Episode 2 out. HS subs are super fucking late.
Hoozuki no Reitetsu
Peach maki time.
Any Chinaslut in this episode? His voice actor was a guest on their radio show.
I don't mind. Saturday is a busy anime day.
First half was a little dull. Second half was much better.
At least Maki is still a qt.
New OP is really growing on me too.
The typesetting is still a fucking mess and the subtitles regularly are off of the screen.
Someone gets paid for this.
Is the quality shit compared to S1? I hadn't realized Deen was putting this out.
Nope, it's good so far
cute oniholes
Will someone sub last OVA?
So Miki and Maki became an idol duo; I'm happy for Miki, she finally have an idol friend.
these subs are really getting obnoxious
Still slightly better than the other release.
It might work if the note subs are smaller, but they're all the same size and it just eat up the entire screen; it's espically bad on the hell explanation scene.
In the OVAs they were made a thing.You should really watch them before the 2nd season.
I would have thought these threads would have been bigger.
Guess you weren't here during S1.
I was. We had a bigger group.
Sure during the first 2 episodes when people were whining about the "jokes" then it progressively got slower.
Well I meant like a little bigger than this. Around 50ish posts if I recall. I remember the caramel 120% ending having the largest thread that was I think episode 2.
It was much later than that.
Is anyone going to pick this up? I'm glad it got a second season, but these subs are killing me.
Sentai Filmworks got the exclusive streaming rights and fansubbing's fallen off the face of the earth.
On a side note, the group scanlating the manga has covered that chapter that was adapted into the second half of OAD 4, if anyone's interested.
FFF did the first season but they are dead. I was actually going to make these subs look much better but it would be too much of a pain in the ass to typeset these better.
It really is such a shame that there were no straight doujins for this series. all of the girls have a very unique style that's just oddly sexy. Oko especially.
Uesakafags moved on
all the characters are so great
It is me or the art looked very cheap in some parts, btw even I like Maki the idol plot was very meh
Why she had mushrooms in her head I didnt understand that part
I already watched the OVA, that's why I know the suffering Miki have with her cat personality.
>all of the girls have a very unique style that's just oddly sexy.
It's the horns, isn't it. The horns are great.
She's always been brain impaired user. Hoozuki even said the only thing she has going for her is her body.
Usually that means they're in a depressed state of mind.
>It's the horns, isn't it. The horns are great.
More the face/eyes. On some of the girls is so perfect. Then on other's like lilim it's just too far. I just love the kinda almost chibi-esque style while still keeping it sexy looking.
Rude, Maki's not dumb, she just suffers through a lot.
I hope so. HIDIVE's video is garbage too.
Hoozuki can't be wrong though.
She's just a young new demon I guess. back in S1 ep3 she was in a Quiz show and she got only one question right, she doesnt know so much about demon world unlike Hoozuki who's very wise and had lived for among +1000 years in hell. Still I ship MakixHoozuki
Haven't watched the OVA yet, so is it ok to go for S2? Cuz like, I have no idea were those lil r63Hozuki came from. Or don't remember much from S1.
Or maybe she doesnt find interesting about how hell works in detail that's all
Ah, I see what you mean, the art style is pretty interesting.
Right, she's not dumb, she's just inexperienced. She'll get better with time, if the idol industry doesn't break her first.
Watch the 3 OVA that are translated.
Those two are introduced in them.
You should watch the OVA first, since that's where they introduced all the new characters we've seen so far.
Will do. Thanks.
>the art style is pretty interesting.
indeed it is. there is also no straight porn involving the series that I was able to find at all either. Even scouring pixiv.
Pretty sure there's at least one Maki doujin that will never get scanned last I checked.
There's some Hoozuki/Okou and Hakutaku/Lilith.
Ever since that episode that particular shot pops into my head randomly from time to time.
Zashiki Warashi are best girls
One of the nice things about this anime is you can still watch it with Sup Forums, popular anime means the threads are so fast you can't keep up and they're all 400+ posts long. Remember when it took closer to 2 day than to 2 hours for a thread to 404? Sup Forums has grown far too big.
I don't remember much from this show at all but it still a comfort to watch. The comedy is still hit and miss sometimes.
It's more of a SOL series anyway, slice of life in nippon hell.
>there is also no straight porn involving the series
That's not true, I've found a few on pixiv, it's rare but it's there.
They really are, I want them to bring fortune to my house. Hopefully the next episode is about them and the preview aren't just teasing.
Hoozuki threads didn't live particularly long though, by now a thread on the airing day would surely be dead already. But then again, it was airing right after (or before?) KlK, so it was sort of given due to excessive spam.
Is this show any popular?
In Japan, yes.
It's really popular in Japan (especially with fujos), but not so much in English speaking countries because the humour can be hit or miss depending on your basic knowledge of Japanese/Chinese mythology.
I thought it was kind of died down and found it made another season. Its kind of like Osomatsu where nobody talks about it in the west but still pretty popular in Japan. Which is fine because I wanted another season regardless.
Phoenix and Qilin in the next ep.
This is the only show that manages to get a chuckle out of me
at least provide a proper source...