I am absolutely fed up with society. I feel like I'm actually going insane day by day. I might just go join some monastery and be a monk the rest of my life.
Considering becoming a monk
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even if you do not, Brother.
do not lose hope.
stealth natsoc, Catholic here. heading to seminary this coming Fall.
taking a stand within Belly of Beast.
deus vult.
your call
As much as this may sound crazy, I don't think you'll regret it.
Monking is hard work. And you only get like 8 hrs of computer time a day.
If it is your call, do not despair.
I've been considering the same thing for a while. I actually spent a few weeks in a monastery a couple of years ago. It's not an easy life to adapt to but I was happier there than I've ever been.
your country averages 12 people per church
the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
is isolation really what God wants you to do
Just make sure the monastery is genuine and of the Church (as in not modernist heretics) before you join.
I'd be on board if not for the religious stuff.
Is there an equivalent lifestyle without the god bullshit?
If you feel the call, go for it. You do not become a monk right away, you spend time living with the other brothers as a novice, and only after some time you become a brother. They test to make sure your desire is there for the long-term.
Druid larpers
You can live as an ascetic. Go live in the Andes, by yourself, in cabin, with not electricity, and running water, and you are good to go.
monasteries are full of the same shitty people as society.
be like buddha and find solitude.
Join a commune or a cult. Much better then being a monk.
What a surprise
Could become a Zen monk.
>commie worships a jew
What a surprise
Cut your dick off and be a eunuch
I assume you are Catholic. Go for it. I go to a Dominican parish and it's amazing. The friars are so, so knowledgeable.
Definitely research the differences between the orders (monks vs friars, Dominican vs Benedictine vs Carmelite etc). They are very different.
Go to an SSPX church for that, do not go to a novus ordo church
Oh great that's what we really need. A retarded manchild larper priest.
Go be a fag somewhere else and leave holy mother church alone.
Or a light house attendant
Jesus, fuck, just save up and buy some cheap land and slap a trailer on it. Live a simple life without having to give up who you are.
>american talking about worshipping jews
just go for a retreat and collect yourself. don't go long term. better to become a priest (eastern ortho priests can still marry)
a real monk, a real sage, would be at home and tranquil in any environment.
When monks get sent to prison they realize what spiritual practice actually entails and how trivial external conditions are.
Don't go to a monastery out of escapism, its really only meant for old guys about to die, retirees...etc
>(((((((((memeflaggot))))))))) thinks his opinion is valued
fight for the white race . Stay where you are . Hunt down freemasons and their agents in your town
>(((la creatura))) thinks his opinion is valued
>Society is fucking crazy
>Time to go talk to a man in the sky the rest of my life
God is real.
The opinion that he isn't is what (((((they))))) want you to think.
For some people it may be necessary or even better for them to live the monastic life. God bless user.
Then take your thumb and jam it straight up your ass. (((They))) keep you from being rich and powerful. "You" keep you from being satisfied with your life.
Eastern ortho (or Eastern-rite Catholic) priests can become priests if they're already married, but can't get married after they're priests.
Christ did not shelter himself from the world, nor did he encourage his disciples to do so. Being born again means receiving new life. It is from this life that we are supposed to grow and live. Hiding away in some pedostary is not godly. Then again, there's nothing godly about the catholic church as it's an organization created for the sole purpose of extorting and controlling.
Remove memeflag and show ugly (and feminine) israel flag
spend 15 years doing an illuminated manuscript by candle light, then I'll dress up as a viking & rip it up, it'll be a laugh.
It's so hard working 40 hours a week for the man, guess I will just give up everything and work all day everyday for God. Sounds like a bad trade to me.
Have fun fucking the other monks because that’s what they do
Aren't they all fags now?
one week and you'll be begging for civilization again. What the hell makes you think monks don't have to believe/deal with nonsense as well?
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Good post.
Bad post.
Never said it would be smooth-sailing.
It's probably the ultimate red pill. Once you realize the spiritual world is what matters, how can you return to the material world with any sense of enthusiasm? That is like us deciding to start watching CNN again. This world is Fake News.
My friend will be entering a monastery this Fall (Benedictine). You have to become a monk for the right reasons. Formation is typically a minimum of five years to weed out the false vocations. Whatever the case, you must pray. Nothing will work out if you don't.