Anyone else here unironically fap to eiken?

Anyone else here unironically fap to eiken?

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Kirika is still one of the girls I fap to the most.

muh irony
kill yourself nigger

In 2007 yeah

w-wanna talk on Kik?

add: skypesannoying

The show was too out there and goofy to even be considered fappable. The comic has some really shoddy art as well, and it's bizarre just how long it ran with such poor workmanship

That said: The teacher, Komon. She doesn't get much play in the OVA, but the misunderstanding and 'awkward ' positions she'd get in to were delicious. See this gif? She was bound to do stuff like that at least once in a chapter based around her.

why not now?

the animation is excellent

How do you "ironically" fap to something? Is this one of those "I fapped to gay porn but it was only ironically, no homo" kinds of things. Also, fuck off.

please respond

> How do you "ironically" fap to something?
You write a think piece about how your fap is actually a statement against the patriarchy and the undue sexualization of women, especially young women in animated media.