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Abortion is an affront against God. Unless the fetus is non-white.

OK: Never
NOT OK: Always

Abortion is not okay, unless it can be proven that the woman was raped and the child was a result.

Keeps the nigger population in check so it's fine with me.

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OK: always.
Not OK: never.
It is better to abort unwanted child, than to raise it in young or single-parent family. Nothing good will grow in such conditions.

this is the patrician answer

What other people do with their bodies isn't any of my business. I don't support it, but I don't have the right to tell anybody they can't have one. They shouldn't be publicly funded, though, it's your mistake so you deal with it.



OK: jews, niggers, spics, gooks, poos
NOT OK: whites

It's pretty scummy all around.

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Mens choice.

Ok: Non-White
Not Ok: White

Its never okay unless the mother faces severe health issues that could cost her life, but even then its debatable because you're still murdering an innocent life that never even got a chance to sin

>when i shall i end human life arbitrarily, unilaterally, and when shall i not?

damn, thats a tough one.....

lets see
way too tough for me
Ok, what would Jesus say about it....]

thats a real head scratcher

could be better, but ok for a start

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ok then i can wantonly murder you and those who think like you because i define you as "not human" due to being psychopaths

see how that works?

>tfw unironically think this is true.
Abortion is murder and it's wrong to kill other people. Emphasis on "people".

Abortion represents a conflict of tights

The fetus has it's right to life. This is why it's a double homicide when you kill a pregnant woman.

However the woman also has the right to physical integrity and autonomy. While the fetus is inside the woman, it's rights will necessarily come into conflict with the rights of the mother.

The government cannot compel a woman to bring a pregnancy to term, anymore than they can endure her to undertake any non-consensual medical procedure.

As a society, we've largely determined that in the instance where a fetus' right to life infringes on a mother's right to physical integrity, the fetus' rights are subject to the mother's

I think it's the pragmatic and realistic outcome.

If white trash do it it's willing eugenics. Families who have the potential to raise respectable children don't need to resort to abortion. Unless you think it's good to have more like that hillbilly stripper in that meme

doesn't Russia have an abnormally high abortion rate?

What race is it?

For eugenics purposes, yes I do support abortion

Okay: When infant is non-white/retarded
Not okay: When infant is healthy AND white

>it becomes okay to murder babies when the mothers life is in danger

Lol you people can't even convince yourselves

This logic is retarded.
Abortion has an eugenic effect for ALL races. Do you want more low IQ crack babies?

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I don't believe a human life has any intrinsic value, so abortion isn't an issue.

What do you mean "nope, never"? You mean you wouldn't abort even if the woman was forcefully raped or in a life-threatening medical condition?

I would do it when the woman is in danger of dying. There is no guarantee that the baby will live if the mother dies.

Should be legal all the way to the 20th term.

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and yet Christ valued it infinitely
most than his own existence
that is, and can be, the only true/factual measure of the worth of human life, ever

Its alright when you're a shitskin or a leftist, its not alright when you're white and right-wing. Second group almost never has one so trying to get rid of it is idiotic.

We shouldn't have to pay for it either way. Not for their abortions and not for their children. In a perfect world Planned Parenthood would be defunded and welfare abolished. Poor? Don't fuck. Or breed.

People can't even make up their minds about whether or not Jesus existed. I'm pretty right wing on most things, but abortion isn't a real issue. If you want to stop abortions, take away a woman's right to make decisions. That will solve many problems bigger than abortion.

>What do you mean "nope, never"? You mean you wouldn't abort even if the woman was forcefully raped or in a life-threatening medical condition?

>I would do it when the woman is in danger of dying. There is no guarantee that the baby will live if the mother dies.

If I could have any certainty that that would possibly be sufficient when I face our maker, then possibly

Abortion is always ok because any cunt who would snuff out their own child in the womb doesn't deserve the privilege of motherhood. The only thing I don't agree with is that they aren't forced to be sterilized after the abortion.

>People can't even make up their minds about whether or not Jesus existed.

of course humans will disagree and diverge, be discordant, most certainly of all regarding the most important issue(s), that/those of Christ and his teachings/Word

we have not had the stain of the forbidden fruit washed from out souls (minds) yet, our hearts yearn for wickedness continually

>I'm pretty right wing on most things, but abortion isn't a real issue. If you want to stop abortions, take away a woman's right to make decisions. That will solve many problems bigger than abortion.

that is against Christ, against His way, his attitude, his entire character, for that is the way of FORCE (taking away choice)

Force is the way of satan.
No, have all righteous be righteous, and all wicked be wicked, by their own free will


it is never ok

german whore kill over 100'000 children per year

and the kikes love it

Go preach somewhere else you blithering retard.

Abortion is always wrong.

i could not much MUCH more easily say that about you, and with a mountain more aptitude to what the pro-death side says?

please be serious

What I'm worried about legalized baby killing is the impact on society, women will be sluts

Man, I can't wait for a pro-lifer's wife to die from childbirth complications preventable by abortion.

Oh wait, that'll never happen, because every single pro-lifer will ditch their overgeneralized nonsense opinion as soon as it affects them personally, and only maintain the "never, not once" mentality as virtue signaling. There's not a single one of you who would let your wife die from pregnancy complications which would otherwise be solved from an abortion, and if you tell me you would let her die, you're lying. Simple as that.

Nigs use it the most. Let 'em die by their own moter's hand.

Legalized abortions don't promote women to be sluts. Men, who agree to marry non-virgins, they do.


OK: browns, rape, jewish, the baby's gonna come out fucked up, or if the mother is literally gonna die
not OK: all other scenarios

Abortion is always bad. However, there are scenarios where abortion is the lesser of two evils
>Forcing a raped woman give birth to the rapist's baby VS abort the baby
>Giving birth to a severely handicapped/deformed kid who'll never have a regular life VS abort the sick baby
>Both baby and mother dying due to complications VS abort only the baby

What is the race?

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I have a question for the "never abort" goys, after the birth, would you be fine if she gives up her child for adoption?
I want to know if the most important part to you is the baby being born, and what happens next doesn't mean as much, since that one life was allowed to exist

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Only ok for op's mom. Not ok for an tone else. Sage

As long as you don t let the globalist get the fetus blood to make there cakes creepy

it's never ok and should be illegal outside of sexual assault and medical reason

people would have to be responsible and to understand the reason they have genitals is to reproduce, not to indulge in various paraphila

what's a paraphilia ?
>any sex act where reproduction isn't the end goal

paraphila today are encouraged with porn helping people finding fetishes they didn't even thought about and by progressive ideology implying it's not only acceptable but can be a complete lifestyle

homosexuality for example which in the end is just another paraphilia like bdsm, anal fist and sounding is considered equivalent to a family or worse an actual family (gay adoption etc)

the lazy and easy access to abortion enable people to be whore (manwhore included) and to spread std while living an irresponsible life where girls are hormonally fucked by the pill (also cancer) and where people cum in plastic because they consider sex as a thing in itself when in fact sex is just a progresive social construct hijacking a natural body function

there is no sex outside of reproduction and abortion and contraceptives (actual sterility and murder) mascarade as social progress to keep the lie of "emancipated" sex alive

A fetus inside and being provided for by a mother is in essence her property, she can do what she wants with it.

Yes. That's not to say that I'm okay with a child being treated like shit but my main concern is that I believe that killing innocent living beings is morally wrong.
People may call me a moralfag or whatever disparaging term suits them the most. I have concrete principles and I don't compromise those principles for convenience.

You don't throw away healthy white babies. But I am totally happy it exists. How else would America keep its nigger horde under control?

Yo fucking idiot you're doing the child a favor by that logic

Die before sinning: instant heaven
Live and have chance to sin: possible hell

Damming yourself to give your child heaven is noble. In fact, if you have four abortions you've saved four souls.

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Never OK.

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a human life isn't a property also your concept of "inside" have no logical base
>i eat you, you're inside me, you're my property
what belong to you is your egg for women and sperm for men, if you reproduce and create a life, it's not yours anymore and making it die with chemicals is a murder regardless of the amount of mental gymnastic you use

It's only murder if it's a white abortion.

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>When OK
Vegetable, the super retarded like that freaky family on youtube with several bug eyed kids who almost literally have no brain in those caved skulls of theirs, and other such problems where they will not be able to actually live a life. Tisms are a bit of a gray area, since some actual autists are those geniuses and such, but I wonder just how often are they like that. Rape babies are another gray area, but if not aborting then I dunno, maybe provide assistance/care as needed? I'm more worried about the child going out in a single mother home or going into foster care since we all know both are shit.
Also give complete freedom for niggers and middle easterners to abort, we don't need more in the world.

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the most important part happen before she even get pregnant because if you can't kill the baby you have to accept the consequence of your actions

aka having sex create life, having sex is meaningful and not a part time skill you use as a hobby being a whore or getting social/carrer points with

Never okay unless rape or teenagers making mistakes.

it's called natural selection by weak father who doesn't have control over his wife's madness

so what i said, sexual assault and medical reasons, the rest should be illegal and the parents should be forced to raise the child, adoption shouldn't be an option either outside of very specific reasons

Abortion should be freely available to everyone except white women.

>teenagers making mistakes
not ok, teenagers should be educated and forced to raise the kid if they fuck up

You know what, I just realized that the collective right to life falls under state parameters of defense and since the inside of a women's body isn't clearly defined land and private property doesn't negate murder abortion is a violation of rights unless in special circumstances.

For the moment, it is a grim necessity, but even then, you have three weeks before its not "just a clump of cells", after that, you're getting into grey areas, so hands off. I hope someday we can live in a world where it isn't necessary, nor permitted.

The thing is tho. Me and some grill made plans to fuck behind the school. We can't get condoms so I'm planning on pulling out. I'm stupid so.

I think that's a terrible depiction of abortion

why not

Irresponsible, stupid people should not multiply no matter the race.

Abortion will create a better world.

My wife and I couldnt afford a child with downs or spina bifida (sp(?)). I certainly think reasonable people should accept that at least some families can't afford to enable such a luxury. In previous generations natural selection would kill off children like that. Modern medicine might be enabling what is only a shackle on society.
No offense intended to anyone of such or similar traits.

After 7 weeks, kid begins making his first movements. I don't want us to argue about exact days when it comes to kill babies so err on the side of caution - if you can abort it, you shouldn't. Only morning after pill.


Abortion should be mandatory.

Did you know abortion kills more Blacks than gun violence?

Let that sink in for a bit.

why is ok when she is raped? Unless race-mixing is involved, that baby is still a living thing not a monster.

of course the Russian is pro abortion. My mother is Russian and now staunchly pro-life because her country now has a negative growth rate due to how fucking common abortions are. In her mother's time abortions were even more common though, she claimed to have over 50 abortions, shit was heavily promoted by (((them))) and if you had more than 3 kids you were looked heavily down upon.

>big beard skyman said not do to the thing

Abortion is a great source of donor organs. Women should have as many abortions as possible, to ensure a good steady supply of replacement parts.

No more quitting drinking, worried about damage to your liver... drink up and rest assured knowing there are plenty of livers available.
No more dieting, worried what diabetes is going to do to your kidneys, eat all the chocolate cake you want, and slap on 4 scoops of ice cream.

Organs are big business. Get cash for abortions. Don't be ripped off, by shady doctors, make sure your abortion doctor is a certified organ harvester.

It's my body, and I want money now!

How the fuck are you going to use a fetus liver?

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Stem cell research.




First trimester only. (So women need to make up their mind quickly.) Because this is the least worst of two bad options.

Women shouldn't be paid for abortions, and yet I'm pretty sure money does change hands for that valuable foetal tissue (so technically they ARE being ripped off). This trade should be made transparent and the profits donated to community support organisations. eg shelters for victims of domestic violence.

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I've seen this comic used to defend abortion, I couldn't tell if they were serious or not.

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I think abortion should be on demand so it reduces the minorities which always vote for Democrats and would've been terrible parents anyway.

I bet you that a lot (over half) of those white mother abortions are actually coal-burners whose BBC boyfriends bailed on them when the pee test came back positive.

Liberal democrats have been pushing for free* abortions for 30 years. Free* meaning paid by taxpayers. Being that planned parenthood was busted making millions selling fetal tissue, stem cells and organs, it's obvious that they don't need taxpayer funds at all.

Close the black market... get this approved and regulated, so women can start making money.

Wear a condom.

There's a 50% chance that your girlfriend's fetus has organs and tissue that are genetically compatible replacements for your own failing organs.

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