Australia is only 36.1% white
Australia is only 36.1% white
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We know
Fucking mutt faced mongrels
So take a good look at my face
You'll see my smile looks out of place
Was just listening to this on curtain FM
Nice psyop.
Youre clearly retarded. English Australians doesnt account for Australians who marked themselces of Australian descent. Look at the source for the 36.1% its from the abs census. I wont tell you how much of Australia is white. Im not going to spoonfeed you. Go read the census instead of rely on meme wikipedia.
You're embarrassing
Fuck britfags, german diaspora best diaspora.
irish and irish mutts aren't white you absolute moron
doesn't matter, krauts aren't white
Shhh, don't struggle, just accept your mutt status. It smarts a bit, I know.
Yeah no. Keep up the larp kid
Dont project. Mutt
fuck off mutt
Fuck off
It's MUCH higher than that, most of the white south is English, but their families have been here so long they put "American" on the census.
Is this just another attempt by the proxy polish fag flag
Irl no one would believe you if you say the irish arent white but sure keep trying to get your views validated on Sup Forums
Because every second aussie boi dates yellow tide.
El Ogro de las Australias...
Keep up the larp, Irish subhuman. Next you'll tell me wogs are white too
Only beecause you live in Sydney / Melbourne
I've just realised that (((they))) follow us around like parasites. (((They))) came here when we came and now that we are moving on and leaving South Africa, (((they))) are leaving too and coming with us.
Could be, so which part is better? I am actually from switzerland and here for improving my english. But the amount of whities with tide is huge.
>it's a chink thinks everyone who isn't yellow is white episode
this is a mutt country, not a white one
Oh. A foreigner
>unintelligible 36% noises
>its a nobody thinks he gets to decide who and who isn't white.
>he posts this nonsense on Sup Forums, the irony capital of the internet, because he knows his views won't be accepted anywhere else esp irl
>America was a nice country with limited government and significant freedom
>Germans begin to migrate to the US
>US immediately starts going downhill
>Italians and Irish begin migrating to the US
>US is going further downhill, elect an Irishman president
>US starts bringing in Mexicans
>Goes even further downhill, elect a nigger president
America would be a better place if we lynched all continental European migrants on the shores of the Atlantic.
I like how you think normalfag mutts should decide who is white or not. Of course mutts think they're white
Lel then believe whatever narrative you have in your head.
You're like a tranny who thinks he's female because he said so.
Australia isn't white. Just accept it, chinky boy. This is mutt breeding grounds
Stay man, snek. This country should have officially made german the default language and we join hitler in ww2 and smash the kike menace for good.
No. Believe what you like. No need to tell others
la luz extinguido
t. 36.1%
based mods deleted the ching chong ama thread
proxy poster you are projecting your insecurities.
Australia has very few niggers compared to UK and USA
I don't care which country has the most niggers. The fact of the matter is that this country is NOT white
>t. 36%
bro what the fuck
You're just too accepting of others.
>it's another x country isn't white thread
When are you gullible gentiles going to realize that this is a JIDF divide and conquer tactic?
its actually less than that. the vast majority of those that call themselves english americans are mixed, they just identify as english.
at least we are (((their))) home... so we won't die yet...
in fact our gov is even worse jews than israel, look at we did with uk (another superjewed country) to rhodesia
this desu lol
wtf how?
I thought you guys only had abbos
half this thread is cucked americans Joses saying how unwhite we are. lol fuckin fags how sad are you?
t. 36%
And what about Scottish, irish, other white Europeans?
English =\= British
that is false for NZ since nearly 80% of whites are english decent
>Scottish, irish
pick one
>mainland europeans
the absolute state of Sup Forums in 2018
>Identifying as english
This is Australia.
Say it with me.
You're either english or australian, not both. If you hate this country so much that you tell people you'd rather tell people you come from a muslim run shit hole instead then you can fuck off.
Gay as fuck
you're literally a mutt promoting muttism
Can confirm
>Being proud of your country is gay
Chug a bottle of soy you faggot
You're literally a faggot promoting faggotry.
If you don't like the country, then leave.
I'm Anglo Saxon only. To call yourself Australian is to tie your identity to a piece of paper that they hand out like condoms
le 36% post
Most of the Southerners who do that are Scots-Irish
irish and irish mutts aren't white. off yourself
t. 36% mutt
Australia isn't white, stop deluding yourselves
Hmm this is 2011
Being proud of australia is gay because they literally voted to be gay you're so gay
murica is the only straight country in the west
We're still ~88% white. Less than it used to be. We'll be the last bastion of WASP values long after the rest of the west is overrun. Still probably the samr fate, will just take longer.
>1.4% face
>We're still ~88% white.
that's only if you count irish, mutts and wogs, all of which are NOT white
you mixed race fuck
Redpill me on straya
Fuck off, burger boy.
The Australian flag SHOULD be the American flag bitchboi
I was born and raised here you 36% mongrel
fuck you globalist
Perhaps you are truly the globalist for having such a weak military you would fall to us in a split second, and then you make mutt memes beckoning annexation.
Seems as though you truly want to be part of a better country.
Oh well, if you insist.
fuk u meritard
This meme is a blatant lie and everyone who parrots it should be shot for not properly looking into the data
This made me cringe
Also they go by Scotch Irish, not Scots-Irish.
I wasn't in the mood for strayan slag, but I'll take what I can get in the great invasion(TM)
>meme flag
>mentioning cringe
Just another cucked strayan ashamed to admit he can't handle the bantz
>fake and gay..kys poojeet
>too ashamed to even call yourself australian
If you don't like it, leave.
I call myself Australian, sure, but to say that Australia is a white country is just being disingenuous. It's literally a 36% shithole
I didn't mention race, it was about it's military and politics which are both inferior to our own.
Perhaps, instead of taking offense, you should engage in mutual banter and perhaps, try and better yourself.
Shameful a warrior such as yourself has fallen to such a pitiful state.
>Not being able to see how I was making a point about someone acting like they know about counties they have never been to
This is relayed to us by data, not by personal experience friend.
Does a knight need to experience the life another before he notices the chink in his opponent's armor?
Does a lion stretch before it pounces?
its funny to see all the americans craving to believe it. dont worry amerishit, youre still the mongrel nation of the world
and you'll always be a faggy little leaf
dont talk to me abomination
you realize that there isn't just a chink in your armor, your armor is full of chinks
Friendly reminder that even Australia's most conservative commentator, Andrew Bolt, agrees that we're a mutt nation. Get used to it, racists
Thomas wong you're back it's an honor
>experience the life another
Using my knowledge of armour I can spot a chink in your education system
If we had chinks in the education system we'd be a lot smarter.
But tell me, is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I'm a German and Hungarian Australian. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and Balkan & Anglo facial features. Even i'm whiter than some of the absolute Australian nematodes that hail the British Isles.
Fuck of slide kike