When did you realize that atheism leads to degeneracy?

When did you realize that atheism leads to degeneracy?

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christianity leads to atheism

I've never met an atheist before in my entire life. I've never even heard atheism as a concept being discussed in real life. It's only on the internet that I see atheism being discussed and people claiming to be atheists.



How do you know?

since my fucktard leftist green-voting "friend" introduced me to this heap of reeking rotten dogshit mindset many years ago. screw him. I stopped talking to him because of that. I'm still angry too because it goes against my very nature.

If I met an atheist, I didn't know it. I've never heard anyone say they're an atheist in real life. As far as the concept of atheism being discussed, it literally never comes up. From my experience, it just seems to be restricted to the internet.

man, you don't even know how lucky you are.
usually people don't discuss it because it's such a touchy subject.

I was the same way as a kid in Alabama, never met anyone who wasn't Christian, and only knew one Catholic. You've got to get out more.

>the serpent is a symbol for the supreme being
>the serpent is a symbol of wisdom
>the serpent is a symbol of the saviour
>Yahweh curses the serpent when it gives wisdom to men
>And is the enemy of the serpent
>Jesus and Yahweh are enemies of:
>a)The supreme being
>and c) Salvation

It's odd, I don't think I personally know anybody who is religious around here

Catholic school was full of degenerates


dude, the serpent is almost as complex of a symbol and as contradictionary as the dragon.
so you don't really have a point.

I don't need to realise that, thats fucking obvious. Atheists don't have any moral codex. It means that they can commit any act whatever its right or wrong.

>this is your brain on atheism


The serpent has always been
a) A symbol for the supreme being
b) A symbol for wisdom
and c) A symbol for the saviour

The serpent is just a ubiquitous character in Near Eastern mythology (see Gilgamesh). And if we're talking sea serpents like Leviathan then we have analogs of this "chaoskampf" in tons of religions (Baal v. Lotan, Marduk v. Tiamat, Thor v. Jormungandr, etc).

We're really not that uptight about discussing religion around here, it's not really a touchy subject, we don't give a shit, I've just never heard the topic of atheism come up.

I live in Texas and not even in an extremely conservative area, if someone said they were atheist, it's not like anything would happen to them, most people probably wouldn't care either way. I'm almost 30 and I've never physically seen someone say they're an atheist, but it's all over the internet. I can't really think of anything else that's so prevalent online and basically non-existent in real life.

I wouldn't say anyone around here is especially religious, they would probably say they're "loosely Christian" or something along those lines, but I'm almost 30, you'd think by this time, I'd have heard one or two people pipe up and say they're atheists, but no, it has literally never happened.

When did you realize that theism leads to pedophilia and homosexual sodomy?

Let's think this over.
a) Yahweh created all animals perfect in paradise.
b) Yahweh creates man perfect in paradise.
c) Suddenly the snake is not perfect anymore and tempts man.

How come a perfect being is now working for darkness? It doesn't kind of hold up well.

Snake was never perfect, he was a trickster figure before the Jews even adopted the story. We see him as a trickster figure that gets in the way of mankind's immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh as well as Genesis. He's literally just a sneaky snek and you're reading a bit too far into this.

Right, because it's not like the bible specifically commands us, even in the New Testament, not to be faggots. And it's not like the vast majority of atheists are leftists who support faggotry.

Go back to peddit, kike.

>I'm can't guess the dynamics of God, therefore there is no God.
>I also can't guess the dynamics of physics, but I'm just fine going on pretending that a self-determining universe that spontaneously exploded out of nothingness makes sense.
That's special.

>Giving wisdom to people is always good.
>That's why I force my son to feel my dick up his ass and to take an injection of opium. I wanted him to have the wisdom of experiencing those things.

I'm not atheist.
Yes, wisdom is always good, raping your children isn't giving them any wisdom, you christian pedophile

Then why is organised religion over represented in the kiddy fucking ranks?

>it's not like the bible specifically commands us, even in the New Testament, not to be faggots.
You mean Paul? The bow-legged balding man who couldn't get a date and swore off women forever? He was just angry there were people in the world getting laid.

When I fucked a guy a couple times til 1 time I pulled out and had shit on the end of my condom and that's when I realized I was rock bottom.

>fucking dues
Nigga, that's gay

And religion doesn't? Gr8 thread Ulle.


did you say no homo?

Lad, people with pagan sympathies are generally cuckeeist and using the false gods merely as an attempt to distance themselves from the Lord.

I've come to this realization before and it is so disturbing, especially when you're sitting around getting rejected and sexually frustrated.

Libido Dominandi explains in a very good way the relation between Degeracy/sexual liberation, Revoltion, and political control.
It also goes into the battle between the Catholics and the jews and protestants post ww2.
>Libido Dominandi_ Sexual Liberation & Poli - E. Michael Jones.epub

Reminder that Yahweh is a female god full of jealousy and pettiness that demands your worship and does not give a shit about your own personal actualization.

Daily reminder that Eden’s snake was Yahweh herself doing a shittest on humans like a typical shit thot.

>the bible is true
>people who don't believe the bible are following other religions to purposedfully distance themselves from the jewish god
Can you be more infatuated?
Literally head so far up your ass that you think people believe in your god but chose other religions to spite him

reminder that your "Lord" merged with the "false gods" Baal-Hadad and El as the Israelites shed their polytheism.

People with IQs from 105 - 120 are degenerates because they're smart enough to find faults with first order systems of social morality. They're not smart enough to penetrate and realize how such and such systems make sense in a wider and higher order context. They're not even smart enough to be honest with themselves. There's always that veneer of saccharine self-esteem they preen before other people.

Yahweh is male. he even took El's consort goddess Asherah, as we see in Kings/Chronicles

The serpent has nothing to do with Yahweh.


I hadnt seen this one before. Jesus Christ. Shaves his asshole like a Nancy, pours hot water into his butthole. How can this guy show his face on the internet after this? Id be so ashamed of myself. Atheists get the rope.

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Most people that don't believe in god just avoid the subject. You are seeing the loud miniority that posts online about it

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Gee, I wonder why this guy hates the idea of God?

When I realized humans are a rare blossom of the near infinite branches of the animal kingdom, and that ultimately we descend into the depths of monkeydom when we dont follow certain societal rules and behaviors that keep us situated in a healthy equilibrium.

A LITERAL Monkey is telling me he knows how order within the Universe can be acheived through ‘Whatever feels right is okay’ atheist philosophy and it makes me laugh everytime.

The smartest human beings are uncapable of solid futurustic prediction and creating societal wellbeig but you idiots fall for their decorative wording every. single. time.

>The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.
t. Werner Heisenberg
I went through muh edgy Dawkins God Delusion phase, but I moved on since then. Pity those who stay in that though.

To be fair OP is literally an ape and literally not a monkey.

It really isn't it's just that the media loves a good pedopriest story.

this. how many stories of public teachers fucking their students come out every week?

A Great Ape

he's ok

Judaism leads to degeneracy.
Feminism leads to degeneracy.
Communism leads to degeneracy.
Those are all ideologies, essentially religions.

Atheism is just the default position before religious indoctrination, a non infected mind.


Never. Most atheists are polite and hardly gather attention, and just as with conservative bigots it is the loudest, and dumbest that get the most attention.

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It doesn't.

Daily reminder all atheists (liberals) are brain damaged. Please show them kindness and understanding as their condition has been studied at great lengths and scientifically proven. Pray that one day science will be able to heal their damaged brains.

If you are an atheist please do not ruin your body with antidepressants and other drugs. There is hope that science will be able to repair you.

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>christians scientifically proving something.

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daily reminder that this retard can't read a scientific article even when it's filtered through pop-sci websites for his digestion

All -isms are degeneracies, because they put a thought on a pedestal, they prioritize thought over humanity. Rather put *yourself* on the pedestal and you will know better.

>t. butthurt atheist

Science is not a Christian invention brainlet.

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>atheists (liberals)
Yes we are all liberals and working with the synagoge of Satan to destroy western civilization and install Islam so the antichrist has a good standing leg once he comes to power. We actually know God exist but we hate him cause we are evil. Also we aren't human but shape shifting reptilians working also as double agents for the grey jews

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When I realized that all the atheists I know are fucking miserable and always depressed and I'm not.

You should meet some atheists who don't have to live in Russia

Daily reminder Sup Forums is and always was a Christian board.

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Do you believe in the stuff or just larping to avoid depression?

Have you met anew American atheist? They are literally the most degenerate and depressed people you'll ever meet. Always drowning themselves in benzos and raging about how some statue or plaque is effecting their ability to live. Then they do more benzos.

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>Science is not a Christian invention

Thank you for repeating my point.
Learn basic reading comprehension.

These centers of your brain are likely damaged. Science cab recreate that damage through magnetic fields. That damage is likely the cause of your degeneracy.


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"There's no hell", they say. How can there be no hell if you yourself live in it? Don't believe me? Well, walk to a mirror and take a look at your grim face. How can the pinnacle of creation, the supreme work of God have a sullen mug like that? Why do you feel so bad? If you're so smart and free and don't care about stuff and know everything - why is your face so damn full of misery? Because you are in hell, son! You don't know joy. You are dead. You feel heavy. You feel disgusted. Everything pisses you off - people, flies, heat, rain, politics, everything around you irritates and torments you. You are tormented by your dad, your mum, gramps, neighbours, Putin&Medvedev, Barack Obama, everything weighs down on you. Nothing brings you joy, and even little birds won't let you sleep. You want to go away from it all, lie down and sleep somewhere, lose yourself in drinks or drugs, go to sleep, away from everything! Why? Because you are in hell! You don't really have to GO to heaven or hell, because you, my friend, are long since living in hell, from which there is only one escape - towards God.

I believe I do believe.

Brain damage can cause many dysfunctions in the brain not exclusive to those. Same as christians convinced they've met Jesus after surviving head trauma.
There have been studies that meditation has helped aid brain recover.
No need to be sorry. Instead of convincing yourself of whatever you want to believe, and finding random snippets from the web to prove whatever suits you, how about thinking for yourself, and questioning why people created myths to practice as faith to keep psychotic people from harming each other. Perhaps insane people needed mythical stories to scare them into submission.

Better that way

Aren't you guys always critiquing atheists for blindly believing in literraly "magazine science " you seem to be doing the same by posting a "scientist says" tier article with no sources

They have to be boiled down and simple for the brainlet atheists to understand them but the peer reviewed papers are out there if you'd like to do some in-depth reading on the matter.

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>1 post by the id

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Materialism leads to atheism. Christianity is the opposite of materialism.


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Christianity leads to materialism

The wisdom of good and evil is not an inherently good thing if anything it's objectively a neutral thing. The knowledge of good and evil, what the devil was urging humans to find out about, is the reason for all the evil in the world including murder, child rape, lying etc... if they were never exposed to that they would've experienced only good, the point of Genesis is to say humans will always choose to live in the cursed world of everything good having to be counterbalanced by something evil (matter and anti-matter)instead of the garden of Eden (paradise).

And so we can only blame ourselves because we, of our own volition, choose to partake in this test we call reality. If we do more good than evil we get to go back to the Heaven matrix and be reunited with God, it's the only way to make up for our choice to live amongst evil. The serpent (satan) used the fact that God gave man freewill against God, but it's fine since God predicted it aeons ago. He wanted us to be tested but wanted us to make the choice so we couldn't blame him for putting us in this fucking awful shitty world where you have to watch you child slowly die from cancer which you call a "good" thing.

do you consider it good or bad?

Reminder that the ancient Israelites, who's God all Christians worship, we're not monotheists. They were henotheists, meaning that they believed in other Gods, but only worshipped one. This can be seen in the Old Testament. Yes that's right, half of the Holy Bible is not even monotheistic.

>they would've experienced only good
The knowledge of GOOD and evil

Because it's possessed by the ultimate evil you dumb ass?


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>the ultimate evil
>pls eat from this apple
>the ultimate evil
>reeee murder the amalekites

Only protestantism, which resulted in seizing the land Church used for the common good. It literally created proletariat. All the wealth the Church took 1000 years to produce for our Lord and for the people was stolen in a fortnite by that Calvin dude and his heretics. Same happen in England, same happened in HRE.

In other words the sky is blue.

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christkukery universalism humanism and linear history > liberalism enlightenment philosophy/nihilism/atheism whig history and progressivism > marxism> SJW left

The church cucked to modernism. It's over.

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>what is symbolism
It's not an "apple", it's a fruit in the non translated text, and it's the fruit of the tree of knowledge (of good and evil). It's a fucking metaphor.

I've met tons of atheista living in california :(

Its common sense.
Without Reason(with big R) humans are just glorified monkeys.
And no, mental gymnastics don't count as a solid fundament for morality.

I highly recommend you read 'The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon'. It's about godless uptopian parents who where out their toddler daughter because they want to give her 'life experience' and don't see any functional moral difference between adults and children.

Speaking of which, there is no value system to determine 'wisdom' or 'good' (as in good wisdom) without an absolute being. Without God, who the hell are you to say if one thing is better than another? Why not rape kill steal enslave?

>Without god I am suddenly retarded and a danger to everyone else

I'm atheist and I'm not degenerate, but the asshole in OP's pic would have been degenerate regardless of whether or not he's reliegious.

How is this so hard for you to understand? Good is just the absence of evil, hot is the absence of cold, in Eden there was no distinction, it was just paradise. The knowledge of good and evil implies the difference between them, in paradise it is just good because everything god makes is good hence the reason for the bible repeating the phrase "and it was good" after explaining what part of the world God created. The knowledge of the difference between good and evil is the source of all suffering, if you had no knowledge of it there would be no suffering or even your suffering would always be a good thing.

So to summarize it so even your tiny negroid spanish brain can get it, originally everything was good, choosing to learn of the opposing force of good (evil) is what gave birth to lies and suffering.

There is no reason to even call something good if there is no evil to contrast it with, that's why they call it the knowledge of good and evil. It's finding out there is a difference, whereas in paradise there is none, it just is and everything god makes is inherently a positive thing, that's the point of Heaven, there will be no need to balance good with evil there, it will just be purely good since it does not obey the laws this world is under. I'm sorry if this is a tad complex but I mean we learned this shit at 8 years old in bible school, this stuff is baby food.

Yes the ultimate evil, Satan, the person who introduced lie in a world of only truth