Blend S

i dont get how anyone can enjoy this show when the all the girls who are supposed to appeal to specific niche's are completely fake. like i dont understand how someone can feel anything when knowing that all the characters are being completely disingenuous. i mean it completely ruins everything about it you know at that point its just words coming out of their mouths that arent actually representitive of their true motives such as the loli for example. knowing shes a 40 year old hag cunt completely makes all of the cute moments when shes ACTING FUCKING PRETENDING completely worthless.

idk. i cant see anyone but underage's liking this show. or if you do like you must be attracted to the characters personality tropes of when they are out of character.

In related news OP has recently won the Paralympic gold medal for swallowing dicks.

Stop being autistic.

I thought the autistic meme was a just a meme, but now I see there is some truth to it.

You're probably retarded if you don't understand you're supposed to appreciate their real personnalities. Everytime they act its merely for comedic purpose.

Anime characters aren't real

I like to see a cute girl being forced to be sadistic, it wakes up some unknown fetishes of mine.

What I don't understand is how ANYONE could like Maika.

Maika is a complete SHIT.

I don't know how anyone can enjoy movies when the actors are only enacting roles either, and I also happen to be a gigantic pleb who can't see the charm of a legal loli. I would also use reddit abbreviations here but I'm not feeling lazy enough for that today.

What subs are you nerds using for this?