Shoukoku no Altair

It's time.

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Hope you ready for Le Happy Merchant Girls (male)

How much time does he spend as a girl in the manga?

How much time as you want user~
Also there is a smugass trap named Nurcan.

So other than the Spaniard angel what other characters are you looking forward to see animated?

She wants the D.

this is the last time he's crossdressed so far...

Kotono knows tho. She knows.


Mahmut pleases Old Men for money and troops!

>ancient giant admirals coming in 3 episodes.

I really like the new ED

Mehmet my son

Is that the world map?


yuo are "men" now

Very based indeed.

would you marry with butifel Melike?

or become trap that would do "anything" for his country?

The new OP is better than the first one! MAPPA usually delivers great OP/ED



>all that merchant keikaku

i like the ED too
gives me really Ebru art and James Bond vibes


>We aren't the only ones who stand to benefit from this deal.
What did he mean by this?

not!Vlad the Impaler episode next week

Damn, this is moving fast.

"The Eternal Kraut"

He'll reveal he's actually a man in private


I'm Digging the new OP and EDs
It's so fucking great


Ahmet best boy

>First belly dancing slut
>Now this traitor jew
Mahmut too pure for roasties like these desu

I heard sense are going to do the sequel?

it's spin off
but yeah i guess they are considering it at the moment

Would you watch modern day Altair?

>An entire arc done in an episode
How long did this take to play out in the manga?

2 chapters iirc

>her voice
I thought Niki would sound a lot younger to be honest.


Is Chielo's siege arc going to be animated?

At this rate they will even catch up to the manga, fucking Mappa rushing like hell.

they probably end after the conclusion of the battle between Mahmut Pasha and General Pineu's forces

Oh fuck, do they have my favourite drawing in the ED? Today's gonna be good.

I'm already in love. Mappa did their research.

I sure hope so only because I wanna see Simon.

>Baltic Mahmut
He wouuld commit sudoku if you put his name next to something that is not Türkiye related.

thats on the OP


Oh, you're right. I'm downloading the episode right now.

I'd never have thought that I'd be jelly of Louis. He gets to tap that every night.

Where were you guys been?Thought you never came...

Doesn't matter, he's still an angel.

Get ready for some city of peace stuff
He didn't deserve it man ;_;

>Baltic Mahmut
Say no more senpai


The art book is pretty neat. I loved it.

just ordered it 2 days ago along with the official fanbook
can't wait

He looks like the MC of some vampire-themed shoujo.

Thanks for holding the fort.

new Altair themed haloween fanarts when?

Amazon packaging gave me a slight heart attack, but thankfully the book was okay. I hope yours arrive safe and sound too, because it's a heavy book.

I already got the fanbook, but since my Moonrune deciphiring powers are weak, I still haven't made full use of it.

I ordered it from cdJapan through EMS
>Word "Altair"/"El-Tayr" written on Mahmut's chest and knee caps in Ottoman.

Reminder that we will see Mahmut naked in next week's episode.

>I'd never have thought that I'd be jelly of Louis. He gets to tap that every night
That cream licking innuendo was my favourite.

>Reminder that we will see Mahmut naked in next week's episode.

I got impatient and preordered it. It's a shame it became available on CDJ after release. They are great at packaging.

I commend you for being able to read kebab runes. I've been curious about Zağanos's super secret spy bird messages actually. They kind of look like legit Ottoman writings, but I can't make anything out since they are tiny.

well im limited at kebab runes too since its hard like kanji as it requires to do lotta guessing when reading it.
Also yeah, im pretty sure Katono uses legit Ottoman most of the time when it comes to writing.

I want to marry Sultan Orhan!

*guitar strums heavily*

The new OP is epic.

I found kebab runes to be harder than kanji to be honest. As you said, the lack of vowels and having to guess most of the time is a pain the ass. Katou is sure dedicated, I wish I could read best boy's poems.

>Sup Forums, /biz/, /r9k/, Sup Forums

Everything is so pretty in the OP.

He's coming to take your life.

I wonder who directed the OP and ED...
Anyway, guess they finally got their shit together huh?
However, while i liked this week's episode, the pacing was felt a bit faster as usual.
Could have been much better if they did 2 or 3 second pauses more often.


Is that Kurt Kurt Pasha?

Me too. I guess they wanted to reflect her tomboyishness with that voice.

You bet he is.

As a Turkfag, he reminds me of Tarkan from those old movies and I can't not laugh when I look at him.

cmon man, at least Kurt wears proper pants...

>kato is S just like ayse
the anime made it seem like best boi had a chance but in the manga she still hates him lol


Good point.
His fight with that octopus traumatized me as a kid.

Her desire for uncle dick is just too strong. I wonder how she'll feel when Bayezid eventually gets a wife. Mızrak will need an heir after all.

>inb4 Orhan says fuck it and goes for the trap route
some irl sultans did it irl, why Orhan shouldnt?

>that octopus traumatized me as a kid.
same here man, even it was a fake, all those music, blood and "gore" really put me on the edge

This has to be the smuggest show of the year.

I'll never get tired of asking this: Is there anything Abiriga can't do?

>Mahmut will never ride your dick with that smug face of his

He barely handles the T H I C C that's for granted

>Suwabe's lady voice
I just don't know what to feel.

OP was by the same guy who directed the first one, Uda Kounosuke, director of Days (and One Piece etc.)

ED is directed by Ishii Akinaga (?) This is the first thing he directed professionally. MAPPA hired him right out of school last year.
He's won awards and stuff as a student.

Thank you, user. You've saved me from the pain of trying to read credits.

Mahmut, Balaban and İsmail are the kings of smug.

ED guy really did his homework (Using Ebru style for the credits)
props to him really, future is bright for him.

There is. He didn't make it in time ;_;`

should i read the manga or what?
i dont follow mahmut 4d chess in this episode
so he makes contract with venice that happen to be clashed with empire's plan
but is doge aware of it and do it anyway or its cunning part of mahmut?

Also, I've heard rumours about Murase being good at doing an ojou-sama voice, but damn, he's really good at literally sounding like a grill.

Doesn't the fat guy beat his ass in a later chapter?
He'd probably lose to Leletits though.

I wonder if she suffocates Gralat with them.

Wasn't there some databook that ranked characters by fighting ability?
And breast size?

He establishes trade routes with the chink to make an alliance, and by trading Venedik's glass, he causes Venedik to look for extra resources in order to meet the demand. Those resources were meant to be delivered to the Empire, therefore Venedik can't be neutral in the war anymore. The manga is great user, the art is amazing and the plot progresses at a natural pace.

The one that gets beaten up by the fat guy is Abiriga.

This old man won't fall for traps. Sasuga Eastern wisdom.

Here you go:

Please make an individual character strength ranking for if they were to fight! In descending order from the strongest: Adam ≥ Abiriga > Gralat > Wan > Lowe’s Aide > Lelederik > Orquestra di Montagna > Esquerdo > Derecho > Halil > Kirchel > Ellvaldes Mountain Men > Kaufmann > Nurzan > Kurt > Reuss > İlkay > Cemil > Baret > Brega > Winkelmann > Schmidt > Frentzen > Abdül > Zsigmond > Süleyman > Mahmut = Jourdain > Otto > Nord > Bertz > Bieger > Pineau > Erbach > Androsch > Blanca > Altdorfer.
Which of the female characters has the biggest breasts? In descending order from the biggest: Lelederik > Kokoschka > Koran > Margit > Caterina > Blanca > Cecilia > Fatma > Roxelana > Cassandra > Shahra > Brigitta > Gertrud > Ayşe > Nord > Koko > Niki.