>-h-hey user you maybe want to read the bible together sometime?
-h-hey user you maybe want to read the bible together sometime?
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I'll bet she's a real animal in the bedroom. I'll bet she's filthy beyond imagination. She takes good care of her man. Jesus wants us to be happy, after all. Yeah.
catholic school girl is a meme
>Rape within Marriage is Stupidity
I'll bet she keeps a very clean shop below the waist. I'll bet she shaves it once a week and there's hardly a scent on her. When you get down there and spread it open and get a whiff, I'll bet it's like sniffing a stick of cotton candy. And of course she shaves her asshole too, not forgetting about it like so many.
What's degenerate about a girl shaving her butthole to look good for doggy style? What? You like a soggy, foul smelling rainforest over her butthole and pussy?
That is not how babies are made
Incorrect. It's how babies CAN be made. I don't think the babies give a damn. But doing it my way we can have more fun making them.
Take your underwear off under your dress, and squat over my face, so I can have a detailed look at your stinking, PISSY labia. I must sniff your arsehole in the name of Christ, Mary and the Blessed Saints. Let forth your hot streaming communion directly into my open mouth.
I want to drink your urine.
no I want to shitpost about nigger cocks and jack off to huge anime titties
Is this an australian custom?
>Activate billy graham rule
This girl is white, she's obviously a protestant, not a catholic
Not being in the same room along with a woman?
i like how the last line clears up any confusion she may have had
I’d read her the Bible backwards in braille if she’d let me put it in her fartbox
Yes. Let's read the Pauline epistles. They are inspirational.
>reading the bible
wew lad
Devout women don't shave.
>Devout women don't shave.
Oh yes they do, user. Oh yes they do. Why wouldn't they? Do they not shave their legs or their arm pits? What's wrong with shaving their pussies and buttholes? It's just a new standard in personal grooming. No more. No less.
>imagine being this submissive and desperate
we both know you'd try for like 20 mins, get angry, and leave
Real women wax.
>tfw you come up with a clever response but realize no girl will ever say this to you anyway
Sure, I'll do 15 mins of "spiritual yoga" with you if you'll attend Latin Mass tomorrow.
No thanks, I don't like jews.
cant I have herpes
>At least 50% of Germans are Catholic, such as Bavarians.
who is this woman? what's her name? I'd like to propose marriage to her.
Of course we’ll go on nice dates do bible study and then get married
Then we’ll fuck like animals
Amen brother
How to get those videos of her? I genuinely enjoy them
Wow, its college all over again, but instead of a manlet awkwardly "witnessing" to me its an unattractive woman.
Maybe. Her asshole is probably as tight as a knot and I have a fat cock so.... I might give up and put it in her heavenly anointed snatch.