When did America loose it's culture?
When did America loose it's culture?
>phone poster
You never had culture.
Dey didnt hold on tight enuf.
Not IT'S culture but ITS culture. If you want to say IT IS then use IT'S. Otherwise it's ITS. And there is no ITS'. Get it?
When white people got here.
The Sixties, I estimate.
hey there kike
People will probably say the 60s but in reality "the Jews" were already in total control of the entertainment industry and mainstream culture as early as the 30s. They won't admit it though because that would mean America's 20th century "golden age" was largely a Jewish creation.
Around the same time people started confusing "loose" and "lose".
>Posts pic with no citation and no unit of measurement
1 post by this id...
so always
white people
neednto kill all blacks
Probably around the time when people started using "Loose" in place of lose.
fucking uber faggot..
what the fuck is canadian culture
seriously what is it.
It started around 1900, when the jews started to get a lot of control over US media.
Only started to see real big effects by the 60s though. But you can track it back to jazz. Walt Disney pointed out the jewish influence in jazz in his cartoons. He knew.
Primer post, mejor post.
British North America
Alternatively, 1913
RIP Billy Herrington 1969-2018
#loose #bunghole
When our music was actually good:
Press F for a time long gone.
Your entire country is based on things that happen in murica
Reposting from the other thread since it's relevant.
I hate this meme so goddamn much. If I were to ask anyone here to conjure an image of America in any decade in the entirety of the 20th century (the general fashion, attitude, mannerisms, popular media and aesthetics), I have no doubt in my mind they'd be able to do it. The reality is that American culture has been decimated by foreigners past 9/11, and has given birth to some new, demented view of what America was. Now, the only thing that remains is unwavering, undirected patriotism, our gun culture, and small vestiges of country life; mostly thanks to jewish proxies like OP being brainwashed to completely forget the last 2 centuries of American culture.
Every European should take heed, because this is how it will happen to them. First, Sweden will "have no culture", or rather a "culture of many cultures." Then Germany and France, Britain and Spain, until the entire continent has nothing.
I'm not sure what culture did US lost? It never had any.
Columbus never came to the USA you fucking idiot
20th century American culture was legitimate, but what most of you guys won't admit is that Jews played a large role in its creation. So even a lot of the "good" aspects of 20th century America were highly influenced by Jews, who already controlled the media as early as the 1920s/30s.
Leaf has it right. Once we decided to dump niggers into our country like they were grated Romano cheese on an Olive Garden salad, our potential for culture tanked. The only thing we've contributed to culture is the invention of the strip mall and bumper magnets.
We never did. It's just that the Cities have lost their culture. Mid West culture is alive and well. The most ardent of Libshits have been unable to take that from us.
Catholicism so much better. :DDD
Honestly, I think people say US has no culture because it's not as vast, it's still forming. You folks have a national sport (NFL), gun culture and national cuisine (burgers) but it pales in comparison to the vast cultures that European countries have. Just give it time.
The problem is that at the moment we were strongest in developing our culture, we import heaps of shitskins and give niggers rights, thus destroying any chance we had to create something cohesive and white. Now we're just exporting cultural toxicity and getting worse by the day.
when mandela changed everything
Yeah, that "melting pot" narrative really fucked up your development.
the day you lost your spelling, we took over.
Somewhere between 1950 and 1970.
The Civil War and violation of the 10th Amendment was the beginning of the end though.
We didn't even last a century.
When Mexico flooded us
when mayflower docked
I fairly certain your supposed to have gotten through first grade before posting here.