Islam is the true religion of the white race.
Islam is the true religion of the white race
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If you're not Christian, you're not white.
The egyptian is a man
>If you're not Christian, you're not white.
he says while promoting a middle eastern religion
Paganism is the ONLY originally white religion.
Paganism Isn't Real.
No religion is real. But even today, as a white person you still pay homage to your pagan roots, pic related.
>Following Judiasm Lite is the only way to be white.
Good Goy, 5 shekels depostied to your account also, stop replying to these threads, they are here to stop us.
woah woah woah
Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior whether you like it or not.
Paganism encourages idolatry. Some pagan religions also found homosexual acts acceptable.
So does half of the Earth.
Hey Laotian, stop being subversive. Asians will embrace Christianity.
The Vatican has already established an agreement with the Chinese government to allow the ordination of priests.
>against odin
You're pro-frost giant, aren't you?
German police discover mansion in Hamburg full of Muslims raping German women.
Why do you celebrate the destruction of whites?
Why is subverting the destruction of whites bad?
BONUS: Why would you think a person that can speak English and has knowledge on these subjects with a Laos flag is from Laos?
Have you spoke to actual Laotians on here?
It literally is one of the poorest countries on earth, the chances of a real Laotian visiting Sup Forums are quite low desu
>Jesus Christ Never Mentions Homosexuals at all.
>Muh pagans don't hate gays.
>We should hate gays even though our Jewish Messiah didn't
Pagans in the US love gays.
Kike on cross everywhere
>Muh paganism idolatry
I'm confused why was Germany playing Germany?
Them feels...when expecting a full lvl 10 akbar event.
You're a Satanic sodomite.
Jesus Christ taught the Old Law (Old Testament) is important for teaching moral values.
The Old Testament is very explicit that homosexuality and sodomy are WRONG.
Fuck off you pagan FAGGOT.
yeah I think something like 45% of American pagans are LGBT.
Jesus Christ is God incarnated you moron.
But god is unchanged and all powerful. Jesus was born raised from a child to a man and died. Arius was right in his interpretation.
>Not a Pagan
>Not Gay
Do you keep kosher? Have tattoos? have round haircuts?
Meme Flag Faggot.
You don't even read your own book.
Christ doesn't mention gays in the bible and he clearly shows that the old law is not respected in his eyes for the most part, like telling people pork is fine and not stoning the adulteress.
How does it feel to subvert the white race
everyday kike?
Informative but like what is your point?
religion is a metaphor for good and evil
>All powerful god
>Dies on a cross like a human being
Arius was a subversive Satanic sodomite.
God presented Himself to us as the Holy Trinity.
God can do anything. That includes incarnating Himself as man.
Only in judeo christian values.
>You don't even read your own book.
>Christ doesn't mention gays in the bible
The Old Testament is part of the Bible idiot. There are also many indirect references to homosexuality being wrong in the New Testament.
>he clearly shows that the old law is not respected in his eyes for the most part, like telling people pork
Nope, he never told Jews it's ok to eat pork. The kosher laws are for Jews only.
>and not stoning the adulteress.
Adultery is still wrong. He never changed that. He just changed the punishment for it.
After careful study I do no longer accept the trinity. Jesus the son is district and subordinate to god. This doesn’t sit well with modern Christians because though I believe I cannot follow along with a convenient lie.
The beauty of God is that He can do anything. That includes incarnating Himself and making Himself suffer for us to show how much he loved humanity.
a black african christian (there are many) is white too I guess
Being gay is a sin.
He more honorable than some white pagan who thinks homosexuality is ok.
What kind of tortuous thinking process did you have to go through to come to that conclusion OP?
>The Old Testament is part of the Bible idiot
Why though? Because it is right or because men wanted it there?
>There are also many indirect references to homosexuality being wrong in the New Testament.
Not from Christ, they all come from Paul who is a Christ subverting Kike.
>He clearly DOES show that the 'law' is not unchanging, you agree but you just are arguing semantics.
Do the Jews play tricks or not?
IF you say yes, you then have to explain your faith and why you believe in a religion based on Paul who persecuted Christ's followers and tricked them into following him.
IF you say no, why the hell are you on Sup Forums?
The Old Testament gives a base for values.
You're probably a Hmong American over there for a wedding or something
>Jesus Christ
Show me where he hated fags.
>Hard mode:
No mention of Him being the "fulfillment" of the law.
Turns out Paul hated fags. Like, a lot. But so did God in the OT. Was Paul closer to God's heart than Christ?
Actually 100% Aryan over here on vacation to lose weight and get away from cell towers etc that harm your body.
If you get away from modern tech for a few weeks, your body feels so much better.
Also Hmong people are mainly Vietnamese, if I remember right.
>Chopping the tip off your infant son's cock
So much value.
In the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus clearly condemns homosexuality with references to Genesis.
Have you not read that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female [Genesis 1:27], and said, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” [Genesis 2:24]? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.
European pagans approved of sodomy before Christianity took over.
Pagan is just another word for FAG.
tower of babel is a very potent lesson against mixing
>Islam is the true religion of the white race.
Then how are over 90% mudslimes mud skinned? And I'm not talking tanned.