, he was a comrade.

This Penguin burned brighter in that short time than most people will in their entire lives. I envy him.

>for a time
Maybe if you weren't completely retarded you would know that there's no board specific mods. That was probably when some mod that doesn't usually browse Sup Forums deleted it after being reported. The mere presence of a mod post asking for the community to tone it down to keep the threads alive is indication that they give enough of a shit to not solely delete on sight.

Stop playing the victim, if mods wanted KF threads out you would be already banned just like djt or the fish.


>If you follow sandstar logic, Grape-kun is a girl.

Living the Dream.

I'm still salty about both of those, plus koume poster is gone right before 10th of October.

I truly hope there is an afterlife for him. He deserves it.

goodbye brother

It's for the 3rd of October you newfag.

>Fall in love with waifu
>get scolded upon discovery
>have to keep it a secret
>want to die
>Penguin gets praised for doing all the same things because he is a penguin and I was cursed with being human

it's not fair


Rules are meant to be broken. Grape-kun deserves this one.

I, uhhm, that's a fuck up.

It hurts so much Sup Forums


Happiness life ever penguin can live
May you lay on Hululu lap and take a sweet dream ...

He just wanted to be with his waifu. It hurts.

That he did.
We should all have a drink tonight for Grape-Kun...
These are all great Sup Forumsnons

Now that's a believable Grape-kun. He was a jii-san, not some bishie fuccboi like in most fan arts.

Got rid of the director and entire team that turned their bottom-budget adaptation of a dead game into a huge hit.


The fence is now gone. 10/13/2017.

And how was that a fuck up?

Then we lost our brother Grape.

Show some respect, a friend just fucking died.

You're gonna carry that grape...

RIP This truly was one of the most endearing stories I've heard in recent years. Happy he found something...SOMEONE to make his golden years worth living again.

> Said time was less than two days ago
I'd rather not derail this thread this thread so I'll reply one more time, and you may have the last word after this

After the post the mods nuked most threads that even mentioned KF in their OP post. A good chunk of them were angry reactions and deserved to be deleted, but there were other threads that got nuked that followed their guidelines to a T. This happened just yesterday with a Serval thread that got deleted just because. I'm not even saying the mods hate us, only that their goodwill is not a guarantee, and they flip flop about concerning the threads. I feel that threads aren't getting deleted right now simply because the backlash would be too great and numerous if they did.

>After the post the mods nuked most threads that even mentioned KF in their OP post.
Maybe you should have read the fucking mod post then you retard.

>how was it a fuck up to get rid of the people who turned shit into gold
Are you retarded or just pretending to hide you sadness over Grape-kun>

They don't need those people anymore. The product will sell, not the individual.

He was a probably a bored old penguin wanting to hurry up and meet the end of his time but then he found the spark he needed and he got his waifu.

You've seen what second seasons of shows without any of the original creative team are like, right?

Are you a joyless cunt by choice or is it a chronic compulsion?

The lack of Kemono threads killed Grape-kun.

>At Pingu's first week, Grape-kun dies

What does this mean, Sup Forums?

You're all fucking faggots holy shit.

Yep, he's retarded.
Have you been living under a rock for the past three weeks? Have you not seen the immense backlash from the fans and the absurdly poor damage control from Kadokawa?
Kemono Friends is essentially dead and gone now.



See you space penguin

>Kemono Friends is essentially dead and gone now.

Sure it is, faggot. Believe it or not, this is going to be irrelevant come S2.

ding dong

Grape wasn't though, he found a proper love companion.