Gaytheist hate thread
Gaytheist hate thread
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great thread bump
>people really believe a magical floaty sky wizard got bored one day and beamed humanity through the fucking stratosphere for fun
>low energy fedora spam
as expected of das ewige Blatt
I'm assuming agnostics are in the same boat?
faggot, before the universe there was no time there was no space and there was no matter. There wasn't a sky so how could he be a sky wizard?
You know its possible to not believe there is an invisible man in the sky watching you masturbate AND not wear fedoras, wield katanas, and act like a jackass. Most atheists don't fit this meme in the slightest.
agnostic atheism is the best stance. Though it cannot be proven that there is no god, based on observations and science the probability that there is a god is lower then there not being a god.
"gay"theist indeed. qadeshtheist. shrine hooker theist
No thanks, I don't like to eat dicks!
>MS Paint
>samefag thread
just stop you're embarrassing yourself
kill em all
>he likes throat cancer cunnilingus
cunt means witch. enjoy
>the probability that there is a god is lower then there not being a god
>unironically tipping
baka desu senpai
Pick one
Exactly, while these guys were wearing fedoras and playing with swords us cool atheists were studying pickup techniques and mastering the art of kara-te.
yes my child. yes
I don't believe there is a god but i'm not 100% solid on that belief (or lack there of) as their is no solid proof of it.
before the universe existed there wasn't a sky, or physical bodies. God's omnipotent and controls the laws of nature that results in fapping (although you do choose to do the activity).
christ niggers are the original pagan larpers. Kek.
>shit semetic religion has to hijack pagan holidays
these poor bastards lmao.. imagine being a pimply atheist fatty and seeing your image get posted all the time on an Idahoan PCP Dealing Forum in threads dedicated to erasing atheism from existence lmao..
christians are larping faggots
if god is not physical, how could searching for physical things ever produce empirical results that would find him? You're looking though a black and white camera to prove that color doesn't exist. Idiot, if you want to prove color doesn't exist, you use a camera that should be capable of seeing color and then not find it.
Use logic to find out whether God exists because that is a tool that could actually find him; you won't look through though because you will find him.
I miss the fedoras, they were less cringy than neo-pagans
>How dare you stereotype atheists, you young-earth-creationists, uneducated kike-lovers!
Kill yourself using the slowest, most painful method you can find.
Atheists are the useful idiots of the Jews.
The Atheists were brainwashed into shoving dicks into their anus, and doing every kind of degenerate and immoral thing imaginable.
What a bunch of idiots.
Some people need to believe there is someone watching them in order to do the right thing. Some people don't have to believe there is an invisble man watching them to do the right thing. Don't fault theists for needing to have someone managing their actions that isn't themself. Christianity has done a lot for the world morally speaking.
tips banana
I always heard it as:
> I don't know if there is a God or not, but I act as if there isn't one.
Which is interesting, because you could argue that Jordan Peterson advocates for a kind of agnostic theism
This is an overplayed talking point but it’s true to an extant. If not for God I’d probably be a alcoholic hooker banging bisexual.
>larping intensifies
Satania is more likely to exist in some alternate 2-d dimension then some omnipotent being in ours.
Some people need it. Some people don't. The true redpill about atheism are atheists who understand this and don't act like jackasses trying to force others to admit there isn't a god with them. Some people need religion... others don't.
If you're anti atheism you're anti science, you're a brainlet.
>you velieve we all came from nothing or you an idiot!
An no, Indon't like eating dicks so stop telling me to
See: Jay dyer
He btfos those faggots like it's his mission
Kent Hovind*
Matter can be "created" through collisions of higgs boson particles which "creates" both matter and anti-matter.
morality is nothing more than a biological construct unless God exists. I'm not saying that you need to believe in God in order to be moral. I'm saying morality is little more than opinion unless it has some sort of objective basis.
Without north as the standard, there is no east or west. You would just be heading in any direction with no way to orient yourself, kind of like how in space there is no up or down. It's all relative.
Without God as the standard for morality, there is no lesser or greater moral decision. By saying that there is something morally right or wrong, you are appealing to a standard. From where do you get this idea of right and wrong? What is your basis or standard?
Let me guess, society right? which is ironic seeing as you on this board you likely disagree with society. But for what reason do we decide that society is the right basis for morality? Doesn't morality already have to exist in order for you to come to that conclusion? To say that what society says ought to be the moral standard is itself a moral claim before you even had a standard to make a moral claim.
Our moral experience means that moral values are objective.
>if objective moral values exist, God exists.
>Objective moral values do exist.
>God exists.
This is the moral argument for God's existence.
Which if there was nothing that didn't exist either
Jesus fucking Christ, can you imagine the process of taking this pic?
>Mom, would you take me a pic?
>But smile for the camera, honey
>Mom! I'm supposed to look badass!!
> Ok my meanie big bad boy here you go
> T-thanks Mom
>nothing more than a biological construct
The implication that things are merely biological construct AND that morality is purely biological are both completely inane.
Rake yourself.
>atheism is wrong because many of its followers are bad
is that
where did god come from