First world and third worlders need not to post.

How's everything going in your country? What's life like there? Politics?

I just found out that "he who must not be named" is attempting to take over this country politically. We might be screwed.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yugoslavia was a third world country.


>uragay chile and argentina third world

albania aswell
only warsaw pact was second world

>mexico third world
>cuba second
lol u r a stupid

>implica we aren't
Altough Chile is climbing the ladder but since every south american it's like a crab in a bucket they will eventually fall again

Philippines is non existent now I guess

>amerimutt doesn't know the actual definition of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world countries
Color me surprised


Shit, thanks for getting brainwashed and fuck everything up guys! You did a great job making sure nobody will have it as good as you had back in the days...

well played. i see this is an irrelevant country thread so i will take my leave

Sweden and Finland aren't technically 1st world countries but it would destroy the american narrative.

Did a Swede just accuse someone else of being brainwashed into destroying something?
>oops I'm retarded, better resort to insults
If you had a better education or better yet, actually read the thread, this all could have been avoided

Switzerland and Ireland are third world countries because they dis not support America during the cold war.

Technically yes but for some reason they get lumped in with you bits by historians.

Where’s the Second World? If there’s one thing you hear from Communists it’s that Communism has never been tried, so explain yourselves.

Not ALL of us are communists. Most of us aren't. At worst we are socialists and of Albania's biggest parties mimic the GOP of America

>first world

>he who must not be name
Wait until you hear how many jews are buying property here

Is Kentucky 2nd world of 3rd world???

better map

South Africa a first world country? The times have changed

OOOOOOOOO SHIT we're first world

Pretty chill, although we fight the ethernal war with everything around us, we just got used to it.
The whole big evil Alt-Right anti jew anti eu anti eveything PiS party is actually center-left national catholic. They usualy want to do good, and managed to shit on some corrupted bastards, but yea, still center-left

> Chile
> Third world
Chile beats any Eastern European shithole
> Nations Online
might as well link Wikipedia

Chile has a higher HDI, higher wages, less poverty, less crime...

b- but then we will lose all that diversity that will enrich us all user.

I think that map is a little bit outdated.

>uruguay argentina and chile are third world
>various south east asian nations that are doing okay are on the same level as african shitholes

yeah whoever made this is an idiot

Ukraine is becoming a NATO member. Shit, these 1st world fuckers are near my borders. I dont wanna die in another pointless war

Russia is richer than Chile, br*wn monkey

By the original definition, Third World didn’t necessarily mean poor

First World was “The West” (NATO, democracies, etc.) Second World was “The East” (Warsaw Pact, major communist powers) and the Third World was everyone else that the First and Second World fought over

I know, just wanted to call out the macaca

This map was made back in the 50s when SA was an apartheid state