Sup Forums draws: Jojo, DIO's World Part 08

If you're new to this, please, be sure to read this entire post before doing anything, knowing the rules is very important. For those who already know everything, you can ignore the following and go read my next post:

>What is this?
Basically, we redraw chapters from the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure manga. You can see or previous works here:, and here:

>Why are you doing this on its own thread and not on a Jojo Thread?
Because those threads are being easily deleted and that's a problem. Also, I wanted to see if doing a separate thread more artists join us, since not every good artist on Sup Forums browses Jojo Threads.

>But I don't know shit about Jojo, can I join?
Well, of course you can! In fact, I'm sure your edits will be funnier if you don't know the context of what's happening.

>B-but I have no artistic skills...
Don't worry. Even if I call it a "redraw", photoshop edits of the original panels are perfectly valid.

>Enough talking, what are the rules?
Basically, these:

-You can only claim up to three panels, unless I say otherwise at some point during the production of the mosaic.
-You can't claim consecutive panels. But if you have to do it for whatever reason, do something differente with each one, with no continuity.
-You can find everything you need here: and please, be sure to open each image on a new tab and save it on its maximum size. Don't take your panels from pic related because there, the size is very reduced. And yes, you have to crop the individual panels by yourself, don't be lazy.
-You can do whatever you want with your panel or panels as long as it is SFW content, but please, don't change only the text and call it an edit. Always change something about the image.

Also, there may be extra rules on pic related depending on the chapter, so be sure to always check them.

Other urls found in this thread:

We're back, and this time we're doing DIO's World Part 8. Doing Part 1 and trying to make it look like it was the first one we did was fun, but this time you have to follow again the most recent rules and put as much effort as you can on your beautiful edits, because this is an important chapter.

Also, we'll probably start doing Part 9 on the next friday. The reason is, I won't be here on the 27th when Part 9 should really start, and waiting two weeks is too much, so we'll do it on the 20th if you guys are okay with that.

I think there's nothing more to say, so... start claiming and posting your art!

Imgur link with all the pages:

Taking 1.0

I'm taking 2.1, glad to have another Friday.

4.1 and 6.2 coming through!

I wanna claim 10.2

And goes 6.2!
Also don't know if I will have the time to do more this week-end.

I might give it to someone if he has a good idea for it. I really just claimed it so it doesn't get a low effort edit

>Both the ones I want already taken,
God damnit.I stayed awake for bugger al
2.0 and 4.5 claimed then. But I'm going to nap.

Claiming 8.3