Can i be part of a white etnostate Sup Forums?
Can i be part of a white etnostate Sup Forums?
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Are you north italian?
Let me see a few foreskin pics and I will decide
There is no Ethnostate except if you make it your own for your Country and it's people
you can be the wither American on earth if you want
>blacks out nose
I'm on to your tricks jew
Nah u look like a shitskin
I'm fully Italian, but most of the alt-right would probably mistake me for a Jew (I have frizzy hair and a slightly hooked nose) and I probably wouldn't be allowed in the ethnostate.
Shave that thing and get a haircut faggot
Yes you can serve as an example to others, ideally we'd have a bunch of you up on posts on the main roads leading into every city.
yes if you kill one nigger
you look like a sperglord at least comb that hair.
Yeha man. Just convert to is lamb
i like this music desu but you're shilling it too too hard
you can be part of the white ethnostate, but in order to bleach out your impurities, you will be forbidden from marrying "up" in whiteness. You will be paired with someone as impure as you or lower. This person will be sterilized, and the eggs of a perfect Aryan goddess (possibly TayTay herself) will be fertilized with your seed and implanted into your mutt waifu. This will happen for two or three generations until the stain is gone.
You're not white.
huiter than you carlitos
>Europeans are whi-
You have a healthy dose of roach genes in you might I say lol. Please kys
You look like a stereotypical NEET, is it true that Italy is the NEET capital of the world?
whiter than you tyrone
Why did you hide your nose you estrogen laden kike.
This is an anonymous imageboard
niggers stole it from potato niggers
Like this?
Hell no, you are some kind of mongol mongrel... wtf is happening in your face?
More like this
Where is my Misaki then?
petite girl With black hair and low self esteem are my fetish
Yes I say so user.
White identity isn't built around whiteness per se, but what whiteness creates. An analogy would be, do you admire a man for his muscles or for the works of those muscles unique to him? My love for whiteness isn't based entirely on aesthetics. While I think white aesthetics are the best and are my favorite, I think the real reason to be a white nationalist or something of the sort, to have a strong link to your white identity, be it Nordic, Saxon, French, Scottish, or what have you, is for their great works and societies. They created the best of art, science, freedom, and civilization. German cars, Greek philosophers, Icelandic strongmen, French artists, and the list could go on and on. They excite me, they blow me away, and I want culture to have more of them, to delve more into their pursuits. Do you feel like this is a culture you want to contribute to? Do you feel a part of this community of souls and ideas? I think if you feel this way, you are white in spirit.
Now, I don't think anyone can be white, I think others are physically different which actually changes their interests. To feel this way, you must have a high iq, not be impuslive, and be highly empathetic so you can thrive in a low crime group setting. If you disagree, check out the physical differences between domesticated and wild dogs, you'll find that there is a link between the biology and psychology that explains the difference. However, I think if you meet these criteria, you pass. But as I said, I think it's not just about being white, but proving also why being white is being great. Can you be decent in an indecent world, and still be successful? Can you be the best at your craft? If you go to war, how many of them is it gonna take to bring you down?
Lastly, don't fall for the meme that only the "purest" of aryans are aryan. This is because I think honor and glory are earned, not inherited by birth. The best of us were the warriors that gave us our opportunities we have today, like from the Polish winged hussars who fought away the Ottomans, or the Spartans at Thermopylae keeping out the Persians. Today what do the palest of us have in common? What is unique about Swedes? About Norwegians? Most Euro countries in fact? Or the most "beautiful" whites (a common shill thread is claiming the best looking of whites are the minimum aesthetic you must have, that the rest of whites are not in fact white.. don't fall for this divide and conquer tactic) in America with these features? They're cucks and sell outs that are more interested in their personal lives than fighting for their nation, for their children. They are more interested in posing on Instagram than things like blood, honor, and achievement. So, I think by what I've seen of the world today, the "purest" of whites are some of the weakest shittest of whites, in my opinion. My respect are for the Germans, the Saxons, the Scottish, the ancient Greeks, and the Polish because they fuckin earned their place in history. The pretty Swedes ain't got shit, fuck em mayne.
No, you can't - because no such thing exists and never will. Now stop playing pretend and go do something about your failed attempt at life.
Nice words but keep that for someone else, i'm a living failure who make this thread because i was bored