Why does everyone hate Police now?

I've had almost all good experiences with them and no very bad experiences. They were very friendly and helpful most of the time. I don't see why people hate them so much when I see it online.

When I look at the reviews of my township and city online people praise the police and talk about how great they are, how they always arrive on time and how safe they are. They arrive very fast to help you in an emergency like a medical emergency or a fire.

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Because Florida. They're a buncha liars.

I donno... murdering some innocent guy because he didn't play a good game so "Copper says" and reached to pull up his pants and cops proving their assholeness by supporting this thrill murder was a bit of a red pill.
I've met one cop worth a damn and several that are a waste of skin.
1) One helped me get a tow truck. Good guy.
2) One asked why I called the cops about a burglary I had no insurance. Asshole.
3) One told me that he couldn't arrest the guy who mugged me because the mugger's father was a judge. Asshole.
4) One night when it snowed, I went outside to see the snow in the middle of the night. Asshole cop gives me the third degree.
5) Going to work in my beater car, Cop pulls me over for no reason and lies his ass off about it.
6) One told me he wasn't going to arrest the guy who attacked me for no reason because the attacker father was a sheriff. Asshole.
7) had a friend who became a cop... answered the door by shoving a gun in my face, beat his wife, stole drugs from the evidence room and was only fired because he stole the other cops dibs.
So, in general, only knew one cop who wasn't a fucking waste of skin.

>one cops fucks up so theyre all bad
jesus christ what a brainlet. i hope cops go on strike one day to leave retards like you defenseless to nigs.

you sound like you live in a shithole small town.

>things that never happened.

Most are pretty chill. They deal with human scum for a living. Dont act like a piece of shit and they will usualy treat you ok. I am white though.

I have had the cops come while being drunk and loud, toned it down for them, alls well. Pulled over and was polite, let go. Had guns pulled on me twice. Was polite. Let go. Why do people feel the need to be assholes to cops?

Maybe they should stop ruining people's lives. What goes around, comes around.

Most of the time they don't. They're a big part of the community.

Depends on the cop, but most intelligent people don't want to deal with the shitheads of society every day. So there's plenty of room for idiots with something to prove.

What community? Their neighborhood only? Pig.

The only experience i have ever had with a cop was terrible.

>He was off duty, intentionally kept me from getting off an exit on the highway by driving next to me, (he sped up and slowed down with me) while screaming out his window and pointing.
>Get off next exit and he follows and runs me off the road
>Jumps out of car yelling "I'm a fucking cop you think this is funny now?"
>Local police show up and after 45 mins of them shooting the shit i get a ticket for tailgating
>Cop the wrote the ticket said the off duty cop wanted to give me reckless driving but he talked him down
>Still don't know why he did this.

>t. Liar

Their city and county.

Forgot to mention that the judge looked at my driving record and knocked my ticket down to just a fine.

Literally have no idea what i did for him to do that shit.

So you were driving like such a retard that an off duty cop felt it was necessary to take time out of his day off to cite you?

I'm pretty sure it's just minorities who hate police. I've had sportbike my whole life and it's just "this is your 50th to the last warning!! Your front tire must remain on the pavement at all times!!" If a black dude goes one mile over he'd better prepare for a beat down.

Because they act like a complete joke, parade in LGBT parades, wear high heels to "understand what its like being a woman" when most women don't even wear those anymore, and either sit around in motorway service stations eating, or picking and choosing the laws to enforce, protip, its the ones with the least amount of paperwork and ways to go wrong.

No one is talking about your cops, that is a whole other issue

What have you personally done to offset the lives you have personally ruined with your interference? ??

They are some shitty police officers who were overmatched from day one.their incompetence has led to the deaths of innocent people. They deserve the heat thry get.

As i said in my other post, even the judge thought it was bullshit based on my driving record and despite the prosecutor pushing for points on my license gave me only a small fine.

Honestly i probably cut him off accidentally and most cops are scumbags so he took personal offense to it.

>Why does everyone hate Police now

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If you're white and polite, you'll be all right.

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In my area if you call the cops they're there in minutes. Even the county and city reviews of my area praise the police here.

So you’re such an oblivious retard you cut someone off without even realizing it? That is the definition of reckless driving.
They should have mandated traffic school

no, upstanding white people also hate police for damn good reasons. i'm not a criminal. i don't do anything illegal. but i've had my life ruined by the courts. i've been beaten by cops. all because they need to fill quotas and need bodies in the beds of jails to fuel their machine of illegal incarceration.

>Why does everyone hate Police now?
Nobody hates teh police. But they are a bunch of cocky, smug, trigger happy narcissists that you can't trust if they point their guns at you. So there's that.

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how much of a fucking dipshit are you really? damn dude.
>lets just let criminals burlgarize people and assault civilians.
god damn retarded commie. fucking canercous you are.

Let me guess you're one of these blue lives matter people right? There is no way a police man has ever just been an asswipe right?

Bitch pleze.. You're fucking 13, go back to bed.

Yeah, because everyone you give a case too, is not about money, but busting the really bad guys. Fuck off.

>comparing america to germany.
lmfao. what dude?
jesus foreigners should just stfu when it comes to american politics.

America is right above a blood thirsty ran country with one of the highest murder rates every which imports drugs by the thousands of pounds every week.
America also has a gang culture which glorifies hip hop and selling said imported drugs and being edgy instead of going to college.
america also has a fuckload of guns.

it doesn't take a genius to figure out how these comibinations are bad and would lead to cops having to use their guns more vs soy boy bitch tits angela merkel multi culti antifa bitch land.

What offenses did they beat you for?

You're probably a dick though.

America has a low crime rate aside from the inner cities.

>cops aren't dicks.

what? dude there are people walking the streets with like 8 aggravated assault counts on them because bitch as liberal judges just want to get their stats up by saying they have been convicted then just give them probation or parole, then they go out there to do the exact same thing. you have no idea how the world really works my man. Or how much of an impact your retardation has when there are millions of you dip shits enabling judges to make bad decisions cause "muh second chances"

I know how bad the world is. You know why it is bad? Corrupt police officers, judges, attorneys, DAs, and on and on... You don't tell me me about the world, you punk ass bitch.

Cops have always been corrupt power hungry losers who want to abuse people, this has been the stereotype for decades and the ineternet just shows how prevelant it is, people don’t dislike the idea of police but the way that police act amd abuse power over and over again without consequence

Because speeding ticket quotas
Don't get me wrong, some people deserve speeding tickets, but quotas turned it into a racket

>huuurrr cops never interact with the innocent

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I use my massive brain to diffuse the cops. I worked with the public once and they teach you "Dealing with Difficult People" and "Verbal Judo". Cops also get this training but it's funny when you use it against them and they don't even know it.

Hur dur. Reverse psychology. Shove it up your ass Gman.


Yeah, i went to school with plenty of guys who are now cops. Only difference is they didn't get caught for doing their illegal shit. FUCK THE POLICE. They deserve everything they get.

>punk ass bitch
lmfao OK soy boy. quit trying to act tough. youd shit your pants in a cops presence dip shit.

its almost as if you are still in highschool and just realized the world sucks and its unfair. wow man that's quite the novelty dude you cracked the code. truly woke my brother.
Police do more good than harm idk where you're getting your information from you retarded mongoloid. if cops were to suddenly go on strike there'd by thousands killed in a single night lmao. check out what happened in brazil recently.
retards like you expect cops to be all textbook but then cut them some slack and have empathy when its you that fucks up or breaks a tiny law. Cops now have cameras and im glad. cause now the world can see just how retarded people actually are.
Cops have to make decisions which would take lawyers months to decide and they have to make them in split decisions or it might cost them or someone else a life. you dont understand anything. you're a child and a cancer to this country.

This is the most incoherent post I've read all week.

Once again... before your faggot assed erased your comment...

Yeah, i went to school with plenty of guys who are now cops. Only difference is they didn't get caught for doing their illegal shit. FUCK THE POLICE. They deserve everything they get.

That’s because of your white privilege.

>fuck the police!
>oh shit im dying call 911!

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Cause they are bottom layer of the defense of the matrix. They are the enforcers of the people that control every key to every lock in the matrix we live in. Deep down they are probably friendly but ultimately they are mind wiped to enforce laws of the matrix.

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one time I swallowed 120 mgs of adderall while pulled over when the cop was like I smell weed. I was in a car that didnt smell like weed in north dakota. Not getting buttfucked so swallowed my child meth. I drove for 20 hours after word


lol wow dude youre fucking dumb as a bag of shit. Your response to the statements i made which can actually be backed was "fuck the police" what a dip shit. i almost hope this country goes to shit cause of retards like you so you can suffer in your own garbage and violence. literal cancerous faggot.

I hope you get cancer. Then they have to shoot you, in the face, many times.

Copfag here.
Generally people who hate cops are degenerates.
Not every cop is a Saint, sure. But we treat you the way you treat us. So if you constantly run into asshole cops you need to take a step back and reflect.

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Bullshit. You fuck up people's lives and you know it.

There are very few times I WANT to arrest people. These people generally have no record and have their charge thrown out by the DA. I feel bad for taking some people to jail because they're regular folks who just made a really bad mistake.

The only people me and my fellow officers try to fuck with are the dregs or society who for whatever reason keep getting spit back out of the corrections system. I don't destroy these peoples lives, they destroy their own lives and I'm tasked with removing them from society.

I've lived in small towns all of my life and every cop I've met is chill. Just don't be a degenerate and your fine with cops.

i can tell you cant even pay for your own health insurance. its ok one day youll grow up. Next time you have to call the aid of an officer just remember to be polite theyre humans with feelings to no robocops. maybe then youll get some respect you fucking mongoloid. cause you WILL call them one day. its not rocket science these are skills your mom and dad or the school system shouldve taught you. respect authority.
or just dont be a faggot ass criminal who acts hard then shits his pants when a cop pulls up.
either way you sound like a genetic failure unable to comprehend the simple things in life.

So you don't think when you arrest people just trying to make a god damn living, slapping a record on them, so they can't get a decent job, is not hurting people. Fuck you and you fellow officers.

>conservation officers are best
>beat cops are okay
>parking maids are stupid fucks
not a nigger, spic or liberal so I don't really have a problem

by law you have to arrest ALL felonies and PREFERABBLY class A and B misdeameanors and if oyu dont you better have a good explanation as to why cause you sergeant is going to be up your ass.
class C need not arrest.
HOWEVER if you're a piece of shit dickhead to a cop and give him a hard time or have an attitude expect to get fucked with. i mean how can you even be surprised.

Be careful out there....

Cuz if not you don't get money, right?

>Nig comes through one of my doors/windows
>My 2 nigger hating chows fucking shred them
>both can easily run 30mph and keep that speed up for a 1/4 mile sprint. The male can clear a 5 foot fence at full running speed. Nigs won't get away from doggos.
That's not the worst thing that would happen
>Have 2 gauge pump, .357, .38 snubnose. The .38 goes with me everywhere. It's a fucking death sentence at point blank or even at 30 feet. The .357 well.........they'll stop a car.
Because he's a shitbag and so are all of his buddies. Fuck them "talking him down" The tolerated and went along with his BS because "muh blue line".
Check and see if /berg,stien,blat or cohen own your jails. You have No idea how much cash gets thrown into the private jail systems. Then it just trickles down into the departments. Literal scraps.
>Solution for you guys
Get a dash cam. You have no idea just how by the books the faggots get when the second they spot it. Also inform them it's livestreaming. They stfu and go about their business.
It's funny my asshole cop experiences have shot down to zero since getting a camera.
I filed a complaint with a city police department. Took the footage in to show the guy. Talked with the chief. Chief promply fired officer shitbag when I mentioned I was planning on slapping it on the net. More or less made an unofficial agreement that wouldn't happen if the RIGHT and proper steps were taken.
>I'm tasked with removing them from society.
Now your entire statement here is alright. It's the fuckheads that are just generally out to be cuntbags that are shits. And the whole powertripping faggots.

Why you getting mad, CoJack? I don't need a paragraph. One line insults work just as good. Dirty nigger pig.

cause theres a judicial system which is set in place to inact justice you stupid retard. a system which is not empathetic to just one person cause if you make a law purely on empathy to save one person youll fuck over 500,000 more to which that law doesnt apply. How about you just dont break the law and be a smarter person.
AND YES, you don't get paid. cause you're there to enforce the law. AND be UNBIASED like your dumb ass and stupid liberal friends wanted. (((They))) wanted cops who are robots and unbiased and dont cut any slack? now they have them, and with cameras installed. congrats,retards like you did this lol. commies just end up eating themselves its so sad.

congrats on defending yourself. the 2nd amendment is there for that. cops cant always arrive on time and are usually reactive. However they'll still have to stop by and take the bodies and report it lol.

You sound like the retard, Pinkerton.

cops would crack your skull as soon as their pension was dangled in front of them

meant for

>taking up precious basket weaving forum space to call an estorgen ridden slack jawed dyel a nigger.

nah dude, thats low brow.

Yeah yeah. Too bad they are pussies.

do you know how long it takes to put a law into place? you have no idea what the supreme court goes through in order to put a law out in todays climate do you? you must not be past the age of 25.

Probably alot of fucking off and early lunches.

Reason 1 : Spics
Reason 2 : Niggers
Reason 3 : Bleeding heart hippies

>I've had almost all good experiences with them and no very bad experiences.
That's because you obey the law.
CRIMINALS hate cops. The rest of us like them.

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Usually cops get there within minutes.

>theyre pussies
>oh shit pls dont beat me ass! "youre hurting me!!!""

this country needs a rebirth. its like you kids have no reasoning skills what so ever. damn its like africa tier.


i remember when pol had actual political discussions and only seldomly said nigger in the midst of their paragraphs.
now its filled with actual retards that cant form an argument to back their points up, and just autisticaly screech at people.
holy shit man you kids are dumb as fuck.

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My brother is a cop...

>dropped out of highschool
>was legit crackhead
>beat my mom
>went back
>join military
>became cop
>legit sociopath who brags about doing really bad things

Not all cops are bad, not all cops are good... They're human beings.

Their are some really bad ones though, and a system in place to protect them.

this. id love to put the retards who are so critical of cops in their shoes for a month. theyd probably get sued, fired, kill someone cause they got spooked, or killed.

nope. depends where youre from. if youre in the country some responde times can go up to 30 minutes.
i know in flint some calls dont go answered for like 3 hours.
just depends how many cops are out there at the time and how much crime happens. some agencies dont have enough man power. sounds like your area does so congrats. either way alot fo damage can be done in just a few minutes. so idk wtf your point actually is besides that your stupid as fuck.

You don't kbow anything, dipshit. Sit down, before you fall down. You might not be able to compete against other capable humans who can supass your skill levels.

I agree, treat cops with respect and get it in turn. Although, when I see a cop sitting in his cruiser, waiting for people to run a stop sign to give them a ticket so he meets his monthly quota, all it tells me is that we've got too many cops on the payroll if they've got nothing better to do.

Who the fuck said im the most qualified. Most people arent qualified at all. and certainly not qualified to be diplomatic while in a dangerous situation.
Dont know why he didnt take out his gun though. His jacket was way to bulky imo for the tazer prongs to connect. let alone have his hand in his jacket like that.

Don't kid yourself, grandpa. What the fuck do you think they do all day? Their job??

>medical emergency or fire
>unironically believes reviews of the police

5/10 humorous! You'll be gassed last.

cops need probablce cause for everything. they usually find PC with traffic violations and little things. then work from there. they cant just go in busting doors down and pulling over shady people and catching "bad guys". its not that simple. Its not like the movies.

I get along great with them and I've been a petty criminal for 15 years. Hell sometimes if I tell a good enough knee slapper they just let me go. I love being white.

I make cops nervous so they treat me like shit, it is what it is.

I was referring to the Supreme Court passing laws. I think for the most part they are fucking off and sitting on top of the world, and taking early lunches. Then eventually they get around to actually doing their job...

well cops arent judges.. they only enforce the law and let the slow and boring pointless processes that make up the judicial system solve it and come up with solutions. Thats whats lawyers get paid for.
and despite to contrary believe thanks to liberals and body cams cops now have almost no descretion, like they used to and have to be textbook with everything. which sucks for the people cause cops used to just let guys go for stupid shit and were bros in the 90's and early 2000's.

Pretty shitty though to limit the opportunities of people just trying to make a living. You do realize giving people "criminal" records, limits their opportunities in life?

srsly tho kys fag

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Go stop a school shooting, hero.

if you're going top do the crime don't whine about it when you have to do the time. fucking degenerates can never take responsibility for themselves