why do modern women prefer traveling to having a family?
Why do modern women prefer traveling to having a family?
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Traveling is fun and can be educational.
Having a family is laborious and ties you down.
This isn't rocket science, user.
Of course, I'm getting to a point in my life where I am thinking of having kids after I finish my next round of traveling. It's more fulfilling than having kids at a young age. I won't regret having them like I definitely would if I had one at 18 instead of 28. You fucks need to chill once in a while.
anecdotal evidence time
I've known two girls since middle school. one went traveling after high school and is unhappy. the other is married, no kids yet, but happy.
what say you?
Traveling is fun, plus you should enjoy not having to take care of a financial leech for as long as you possibly can. The world is over-populated, there's NOTHING special about having kids.
Because a woman is as loyal as her options.
Guilt free sex
I say that there's a lot more to what makes an individual 'happy' than just whether they choose to have kids or not.
Thus your anecdotal evidence is completely useless.
"traveling" is just a euphemism for fucking rando foreigners
You mean a round the world chad fucking festival ?
Because they can get Instagram and Facebook likes. That's it. That is how shallow women are
The cock carrousel user
>The world is over-populated
All the more reason to have as many kids as you can, they're beating us in sheer number.
Daily reminder that artificial wombs are the final solution to the woman problem
You get more likes from baby pics
>women don't have real interests waaah i'm a pathetic faggot
Agree. So brave and strong independent woman meme.
besides the fact it fulfills a biological imperative that nothing else can
Travel lets a woman build her social media portfolio of cool things she's done that she can rub in the face of the women she claims to be friend with but secretly hates. It's also a hobby that involves spending inordinate amounts of money with no skills needed.
>men don't travel and fuck women
There's literally resorts that have sluts on them in some countries.
They don't really enjoy travelling, per se. What they really enjoy is getting their vag pounded in aesthetic locations.
Trad women lived in cultures that valued motherhood whereas in modernity stronk independent gurls are put on a pedestal. This means modern girls can't stay in the kitchen, they need to work. Well what do they spend their income on? 'Experiences' of course. They're told they can fill the void in their lives with yoga, nigs, aromatherapy, and trips to Kenya
This, if you hear a woman say she wants to travel and one who frequents musical events, whatever you do, leave her alone
shes in a corn field
They prefer showing off their student loan money over Instagram and Facebook. Women aren't interested in travel, just gloating about how "rich" and "well traveled" they are. It's all a facade.
General shortsightedness, spending money on temporary and vapid "experiences" even tho they only go to tourist spots and buy starbucks at least once on a trip lol what a cultural experience.
Additionally, we live in a hamstrung society where "culture" is this vaunted thing for every body except us, we need to buy fast food and work, but the chinks can have their shark fin soup and fried dog. So people grow up in this society seeking culture of some sort, hence kids immerse themselves in vidya, read fiction books, and women travel to "get culture" because they can't express their own Americanness or Europeanness in their homelands without being ostracized.
Also not to be another paranoid MGTOW-esque faggot, but they can be thots without social shame if they're surrounded by strangers and thousands of miles from dad.
This is the correct answer.
They do it all for social status, women are OBSESSED with social status and essentially EVERYTHING they do is to gain social status.
Why can't you do both? My parents took me on vacation to foreign countries every years starting around the age of 7. Before, we took Disney Cruises
>fix your ED
those lady folk sure did the trick.
why the fuck would they want to be with soy boys cum dumpsters when they could be exploring the world?
because exploring the world sucks
because they've been duped by the stupid asshole marketers and retards on reddit gloating about "traveling" (aka being a tourist):
>why would I want to look at your photos from India when a BILLION people already live there and take their own photos? Nobody wants to see your stupid fucking photos from Thailand, India, Machu Pichu, South America, Mexico, or Europe. FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING CUNT LOSERS. When I see somebody spend $1000 on airfare (or, even worse, they use "points" which guarantees they are a shit bag asshole), I immediately file that person under my "stupid" category.
That roast beef sandwich won't make itself
Travel is a frivolous waste of money. The cost to benefit ratio can't be justified when one could take up any other self development hobby.
Because they think the phrase a rolling Stone gathers no moss means the opposite of what it really means.
kek must be sleeping.
this post deserved digits.
Nobody had kids in his example.
Because they have an incurable virus which changes their hard wired maternal/breeding habits, making them want to seek out foreign men
They want to "see the world (of dick)"
basic gestalt:
>its a virus
>strains of it have existed forever
>ancient ruins and mythology depict it as a warning of what it is, how it manifests, who it effects, and how destructive it is
>it seems to start to naturally show itself when a civilization starts to build dense cities/industrialize
>women stop wanting to have kids, only want foreign men, hate males
>everyone turns degenerate/pedo/gay/trans
>society collapses everyone goes down with it
>cia/paperclipped gnatzis figured out what it was and identified a strain
>it was weaponized
>it was released in the nigger ghettos of america and poorer areas of western europe in the 70's
>today whites are infected as shit
>it is sometimes being administered in soyboy food products like starbucks drinks
>all feminists have it
>the only cure is lead
Further reading:
>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression
>Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the femin virus on American black communities
>The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a femin outbreak
It's just an excuse to go place to place around the globe riding the cock carousel
Alright. You travel to learn and for experience.
What did you learn? What experience changed your life on a fundamental level?
because of individual freedom you fucking islamist fuck
why can't you authoritarian fucks mind your business and leave people alone? are you that sad that you need to control how people spend their time on this planet?
Be pampered hand and foot by africans and brown people for pennies on the dollar
Additionally, it isn't empowering to be traditional.
Women literally just travel to fuck lots of guys without people knowing, lel
and so what? what's wrong with them fucking guys. how is it your problem?
Moderate travel is beneficial to your understanding of the world.
There's countless small town attitudes that should not exist. They are interesting to see, and quite disturbing.
Don't know what OP is trying to accomplish here. Feminism is the reason women don't want children and are unhappy in life. Not a 1 month vacation.
They're only slutty for 20% of the population. We need equal-opportunity sluts, some men aren't gifted with genetic privilege and should get a slut to fuck.
Also the ones who go abroad to fuck blacks or arabs should just not come back. lel
>>the only cure is lead
Back to ate chins.
Fuck off loser I'll spread my memes wherever I want
Because they are roasties, and "traveling" is their cultural adaptation of seeking out and fucking foreign guilt free cock.
>Travel is a frivolous waste of money.
Only if you're poor and can't afford to waste a bit of cash.
Hahah you sound soo pathetic. I'm glad I'm not living your shit life.
They are the gateway to brave new world you fool.
They will just encourage guilt free sex and make the problem of whore women worse. Why can't you see that they are a direct attack on the traditional family?
Because it gets the most likes on social media and bitches love attention
Men and women are not equal. A man can fuck a ton of women and be fine. A woman can fuck a ton of men and ruin her pair-bonding mechanism and develop a slew of mental disorders.
Because cumskin males are soyboys who play video games all day
They were brainwashed by Communist subversives! Thanks to our cucked education system, they think that men are out to enslave them and that there's nothing special or fulfilling about having kids.
poo truck has arrive
You mind telling me what some of these resorts are?
You know, for educational purposes, heheh
they are extremely overpriced, you're better off just going to local brothels
Travel signals status. It demonstrates to the world that you have excess money, excess time, and you appear better educated/experienced.
Getting some serious traveling credentials and showing it to the world help you in dating, careers, and social circles.
>Only if you're poor and can't afford to waste a bit of cash.
Or maybe some people like to plan for a secure future, or plan for a family, and think throwing away a hundred here, a thousand there on being a tourist is a pointless, wasteful, indulgent and selfish hobby.
Facebook likes. Traveling is an easy way for them to climb to the top of their social group.
(((Eat Pray Love)))
Travelling for a woman is a way to enjoy sex and express her hypergamy without the social stigma that she would receive in her local community.
Everyone here who did Erasmus knows what I'm talking about ( it's one BIG propaganda program for the EU btw).
Yeah...its overpopulated with shitskins
Wanna kill them together leafbro?
Why would woman want to hang around OP faggot like you when they could be fucking 9/10 Chads all over the world and use the photos to gain meaningless instagram social status?
Why do you think the Chinese all of sudden have a huge taste for travel? Social-status desu.
Don't worry OP, she'll come back to you once Chad*1000 is done with her and she's brunched her body from soft-7/10 all the way down to 3/10.
The international Cock rides
Ok, anons, explain this to me:
My friend abandoned all social media, hitchhiked her way from Moscow to a remote seaside village in the steppes of Crimea, lived with a guy for a year in his broken down house with 0 money while foraging for food in the fields and fishing and diving for clams, traveled all around Crimea, hiked in the mountains, smoked weed with local potheads while having just one sexual partner. How does that fit in your neat "women travel for attention/cock" theory?
Your 'friend' traveled to a remote village just to have sex with hillbilly Chad for a year.
Jesus christ, you can't be that dense, can you?
International cock carousel not to mention who would want to be with such a faggot like OP.
Because it's very easy to find a man willing to pay for a weekend of sex and sun, and very difficult to find a man who will pay for a lifetime of childcare.
She met him while living there, and he was by no means a Chad. Also, to have sex with a "hillbilly Chad", she lived the hobo life for a year and hiked all over the place? There are much easier ways to get laid for a woman, don't you think? You're really stretching this...
Sounds like a nice trip
Fucking hell man, many countrymen and women succumbed to this brainwashing program, they never returned the same I for once felt thankful that I didn’t sign up due to my social autism.
Look in the mirror.. there is your answer.
Because you and 79% of the rest of the male populace are doofy, autistic faggots. Think about it. Would you rather go see cool shit all around the world or spend your time dealing with socially awkward sperg who keeps wanting to stick shit inside you?
Fucking brainlet.
Yeah, kind of this. It's not the woman's fault traveling is more interesting than you, anons.
Diferent types of dick
what level of your ass did you pull that stat out of
>women think traveling to other geographical locations will save them from dealing with socially awkward spergs wanting to stick shit inside them
>defending them against 'brainlets'
Somebody hasn't read his Emerson
based Russian. modern American women are so selfish and shortsighted, they spend no time thinking of the things you listed. only their own fleeting "happiness" and escapism
Nigger have you looked outside the window in the last couple of years? The woman situation cannot be any worse than it already is. Guild free sex is already encouraged and whoring around is basically unfinished.
Artificial wombs will send a massage of ''now you're replaceable'' to all woman.
>implying women travel for "education"
>implying they're not going just to ride the cock carousel
they are looking for a man
we are debt slaves, what does a slave truly aspire to be? a master or a nomad?
The right picture is fucking frightening. Breeding an army of parentless children ripe for Jewish indoctrination in secret Jewish underground laboratories. The future looks very dark
Pls giv me a sauce. I want to believe.
Germoney may be right my friends. Women are already getting their panties in bunches over robosluts. Imagine if men denied them even motherhood? I swear it'll be a big social issue before the end of the 21st century.
That, and they're chad and stacy only. We have them here in Florida.