B-but I'm an elf user

>b-but I'm an elf user.

We can fix that. I have scissors.



Doesn't mean you weren't an awful protagonist.

an elf would have been nice cleaning the house and doing the groceries

I'm going to violently impregnate her with a half-elf baby.

Oh good, then I'm not a rapist.

So what? Don't you know the story of Beren and Luthien?


Doesn't justify you role-playing on a chinese cartoon board. Also that's a lesbian anyway.

Only happy elves allowed.

Aiz was the protagonist, though.


Yes, and?

Lewdest creatures known to man

There can be more than one protagonist

Around Elves...

Nice anime and manga.

That's okay. Elves have buttholes too.

Nice post.

they make sweet and loving slaves.

And Aiz was the worse protagonist of both of them.


Oh, it's you


half-elf can breed with elf....

Aiz was fine in season 1. My only fault with her is that retarded breast plate.



Would a gyaru elf wear so many earrings that her ears would droop down?

I find this a strange thing to say, since elves aren't particularly lewd in porn. It's just a meme.

Pirotess > Deedlit


Please, Pirotess doesn't even have a personality.

Elf will win the Goblin Slayer


Lefiya is an attractive lesbian elf.

All elves and elf sympathizers should be shot.

Fat chance, until there are no more goblins it's not like he'll care about women
And if he's gonna give anyone the dick it's gonna end but being priestess because of her sisterly appeal

High elf is a cutie though

Yeah, that's a parody. Good job. It probably doesn't even know what's parodying at this point.

> lesbian
> girls choosing girls over cock

What exactly do you think you're doing, you fucking retard?

Probably not, though she deserves a loving husband.

Cutest yuri dork.


What about elves in space?




I for one welcome our new overlords

That doesn't make much sense,

I'm going to laugh when it's revealed that elves are just higher-order goblins.

Why are dragons so slutty?

Magical sperm.
Anyone have the dragon sperm bath picture?

>What about elves in space?

10/10, would betray humanity for.

I have to keep hope




They can shapeshift into people to have sex in most tabletop games.

All earthly sentients are related anyway.



>scream Tolkiens name

Aren't we all pretending that we are a cute anime girl?

Why are orcs usually the stand in for black people anyways?

I bet /tg/ loves Marcille.

Because they're both good at raping, killing, and pillaging

What??? I thought they were supposed to be the stand-in for overweight bald businessmen.


Sup Forums hates her more for some reason.

No, fat men are fat men. Elves were snobby white foreigners and orcs blacks.




>tfw no elgf


>el gf
so a trap?

reminder that rapey orcs is nothing but elf propoganda


>Be elf
>Live for thousands of years
>Be flat as washboard for thousands of years

Too bad their kids are fuckheads

Yeah, she's almost perfect.


>not having to deal with disgusting sacks of fat for thousands of years
>a bad thing


The real question is, would they grow if she got knocked up




What's the point of longevity when 90% of elf characters are acting like children?

> 800 years of daddy issues


No that's Yao

Because nips only think of women as childlike retards or mother figures.

Crazy magic out the ass like woah
That's because Sup Forums is full of retarded crossboarders
A. Sad
B. Perfect

She literally looks like Astolfo with pointy ears.


1,000 years of purity