*Stop Listening To Rap*

It’s degenerate music with a toxic message and if you have any honor you should not listen to Rap/Hip Hop music.

>Disrespects women
>Promotes being promiscuous and not getting married to start a family
>Advocates using drugs and alcohol to the point of addiction
>Promotes and incites criminal behavior
>Openly accepts behavior that is anti social
>Guttural language and rhythm
>All about being a egomaniac and not about being of service to society

Why do some of you still listen to Rap or Hip Hop music Sup Forums
If you're black or a minority this kind of music is whats keeping your youth from succeeding
If you're white or at all a nationalist this music is everything you despise
If you're a femanon this kind of music is all about being a fuckboy and mistreating women

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You are right but I can never completely give up muh Kanye.

For your own good you should give his music up.

He is red pilled and honorary white like Mike Tyson.

Make for whites only rap.
Are there any AltR rap artists that I could be supporting?

Check em, but I still respectfully disagree with your opinion.

Don't listen to rap and hip hop but don't listen to rock & roll either, unless you're a transexual satanist. Oh wait.

numerals confirm

Yep edm and classical music are the white mans choice
One exception
>Mr Bond

It’s more than who’s rapping. It’s the style of music. No instruments but guttural lyrics with a chopped up beat. No soul to it at all. If classical music makes you smarter what do you think rap/hip hop is doing to your brain?

>>Disrespects women

Tit's or GTFO.

Listen to your country’s folk music instead. Norse Black Metal

Avoid ALL degenerate culture. It hurts at first but there are others out there that do this.

was red pilled for a short time then they reset his brain like Tay

you're in Sup Forums, moron. do you really think people here listen to that?

Apparently they do brainlet user

If its mainstream the money always goes into a Jewish pocket.

I listen to that too. #dunkelheit

I agree

Rap not even once

Women should be respected and NOT treated like objects. Good women are just as valuable to society as good men. A woman that is monogamous and helps the man raise their family is vital to society and a monogamous eternal relationship is one of the values that made Western society so successful. One woman to one man so that the work of the man was not wasted, which is what we are seeing today. Men need their mates and drop out of society when they don't get them. This is the driving force of social destruction and civilizational collapse.

Women today are not to be respected. They should focus on families and not careers. They should be monogamous and not promiscuous.