Madoka S2

Why is it taking so long? Does Aniplex hate money?

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Homura is my wife.

Urobuchi is doing other shit
SHAFT is busy with a bunch of other shit

Fuck Urobutchi. He only wrote shit after Madoka. He's going to ruin it.

fuck off

It's truth.

Too bad she was turned into a generic yandre.


But where does the story go after Rebellion?

Generic yandere would make Madoka her slave. Instead she fixed the world and took everything on herself while letting Madoka live a happy life without her.

If you think that's yandere you are a fucking idiot.


That's literally exactly opposite of what happened in rebellion.

So this is the intelligence of Rebellion haters... whoa.

And this is the intelligence of people who justify turning a likeable character with depth into a generic flavour of the season yandre archetype.

I bet you like kakegurui pleb.

Yandere's don't make people their slaves, idiot. They kill people who try to get close to them, and force the person to stay with them and even sometimes try to kill them.

Homura didn't let Madoka go live a happy life without her, she literally just inserted herself back into her life the same as she had with all of the time resets.

She never forced herself into Madoka's life. All she does is watch her in the classroom.

And everything she did was 100% justified. She could just die and go to heaven to be with Madoka forever and instead she turned herself into a bad guy to protect her.

If you think this is bad writing you are idiots. It matches her TV character perfectly.

Sayaka pls go

If anything it's the Madoka game that'll get an adaptation.

>Turned herself into a bad guy to force Madoka to be a part of her life forever.

Sounds pretty Yandere to me. She literally ripped a piece of Madoka out of herself. How is that not forcing Madoka to be in her life? Madoka said no, and she did it anyway. That's force. That's akin to rape.

What does God need to be protected from? Maybe the bitch that literally turned herself into the devil.

And, no, it doesn't match her TV character. What was she protecting by doing that to Madoka? Madoka was literally God. All Rebellion did was make Homura look like a spiteful wench because Madoka chose saving everyone over being with her.

Madoka was a passive God and QB was already planning how to control her.

Won't even complain. Story is great so far. The only problem is putting all the characters in there. It would need several series. Azalea event alone would be enough for one season.

So that justifies Homura stealing a part of her for herself? What purpose did that serve? Did that thwart QB's plans. Correct me if I'm wrong, please, because I don't recall what Homura did having much to do with that. QB couldn't even figure out how to get to Madoka, right?

>4 years later, people don't understand Rebellion

I'm starting to think that Rebellion haters are some sub 80 IQ apes.

Go rewatch the flower field scene. Homura did what Madoka always wanted. She was forcing herself to be a goddess.

They're all in denial.

>She never forced herself into Madoka's life.
Wanting to resting everything to the first day they met is not selfish right? What happened to those 12 episodes of character development? All down the trash shoot with rebellion I suppose.

>And everything she did was 100% justified. She could just die and go to heaven to be with Madoka forever and instead she turned herself into a bad guy to protect her.

Everything was good until she turned into a selfish yandre slut and fucked everything up. What she did was a complete contradicting, perfectly reasonable for a shit yandre archetype and bad writing. Then again giving Urobuchi's record what was I expecting? An actual satisfying conclussion? yeah right, keep buying our merch shippers. Mirai Nikki was popular right?

>If you think this is bad writing you are idiots. It matches her TV character perfectly.

An ad-ham only shows the intellectual capacity of a fanboy who refuses to listen and satisfy their critics. Maybe you should go to /lit/ and take some notes and actually learn what a good story arch is. Moron.

So you really are that stupid. Amazing.

Trolls and stupid fags mad that Homu is not their moe moe kyun waifu anymore.

>I'm going to choose to believe what this amnesia version of you says instead of the version of you that has all your memories because is convenient for me

That's right, because to understand crap yandre tropes requires an IQ of 130+. The Madoka fanbase is approaching sperg-levels akin to the Rick and Morty fandom.
Not in denial, just know bad writing when I see it.

Your mistake is in thinking there is a contradiction there.
"Amnesia" Madoka is still Madoka, and she didn't contradict what any other version of herself said. Madoka doesn't want to separate herself from the world, but she will because she is always willing to sacrifice herself.

Not an argument.

People dont buy sequels with as much vigor as they buy 1st seasons.
If you follow rebellion with a tv budget shit its gonna flop.

Come off it, dude.

Even if she did put herself into that situation, what Homura did didn't even solve that. Madoka made a noble sacrifice, and Homura wasn't satisfied with her choices.

Also, wasn't the flower field scene IN Homura's corrupted soul Gem? That wasn't really Madoka, right? I'll admit, it's been a while since I watched the film, so I'm a little shaky there, but if that in fact wasn't Madoka, how could that fake have any say in what the real Madoka wanted?

So you really don't get it. Incredible.

It was Madoka.

>That wasn't really Madoka, right?

My god, was right.

>protect her

yeah good thing shaft never milked any popular franchises before

I want to see a little girl falling for cake magical girl animated.

Rather than making a S2 that only some people will accept, they would make Magia Record anime which is a side story. And then that become the main cash cow, just like Hollow Ataraxia never got an anime.

I love how your only argument is that people who disagree with it don't understand it.


>it was Madoka, just without all of the things that made her the same person she was when she decided her wish

admit it was a fake and not representative of the real ones wishes

>Also, wasn't the flower field scene IN Homura's corrupted soul Gem? That wasn't really Madoka, right? I'll admit, it's been a while since I watched the film, so I'm a little shaky there, but if that in fact wasn't Madoka, how could that fake have any say in what the real Madoka wanted?

using this as an argument regarding a fictional stoy. You know that Sup Forums is 18+ right.
You really are sub 80 IQ.

Tell me about Iroha
Why does she wear the hood

>and she didn't contradict what any other version of herself said.
And I'm done, you faggot are as delusional as Wormslutfags

>That wasn't really Madoka, right?
To be fair, you're a special kind of stupid.

Not an argument.

It was real Madoka saying what she really wanted.

She made the wish only because there was no alternative. It was either letting everyone die, becoming a witch or becoming a God. Once Homu knows that this was 100% real Madoka saying what she really wants it was obvious what she's going to do. If you think this contradicts her TV self you never understood her character.

Yeah well they know nisios adaptations sell.
They would have to follow rebellion with a movie, which would be a major investment that puts everything else on hold.

>puts everything else on hold
like what? they have the fate/extra anime announced and nothing else

There are rumors of them working on more Madoka for months. The fact their schedule just suddenly ends like that may show that it's true.

This is also the real Madoka.
Shit, I guess we'd better respect her wishes and let her be a dead magical girl, huh?

Stop calling a girl a yandere just because they act immorally. Nothing in Rebellion contradicts anything about Homura's character. You can whine about how you wanted a happier ending but with the character itself is nothing wrong.
It was the real Madoka, but with her memories rewritten. You could interpret that dialogue as Homura just wanting to hear what she wants to hear though, convincing herself it is still all for Madoka's sake.

they had that concept movie a while ago

I always find "funny" how Homurafags completely look down in Madoka and think she isn't capable of doing anything or make her own decisions and completely shit in everything she do, just like Homura

no, they figured out that it's easier to make money by licensing their characters on pachinkos and mobages


>itt:madoka fans avoid valid criticism by implying people critical of rebellion just don't have a high enough IQ to understand the complexity of literally a sub-archetype that originated from H.

I know Madoka generals were always shit. But you guys can't even admit you enjoy something just for the fact of enjoyment. And implying this is not Yandre

It's not a matter of Madoka not being able to make her own decisions. It's a matter of priorities.
Madoka puts the wellbeing of millions ahead of her own happiness. That's a noble, righteous thing.
Homura puts the happiness of Madoka ahead of everything else. That's also noble, but the two priorities are incompatible.

>I'll avoid quoting any specific post so I can call other people idiots while masking the fact that I can't actually directly address anyone's arguments
Homura did nothing wrong



Maybe after shaft done with fate and 3gatsu, and maybe after urobuchi done with his godzilla obsession, and definitely after ume have satisfied stalking JC and JK

Sic semper tyrannis

Madokami was happy but that just wasn't good enough for Homura because that contradicts what Homura wants

They literally only have one anime listed for 2018. It's strange.

The true Madoka was timeline 1 Madoka. Every other Madoka is a product of Homura meddling with time.

So yes, she knows better.

they might just dump urouro desu

Remember how badly the movies were torn apart and shat on?

The original only worked because the basic plot is a 1:1 rip off of mirrai nikki and MUH DEEP BRILLIANT GENRE REDEFINITIONS and the unbelievably childish and generic CUTE STUFF THAT IS REALLY DAHK!! THIS ISNT YOUR LITTLE SISTERS MAGICAL GIRL ANIMU!!
Oh and underage school girl dykes makes THAT group of people happy as hogs in shit.

It's childish idiocy that relied on shock and awe and they have nothing good or interesting to steal from anymore.

It's litterally eva tier overhyped and boring.

I'm pretty sure that butcher is done with Madoka. Game is doing great without him and Rebellion's ending was already forced on him.

>Remember how badly the movies were torn apart and shat on?

Things that never happened.

>Mirai Nikki invented timeloops

>let's conveniently forget that Madokami has the memory of every Madoka that ever exist and the result of every decision she made and thus would know what is best for herself

Mirai Nikki is garbage. Yandre in Garbage.

Outside of places that were bought off and the fansites? It was shat on.

Oh you're right. And you'd have a point...if so much of it didn't mirror mirrai nikki.

>after shaft done with fate and 3gatsu, and maybe after urobuchi done with his godzilla obsession
uh huh
>after ume have satisfied stalking JC and JK
so basically never?

>Mirai Nikki rip off
Get off of Sup Forums. Do yourself a favour and stop watching anime. Don't talk to anyone ever again until you've had your autism fixed.

You're correct, but please learn English.

Never actually read the manga(if you even knew that it was a manga in the first place) or seen the anime. You're only here to defend your trash animu correct?

Sup Forums featured lively debate and a huge number of people who loved the movie after it came out.

desu I think the biggest appeal for most was the production value. The music, designs, sequences, OP and all that were perfect. Without that you would have an okay edgy magic girl story.

It takes time to build up a perfect relationship

dumb crackposter

Literally what.

>The original only worked because the basic plot is a 1:1 rip off of mirrai nikki

Mirai Nikki had absolutely no influence whatsoever on any part of the Madoka Magica series.

>he only wrote shit after Madoka
Fuck you. TF was amazing.

>Madokami was happy
Happy to be able to help others, but not happy for herself. Different priorities.

>Sup Forums featured lively debate
>huge number of people who loved the movie
Wrong, a lot of people hate it for multiple reason

It invented yandere timeloops, yes.

Feel free to construct an actual argument at any time.

what the fuck are you even on to

Nice historical revisionism.

Madokami. Not normal Madoka.

Homura was never really yandere in the series.

the glove puppets were funny but the story was pretty generic

Yeah, Rebellions was hated so much that it sold over 2x more than TV series.

And Madoka is the most happy when she is helping other, that is a huge part of her character and why she feel so useless for most of her life, for someone that claime to know the character you sure says stupid shit, pal.

They are the same person, Homura.

>It invented yandere timeloops, yes.