L ithuanian p*dos

(((They))) are trying to shut down the most important pizzagate related news story (currently).

youtube.com/watch?v=limyIHxyQLU [Open]

Pizzagate is real. CIA claws are reaching far and wide throughout the world. The governments are full of pedophiles, which are in control of military state.

There are a lot of paid Lithuanian shills trying to disprove this story. Don't fall for them. Their view of the story makes no sense. They are trying to falsify the facts. There was no reason for Drasius Kedys to kill people other than to protect his daughter from government pedos and take revenge into his own hands. The police men are in the same bed with pedos. Why would Drasius sister fight the state and everyone if she had a well paying job and risk her life if her brother was in the wrong, even after his death? Why would the screaming daughter, wanting to be with her grandmother fake her emotions? Don't fall for pedophile shills. They will probably come to this thread. They are already in full force on reddit. If all dots are connected this will lead to USA pedophile ring in high office.


We are a satelite state for USA, just like Israel. Our governments worship the same devil. This is of maximum importance. Please sign the petition. This woman cannot return to Lithuania. She will be killed 100%.


Spread the word. It's time for good people to take back control.

Video related: youtube.com/watch?v=limyIHxyQLU

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for patvoriniai

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Sounds like he gone through a lot, he probably deserves some justice, here's a bump.

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>The biggest weakness to threads like this are misinfo shills. They will try making it a more wild and outlandish claim until the media can run with it and discredit the whole system. We need to avoid that, but I have no idea how. Some people latch on to dumb ideas


Previous archive here: archive.is/DHQSC
THREAD THEME: youtube.com/watch?v=DrZjjyDEpgI
Reminder to filter your water and gas the kikes.
Also the earth is flat.
>Flag unrelated.

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Bump cuz it looks like nobody is here.

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pepe is not a nigger

Kek. Pepe transcends race.

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Wait what?



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bump for justice

bump for justice

Can we get some kind of twitter hashtag trending for this?

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bump. sign that shit and be usefull for once

For what? Some bullshit you read on Sup Forums?

We could get the boomers on board with this. What's the link for that Q place?



Anyone have the quick rundown green?

Thats big isusue whne fags from other countryes come to lithuania to fake that some people have gay relations. I dont thing anyone here is gay..
People would shoot them up...



Hey anons check this out

Podestas personal tor node, look for skippy.

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Dont let this get slid boys.

Don't search for 'img scr' in Google images.

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Bump. This needs to be page 1.

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>reddit mods deleting it as usual
fucking jew puppets I swear

Sadly it is against my best interests to help this cause, not to mention the guy in video talks and looks like a huge hipster faggot, so fuck him and fuck his whore mother

wew, good thing I used vpn just in case.


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This is huge!!! Investigate!!!!

Shills are going full swing to try to slide this thread! Keep bumping and keep digging! Twitter storm now!

Also the mom is being extradited to Liethuainia. We need to tweet this to Trump.

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The more media exposure world wide it will weight down on the interior politics of Lithuania.

The victims of pedophiles already have a political party which was able to get 5 seats. This is huge because in most cases the majour parties of Lithuania cant come to agreement, but with the case of this new party they are all coming together and clamping down hard against them from the left and the right.

This could bring a revolution in Lithuania, and possibly bring end to EU.

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pizzagate was debunked ages ago faggots lmao

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Bump for importance


anyone have backstory on this?

you're not even doing it for the shekels at this point are you

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Are you retarded? They have 0 seats, are you still living in 2012 or something?

Earth is flat.
Undebunkable like pizzagate.

Bumping for justice!

Quadro hitlero

Speaking truth

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>What's the link for that Q place?

Sure thing it's bullshit. MOVE ALONG GOY, NOTHING TO SEE HERE

Attached: what will you do bout that.jpg (777x374, 124K)

>get elected
>don't go to work for over 1 year
She can rot in jail for all I care, if you're going to leech from taxpayer money at least pretend you're working.

What's the differrence between not worong and pretending to work? Fucking commie mentality; off yourself

Go be retarded somewhere else.

told this faggot on discord about the kedys story and all he said was he is unaffected by stories like this cause he cant do anything about it so why should he care. i was too mad to respond i just left. i find a gaurdian article about how paedo hunting is destroying the lives of the pedos. vice paints the age of consent documentary in a similar light. im so livid. but im a nobody and ultimately all i can do is tell random people who also are nobodies and most of them wont care. im getting so black pilled.

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where can i stay up to date with the latest happenings?


>pizzagate was debunked ages ago faggots lmao
[citation needed]


Shit like this makes me want to go crazy how backwards everything is.


Can an user tell me what it is? I'm too big of a pussy to search it

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Bippity bampitty bump

Kids in swimsuits. Yeah it's too bad that people use that as wanking material but it's not illegal. Just your typical overreaction.

Yeah just searched it up.

Stop overreacting you shitlers.

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Every one of these sick fucks will end up being gang raped in prison.

For great justice

I don't doubt for one moment that anyone burdened with wealth and power is a pedo, but I've seen muh poor children card being pulled too many times to still believe it's actually about said children and not about money.

Make it so

Mid video this channel mentions the Lithuanian bro and links the video in his description,

Censored channel, no shekkels allowed/not monitized .
Vid is about the future of society without free speech and debate
>do you realize how good we have it here


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you fucking idiots forgot to unclick safe search

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bumping to pass the nigger slide threads

Webm unrelated

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that was wildly intelligent of that person

Asians do have superior IQ.

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troleled hard

Sup Forums is slowly accepting it's fate as new Sup Forums there is no stopping it.

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Too bad I've been banned from all chans for that

Jesus Christ it works again lol

>user called "Peanuts"
"fuel the fun"

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BUMP, damn it. Captcha keeps blocking up.

And another.


I want all these pedo fuckers hanging NAOOOOOOO



The OP of this investigative shit seems to be a fucking retard.

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bump stock

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