Kill la Kill

Reminder that Kill la Kill is the thinking man's anime.

Should I watch this with subs or dubs?

Is it safe to say that thousands of people in-universe masturbate to Ryuko every night? Just about the entire city has seen her naked nubil body.

Reminder that KLK shot for shot copies OOO's Finale

Vacate the premises.

It just looks like the kind of anime that would be better with dubs

Well, I'm pretty sure even her own sister does, so you're probably right.

dub is acceptable
but sub for nani sore

No anime "looks like the kind of anime that would be better with dubs".

Reminder that this cancerous fanbase was the final nail in Sup Forums's coffin.

I thought permitting Naruto threads was Sup Forums's nadir.

reminder that kill la kill is about female empowerment

So what does that say about KLK if I thought about it that way

Clothes give women power?

It doesn't say anything about KLK - it just says a lot about you.

like what?
please insult me

Clothes give the illusion of power, but true power stems from nudity.

A maxim for the ages.

Speaking of reminders.

Overthinking man's anime, you mean.

It has no fucking story whatsoever.

Dubs are better

>2 years after SAO
2008 was the tipping point you dumb newfag, Sup Forums never really even recovered from the forced shitposting that made Toradora as popular as it was

>not s1 i die

Has Sup Forums ever been fun since the KLK hype died down? No anime has taken over the board in the same way since.


Kill la Kill was a baffling experience for me. Allow me to clarify: I had watched TTGL back in the days, and found it horrible and boring. I was thus understandably wary when I noticed that the writer and the director of KlK had previously written and directed TTGL.
However, much to my surprise, the two anime were nothing alike. I'd even go as far as to claim that KlK was a masterpiece. Truly curious how a man's creativity can swing between genius and stupidity.

I'm not sure how I'm meant to interpret this image.

>make a hot as fuck female character that is lewd all the time
>no nipples
this should be a sin

That's what the porn is for, user.

Honestly, by the end I was almost enjoying the constant ball-busting we were receiving with the nipple-denial.

Yeah. The men who think with their dicks...

>TV anime

fuck off Clyde

Is there any other way to think when it comes to anime?



There are lots of shows with fan service that fade into oblivion regardless of how much fan service they have. Kill la Kill became popular because of its humor, weird exaggerated cartoony setting, and fast-paced narrative style. And I would probably add the astounding soundtrack to the list too. Those twitch streams didn't go apeshit for no reason when Don't Lose Your Way started playing in Space Patrol Luluco.